HL2 in Australia


Sep 4, 2004
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Does anyone know which magazine will be the first to have a HL2 review in Australia? Ive been looking around at newsagents and as far as i can tell we still dont have one!

there is no spoone - the matricks
yeah im an aussie, i also have been looking but to no avail.
i heard something about a review in pcpowerplay but i think that info may have been incorrect.
yeh i know PCPowerplay was gonna have one around the 20th, i just thought thered probably be something sooner...
Actually, we could get the issue of PC Zone UK which has the Half Life 2 review first. Heh, does seem like we've been a bit unlucky regarding Half Life 2 reviews.

So, just keep an eye open. Might be a tiny bit yet left to wait 'til we get one.
Yeah, I would say it's PCPP with the review.. (first review anyway).
Cool - it's good to see some fellow Aussies here. Considering the time I guess we are the only ones awake...lets go nuts!!!
Pc powerplay wont have a review in their next isue, thats what their editor has said.

we will have to wait for the imports :(, I have been scanning all magazine shops I know of.

anyone knws of a shop in the sydney city area which would import pc zone, pc gamer, computer gaming world etc?
by the time we get any magazine reviews the game will probably have been reviewed online. nuts to reading, i'll just watch a video reveiw.
Egon, are you talking about the last issue which was meant to have a review but said "We apologize etc etc will have a review next time"
or is the next one not going to have a review either??
PCPP Issue #105 (I think), November, doesn't have a HL2 review but has a quick CS:S BETA review and an apology in the editorial saying next issue should have a full review.

Picked it up yesterday.
I don't personally read PCPP, I will check out online reviews. But I've bought my GOLD edition this morning :)
PCPP won't have a review in #105 (this month) or #106, confirmed by the editor.