hl2 is going to be annoying (good way)


Aug 1, 2003
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Half-Life 2 is sooo going to annoy me because...

*in a Great way*

Well do any of you, When u are playing a game that you have waited for, for a long time want to explore every area of the game. IE see if all the doors open, if there is two passages you want to go down them both just so you dont miss out on anything.

Like medal of honour. When there was two different routes i saved it. Took one route, then went back and took the other. *but the other was a dead end*.

I know half life 2 is huge so i am going to be spending AGES just trying to see if every door opens and explore it all!

ARRRGHHH cant wait hehehehe.
There are also a few multiple routes leading to the same place throughout the game, so you can go back and find those as well.
Abom said:
There are also a few multiple routes leading to the same place throughout the game, so you can go back and find those as well.

Or die trying. i think that , City 17 is a HUGE city , and because of that , you can choose multiple ways to get in the same way to pass the level :naughty:
It'd be so kewl if there would be multiple endings, or the end would depend how you have played the game. :D

yeah i like multiple routes but i hate when you can tell which one is the right way because thre are enimies there :)
PenaE said:
It'd be so kewl if there would be multiple endings, or the end would depend how you have played the game. :D

I veeeeeeeeery much doubt that. But it is cool in games but in Half-life I don't think it would work.
Wich way ??

1 - Straight tight tall corridor whit one strider blocking it, PS . The dor closes just after you pass trought it !

2 - A Very muddly sewer whit thousants of headcrabs, zombies-stuff and manhacks

3 - A small dark room whit g-man sitted behind a Non-breakable Glass looking to you , the door closes just after you pass it

Weapons - Glock and Crowbar, but Dr Kleiner´s is covering you up whit a ammoless glock too ( he really dont know how to reload it ! :angel: )
I'd rather have a freeform non linear style like Morrowind, makes playability infinite and doesn't limit the game to just 2 or 3 routes.

Having said that tho' I will be exploring everything and drooling over the graphics for the first 6 hour session.
Now that, is a great avatar, Cr0m.

I think the Manipulator will add a whole new element to the gameplay - shoot or manipulate, shoot or manipulate etc.
Will HL2 be very huge? I mean can you walk almost everywhere, or is it a direct road to the chapters? Example, gta is huge and free. I hope city 17 will be huge and free, when i look at the strider binks, it is not very many places to go, all roads blocks.
>>NoTarget<< said:
Will HL2 be very huge? I mean can you walk almost everywhere, or is it a direct road to the chapters? Example, gta is huge and free. I hope city 17 will be huge and free, when i look at the strider binks, it is not very many places to go, all roads blocks.

These games dont work like that.

One of the reasons games like Medal of Honour Allied Shitsult sucked so much, is because its the same kind of run and gun in a streight line crap that most games are.

"Hey i want to go down here OPP theres a jeep parked in my way. Hmmm maybe ill go this way WHOA theres an impassable steal bush blocking the way. Gee, it almost seems like im running in a straight line with some germans in the middle. FUN!!"

Playing a game like operation flashpoint will ruin most fps for you, because after playing a game where you can run anywhere without invisble walls, being able to pick up anything and use any vehical you can see spoils you for other games.
I expect you'll be able to explore, i.e go one way then retrace your steps to see if you've missed any ammo/weapons/secrets.
-=DouglasteR= said:
Wich way ??

1 - Straight tight tall corridor whit one strider blocking it, PS . The dor closes just after you pass trought it !

2 - A Very muddly sewer whit thousants of headcrabs, zombies-stuff and manhacks

3 - A small dark room whit g-man sitted behind a Non-breakable Glass looking to you , the door closes just after you pass it

Weapons - Glock and Crowbar, but Dr Kleiner´s is covering you up whit a ammoless glock too ( he really dont know how to reload it ! :angel: )

Um, i would go through the door with the G-Man :angel:
crownest said:
Um, i would go through the door with the G-Man :angel:

Well , it said that dr breen is his enemy , but he not like the "resistance" too ( that include Alyx , Eli , Kleiner etc.. ) .

You must use them Mr Freeman , use them to archive you goals whit Breen , and then , then.. ( Wierd Breath sound ) Do what you must do .

He step out of you vision and the another door on your left opens :

You go :

- To the new opened door
- Back from where you come
- Try to Break the glass and put a end on G-man

-=DouglasteR= said:
Well , it said that dr breen is his enemy , but he not like the "resistance" too ( that include Alyx , Eli , Kleiner etc.. ) .

You must use them Mr Freeman , use them to archive you goals whit Breen , and then , then.. ( Wierd Breath sound ) Do what you must do .

He step out of you vision and the another door on your left opens :

You go :

- To the new opened door
- Back from where you come
- Try to Break the glass and put a end on G-man

What? What the fudge are you talking about?
PenaE said:
It'd be so kewl if there would be multiple endings, or the end would depend how you have played the game. :D


It'd be good for HL3 (Or whichever one ends the series), but not for one that's looking for a squel, hard to write a story for that "How did you end the game... Did you;
A, Die?
B, Keep working for G-man?
C, Join the Combine?" at the start of HL3... Ya good shit :/
Obviously, HL2 will be very linear otherwise it would be hyped up by Valve and the community already.

Linear, multiple routes, non linear , they are all aspects of the single more important element which is the noun they are describing, gameplay. If the gameplay isn't fun it doesn't matter if you can leave City 17, catch a flight to Fiji and sit on the beach drinking Kava kava in the game.

Half Life was very linear, a type of gameplay that I don't neccesarily like, but the game itself was so fun it did not bother me.

I am certain Valve will take the same formula that made HL successful and apply it to HL2.
I like Linear fps.
And i also like exploring the levels, to see what everyhing does. And to find those secret animation scenes, like in HL right after the dissaster and you try and leave the complex through the Transit system. Only to find out that the "bridge" is broken and a sientist falls down. hehehe!. that was a funny scene.
007 was linear on the N64 but it kicked ass. Max Payne two is linear but it kicks ass. CounterStrike is linear but it kicks ass. What do all these games have in commom? They all make use of their limited space to make the game fun.

007 used unlockable cheats and race against time tactics to make the game challenging. Max Payne to lets you unlock difficulties. It's also a hell of a lot of fun to gun people down. It's never the same, each time you gun someone.

Counterstrike hasn't changed jack all since it was made. But the Balence and ever-growing strategy of it did.

Hl2. Is like a good book. Some people read them over, others don't. HL replay is the mods. In my opinion it's worth it.
czrsink said:
Now that, is a great avatar, Cr0m.


Original halflife linear storyline was effective because you had an overall goal - get to the surface. The trend in games now though is to get you to fight through individual, completely random 'missions' with no continuity which sucks and is a cop-out for game designers IMO. I'm hoping this isn't the case with HL2.

The good Half Life spots seemed to work because of a hybrid of linear and freeform. The goal for one area was preset (blow open a certain door, say). The freeform came in how you played the area, which often presented choices like blasing through marines, letting marines and aliens fight it out a bit first, running through while they fought, etc.

Hopefully they'll expand on this in HL2.
I concur with original post to extent.
Similar to RPGs, I'll try every nook and cranny hoping for a payoff of some sort.
Curiosity should be payed off : )
One problem for me is.. see on the video where he walks, slowly shoots the wodden supports , lets the crate fall on there head?

well for me that wouldnt happen.. i just jump down and pwn em all quake style :D

so im obviously gonna miss out of loads of cool kinda scenes :(
TopDog said:
One problem for me is.. see on the video where he walks, slowly shoots the wodden supports , lets the crate fall on there head?

well for me that wouldnt happen.. i just jump down and pwn em all quake style :D

so im obviously gonna miss out of loads of cool kinda scenes :(

Take your time and Analyze your surroundings.
well FYI C17 is not huge. You cant wander aimlessly about a metropolis going where u like. Theyre pretty much small linear levels . sure some are alot bigger like the 'coast' levels where u need the vehicle and the 'town' levels where its like one big level but u play it in sections.

to explain more u see diffirent parts of C17..alot of them but they load seperatley they are not rendered as one huge city.
cool replys!

Yea it is gonna be huge i can just see it. I mean sometimes when there is multiple routes going to the same place, itis still annoying. I mean it is annoying because in hl2 which i have been waiting for, for ages. Well i wont want to miss anything in the game.

down one route could be a easter egg... another someone talking and the other extra enermys to kill.

Cant wait for this game :D
TopDog said:
One problem for me is.. see on the video where he walks, slowly shoots the wodden supports , lets the crate fall on there head?

well for me that wouldnt happen.. i just jump down and pwn em all quake style :D

so im obviously gonna miss out of loads of cool kinda scenes :(
thats the sort of things i am trying to say. i mean we are bound to miss alot of things.

so this game is going to have HUGE RE-playabilaty (spelling)
you went one way then decide to come back and go the other way bust thru a locked door and " huh: Mr Freeman. your NOt suppose to be here. as a matter of fact your not. teleported back to the paly you chose the path, (voice in game) get back in line Mr. Freeman.

ukfluke said:
well FYI C17 is not huge. You cant wander aimlessly about a metropolis going where u like. Theyre pretty much small linear levels . sure some are alot bigger like the 'coast' levels where u need the vehicle and the 'town' levels where its like one big level but u play it in sections.

to explain more u see diffirent parts of C17..alot of them but they load seperatley they are not rendered as one huge city.

I beg to differ C17 is huge, of course you will have set paths like any other game and you can't go shopping in its mom and pops grocery stores or go to the combine only club, you will see a whole lot of the city and choose a lot of paths you want to take and how to take them... they are deffiently not small linear levels.
Citizen 1150421 said:
you went one way then decide to come back and go the other way bust thru a locked door and " huh: Mr Freeman. your NOt suppose to be here. as a matter of fact your not. teleported back to the paly you chose the path, (voice in game) get back in line Mr. Freeman.

Word dude.
JackKerouac said:
I beg to differ C17 is huge, of course you will have set paths like any other game and you can't go shopping in its mom and pops grocery stores or go to the combine only club, you will see a whole lot of the city and choose a lot of paths you want to take and how to take them... they are deffiently not small linear levels.

if u call huge 3 streets then yes they are huge :p
Yeah, like HL1. I just run through the game and clear the enemies out, i didnt recieve much of the story line as i never spoke to any barny's or scientists, only used em when needed.

i just storm through, kill everything, next room. etc etc

HL2 im gonna walk thru it.. then start again and walk thru it again :D
Little off topic...but does anyone know what the population of City 17 is?

5 Million maybe?
i'm gonna try to rip as much of the scenery apart as i can.
AJ Rimmer said:
I veeeeeeeeery much doubt that. But it is cool in games but in Half-life I don't think it would work.

Why not?

wonkers said:
007 was linear on the N64 but it kicked ass. Max Payne two is linear but it kicks ass. CounterStrike is linear but it kicks ass.

How in the world is Counter-Strike linear?? It is an online multiplayer game.
yeah i h8 that...

i hate how thers 2 many ways 2 go 2 :(... in a good way