hl2 is going to be annoying (good way)

It crushes the story.

Flashpoints aim was to put you in the most completly realistic war game at the time (and i think still is), where you are a soldier with a mission and you make the action on how to complete it.

HL2 is like a novel, your reading somone elses carfully constructed story.
inkined said:
i hate how thers 2 many ways 2 go 2 :(... in a good way
yea i agree.

i mean it sometimes annoys me, because i just stop. and look both ways. I know i have to choose one, but when i finally do...Well then i keep thinking back to where the other route could of taken me GRRRRRR

lol still end of day it is so cool because u know you are playing a game with many routes. and just endless fun