Hl2 Hud

Hmm... you know what, just reading Shuzer's improptu diagram made me realise that AUX could well cover several abilities; maybe a key can cycle through the enabled skill, and in this case "Sprint" is selected? There's still an inordinate amount of people that just seem incapable of long-jumping or even crouch-jumping, so for all I know it could be a quick-use key... or maybe some enviormental hazards drain aux power instead of/as well as basic HEV energy... or some weapons use it... or...

OMG TEH SPECULATION! Either way, I think the squad menu is looking promising; and hopefully HL2 won't have any sort of NPC collection limit (I recall in the first game, at least before it was patched, you could only have a limited number of followers before one of them piped up with a "I'll stay here" message and went back to idling).
HL2 will be baller, that's all we need to know. The HUD will be baller, and sprinting will be baller.
Good question.

Anyway, I think the aux power will have several uses as before mentioned. Maybe even for pushing/pulling really heavy stuff.

BTW, can gordon even take off his suit? I know Alyx's dad said 'we'll get you out of that suit back into your lab coat where you belong' but was he just joking?
I'd say he can lose his suit for story purposes, though I have no idea whether or not they will do it.
Also btw, how does gordon see the hud if there's nothing around his eyes?
Hazar Dakiri said:
Also btw, how does gordon see the hud if there's nothing around his eyes?

It's only a game.
The HEV has a cable which shoots up Gordon's rectum and into his optic nerve so he can see the HUD.

And what on earth does 'baller' mean?
He has his helmet on when he's not posing for the camera :p

Else a better question would be, "why doesn't anyone shoot him in the head?"

Or: "Shouldn't he have died during the resonance cascade if he was wearing no helmet?"

But yeah, you never see the gordon model in the actual game, so you don't know if he wears a helmet or not, you only have the multiplayer model to go by, and some of them do wear helmets.
Murray_H said:
And what on earth does 'baller' mean?

I think he means "baller" as in "pimp". As in an NBA "baller". It's sometimes used to refer to someone with a lot of money/style.

I'll stop with my white guy analysis of street slang now before I sound too retarded though. :E
Would Valve leave out realistic reflective surfaces on purpose for the sole purpose of not showing you Gordon?

I remember in Duke Nukem I walked into a bathroom on one level for the first time and saw Duke in the mirror and starting shooting fanatically until I realized it was my refelection. It was a cool effect at the time. I'm sure it's not new tech or difficult to implement.
Munro said:
It's only a game.
dont know why but i found that very funny. i guess people forget this fact sometimes.
Actually, you can see gordon in-game.

type in 'thirdperson' into the console. It looks really weird and since the camera is facing his side you can't play in third person. (notice there is no helmet :))

I'll go with the glasses having the HUD in them. ;)
Umm.. you kind of missed the point. You're not SUPPOSED to see Gordon in game. So it's not like valve ever intended anybody to see if he was wearing a helmet or not.

Also to stop it facing the side use cam_idealyaw, cam_idealdist and cam_idealpitch to set the view how you like it ;)
Hazar Dakiri said:
Actually, you can see gordon in-game.

type in 'thirdperson' into the console. It looks really weird and since the camera is facing his side you can't play in third person. (notice there is no helmet :))

I'll go with the glasses having the HUD in them. ;)

cl_camidealyaw 0 is your friend
Shuzer said:
This was in last year's presentations as well :)

This is fairly new, first announced in PC Zone before E3

This is pretty cool, but I'm still on the fence about Gordon being able to sprint

he can, in the 2004 E³ vid before he takes out a Combine-soldier @ the crane he moves alot faster then normal sometimes.
Gotcha for the angle but HL was ment for 1st person. That's how I always play it.

To EVIL: I didn't notice either the aux power icon or gordon moving faster.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Yeah, I'm unsure about that too.

And how do you think the squad thing is going to work?
It didn't seem like they were acting as a squad too much.

How weren't they?

When Gordon moved in they followed. And the AI isn't dumb, they won't stick right next to you, they go and find cover.

Hazar Dakiri said:
To EVIL: I didn't notice either the aux power icon or gordon moving faster.

I just watched the E32k4 video, and it's quite clear that he sprints.
You see the AUX HUD-thingy pop up, and then he runs a bit faster.

Watch closely when he's running towards the crane.

To Vegeta897: Will you be able to tell them to flank, attack, hold back, draw fire, etc. easily? And how? With numbers?
Hazar Dakiri said:

To Vegeta897: Will you be able to tell them to flank, attack, hold back, draw fire, etc. easily? And how? With numbers?
Nobody knows, but I assume you can give basic commands, like go to where you are pointing, or lay down cover fire, or stand ground, w/e.

Valve also said you will absolutely not have to use the command system.
Good, I hated that every time I had to use it.
using that thirdperson in the console proves nothing (as if it ever did)... IIRC, you are the multiplayer model you select. I remeber I was screwing around in OP4 once, changed the multimodel to gman, and went into thirdperson and seen myself as the G-man...

I wasn't trying to prove something just make a point.