HL2 holster-esque action


Jul 16, 2004
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I've just downloaded the entire e3 2004 hl2/cs:s video (663mb :p) and watched it.

I'd say the reason i spotted this (in a part of the vid i've seen before) is because it was higher quality/detail.

On the father greggory (sp?) bit and the meeting with eli and his daughter;

You can see the USP pistol being lowered. In previous games, (don't ask which i can't remember) i've seen this sort of thing. It's sort of holstering your gun, like "you're friendly, i won't shoot, here look my gun is lowered/holstered". As it only happens when there's friendlys around i'd imagine that's what it is.

My Question though;

Is it automatic or is it another button?
If auto;
Does it work for other guns? if so why not on the striders part?
If manual;
What button and what use is it?

(will provide screenshots if needed)
It's an automatic reaction to warn you that friendlies are in the crosshair, you don't press a button for it. It's unknown whether it also prevents firing, but I'd guess not. You can also see it happen in the Strider video - when he holds the Mp7, he 'ducks' it out of the way as well.
It probably does prevent you from firing. It avoids those potential "unable to complete mission" or "game over" moments when you kill an important character.

However, that does make it more interesting, as you can attempt to find ways to kill them without using a gun :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
It probably does prevent you from firing. It avoids those potential "unable to complete mission" or "game over" moments when you kill an important character.

However, that does make it more interesting, as you can attempt to find ways to kill them without using a gun :)
Grenades just make it way too easy :hmph:
you can just position your ally under a shelf full of barrels and break the shelf =D
It would be highly unintelligent of Valve if you couldn't shoot when the gun auto-holsters. And since I'm not a Valve-basher, I don't think they will prevent us from shooting the shit out of Alyx having executed Eli infront of her.
I hate games where you can't kill your mates... totally reduces the immersiveness, and realism. It's not that I'm some sicko who wants to kill his friends, it's just that I want to know that if I WAS such a sicko, I could do it :p

I'd prefer you just got a mission failed screen after you killed someone really important.

Can you imagine playing HL1 without crowbarring a few scientists? ;)
haha yes, that was fun.

i want to be able to wack some random guys head off with a crowbar!
Abom said:
Grenades just make way too easy :hmph:

I guess the Ai will run from live nades :burp:

And yeah. Games with ff of is lame. You dont notice it that much, but somehow you can feel its there. VERY anoyingos! :rolling:
its automatic and the mp7 is also holstered in the strider part
i'm pretty sure valve put friendly fire in. this feature is just to remove intentional friendly fire. still, it'd be more fun with this feature disabled :D
I think your weapon is only lowered when it's necessary. As in, no enemies are around and your friends are talking to you. Would seem weird if you pointed your weapon at your friends as you do to your enemies, so maybe it's only in combat when your under pressure your weapon is drawn. If your in a safe place, why would you need a weapon out?
what if a scientist asks you a question and you don't respond and he gets angry and attacks you and your weapon is lowered?!
At a guess, it only happens when pointing at a friend (ok that was already discussed)
and if you click once it raises your gun ready for a shot, but after about 30secs it goes back down again. completely guessing though :)
i think it only happens with the characters that you can't kill off. The resistance regulars are disposable. Also someone mentioned cooking the grenade, I heard in some interview how similair the guns felt to the ones from hl1. Soo my guess is if you could do it in the first one they'll prolly let you do it in this one.
Could you post a pic please?
Well we saw some beta pics with Alix in blood, also some guys asked Gabe what would happen if we bit the Merde out of Alix, he responded with : "Dog would bit the hell out of you "

What if you're sniping with the crossbow and you're zoomed in, and you aim at a friendly, will the game auto-kick you out of zoom and make you lower the crossbow??

That would suck.
The only problem i see with this, is what if ur in a fire-fight, and a friendly runs past you, your gun then holsters, and a combine beams you before it gets back up. But Im sure Valve has done something. Probably much like Chriso said.
slider3005 said:
i think it only happens with the characters that you can't kill off. The resistance regulars are disposable. Also someone mentioned cooking the grenade, I heard in some interview how similair the guns felt to the ones from hl1. Soo my guess is if you could do it in the first one they'll prolly let you do it in this one.
If you watch the e3 2k4 Strider vids, you'll see that the gun gets lowered even when a resistance member walks in front- this really leads me to believe that it can be overriden, it's just there to warn you that you're shooting at a friend.
Dude, i would love to see what happens if you shoot alex while Eli is around (when you're in the lab), just to see what valve implemented in that kind of situation.
"Stop attacking! He's a friend!!" ahhh good times :D

theres no way a weapon restriction like that would make killing story characters impossible, what with the physics and all... so i'm guessing its just to serve a more passive function.. I hope.. because i dont want it doing that when i meet the gman.. first chance i get- i'm going to waste that guy...
"Hello misssster freeman... I lov..." BANG BANG BANG :LOL:
i just went back and watched the two strider videos again. In the first one he does lower his gun when friendlies run by. Sometimes he even lowers it when there isnt anyone in front of him. Go back and watch it again, he lowers it for a second before the guns in the friendlies face. And the next second its up again when he looking straight at the guy that tells you to lead on. Whats really wierd is that in the second strider video i didn't see him drop it once. And i'm positive that friendlies are in his way more than once in this take. I wonder if they used two different versions of the game, and if they did then which one is the new version.
In Elis lab, they probably holsterd the gun on purpous( make it look more cinematic), which they'll maby do in sertain areas where thers no shoting, only talking with allies.
But that would spoil any enemy sneak attack, like in Kleiners lab.
Gun holsterd = no enemy
Gun not holsterd = Something will happen, RUN! or shot.
Or they could atomaticaly unholster before the attack, or secounds after bacause your surprised.

Or its to remove that itching need to kill someone(frendly) while you listen to a looooong conversation :p.
It makes you wonder how the hell you can kill g-man...
because gabe said that it was a bad idea to kill the g-man
Also he said that dog will get you if you shoot alyx

So how can you do that stuff if you weapon goes in the holser?
its not "in the holster" for a start, that's just the best way i could describe it.

On the vids they gun is lowered, i'd imagine it raises when enemy get near or if you click once (again to shoot your mate in the foot :D)

wonder if it does it in multiplayer?! and if it does, if the other players can see your character do it. hmmmmmm..
chriso20 said:
its not "in the holster" for a start, that's just the best way i could describe it.

On the vids they gun is lowered, i'd imagine it raises when enemy get near or if you click once (again to shoot your mate in the foot :D)

wonder if it does it in multiplayer?! and if it does, if the other players can see your character do it. hmmmmmm..

Thats a good idea would reduce the risk of friendly fire, you would have less people kicking off :afro:
Aim at a friendly, gun is lowerd, if you shoot he will raise and shoot simultaniously, just to add a little pimp flava.
chriso20 said:
its not "in the holster" for a start, that's just the best way i could describe it.

On the vids they gun is lowered, i'd imagine it raises when enemy get near or if you click once (again to shoot your mate in the foot :D)

wonder if it does it in multiplayer?! and if it does, if the other players can see your character do it. hmmmmmm..

if that happens we'll see a no holster cheat :hmph:
but its a good idea yeah
It onlly appears with important characthers. Can any one tell me how the hell do you spell charater ?
Adrien C said:
It onlly appears with important characthers. Can any one tell me how the hell do you spell charater ?


(for other spell checks type it into google, it'l correct if wrong. Also for definitions type "define:elephant" and it'l define the word (in this case elephant ! :D) hope that helps)
yeah I'd think that maybe it only holsters for characters that are required for the game to develop. So if you shoot a civilian in battle it won't matter, you shoot Eli Vance and you can't progress to another area. I kinda liked it though in the first one where you could shoot whoever you wanted, even if they were vital and the black screen would come up telling you your status. It made you feel more free to do whatever you wanted, even though the game ended by you doing it.