HL2..is the artificial intelligence for real? Or is everything scripted? read inside.

Feath said:
You do know that AI is just programmed don't you? It's not really alive. A serious of scripted events that make the AI seem real is the actual definition of AI.

"OMG, It only shot at me because someone programmed it to".

Actually the true definition of A.I. follows the idea of self-awareness...

Also used is the Turing Test:

Quote said:
Alan Turing was a brilliant British mathematician who played a great role in the development of the computer. The imitation game, nowadays known as the Turing test, was devised by Turing as a method for deciding whether or not a computer program is intelligent.

The Turing test takes place between an interrogator and two subjects. The interrogator communicates with these subjects via a computer terminal, and must decide which is a human being and which is a computer program. The human being helps the interrogator to make the correct identification, while the computer program attempts to trick the interrogator into making the wrong identification. If the latter case occurs, the computer program is said to be exhibiting intelligence (Turing, 1992).

One of the great advantages of the Turing test is that it allows the interrogator to evaluate almost all of the evidence that we would assume to constitute thinking (Moor, 1976). For instance, the interrogator can pose hypothetical situations in order to ask the subjects how they would react.

Alan Turing died in 1954, a decade before conversation simulators such as ELIZA emerged. It is indeed unfortunate that he did not live to witness his test being performed. One cannot help but think that he would have been disappointed.

In this screenshot u can see the HINT's for the ai, when a soldier for example steps on a hint it prolly tells him what he can do in diffrent sittuations exampel:

A hint behind a table says:

If not under attack: do nothing
If under attack: duck
duck + fire
duck + grenade
keep on running

my 45 cents
My 3.141 cents: I thought the same thing when I saw that screen shot.
It would be really really hard to script all the AI. Tedious and time consuming. I don't think there is anyway that HL2 can be scripted the whole way through. Maybe for major events, like a death of a friend, or near traps, it is scripted. Even then, it would only be partially scripted.

Your friend's friend may think that it is scripted beacause
A: He has an old leaked version with incomplete AI
B: (most likely) No game has mastered Artificial Intelligence. It will take a long time before any game does. He might have noticed a bug or something similair.

i must argue that the AI in supermario one is not scripted. Like look at those koopa troopas. They consistently go in the direction until they reach an obsticle, then they turn around. Its a very sophistaced patrol route, and is still in use today. Perhaps if the koopa troopas werent so blind it would be more realistic in a sense, but it still is sophisticated... But i must stress that the koopa troopas are not scripted its simply triggered events.
mirageacg said:
Actually the true definition of A.I. follows the idea of self-awareness...

Also used is the Turing Test:

I meant the definition of Computer Game AI.
...or run up the hill to call for reinforcements, then upon the reinforcements seeing you, you can actually hear and see the leader giving hand signals and screaming things like "LEFT FLANK!" and see several bodies dissapear into the foliage in that direction.

Calling for reinforcements isn't anything new. Hearing the other soldiers "communicate" or "giving commands" is just to draw you in; it's a very effective atmospheric effect.

See: GoldenEye (1997), Half Life (1998), Perfect Dark (2000), many old games

At least for FPS games like this, there's nothing new to really bring to the table. If they see you they will shoot at you. They may call for reinforcements. They may move as a group. They may throw grenades at you when you hide. Big whoop. The last new thing I saw that made me go "cool" was enemies taking serious advantage of the terrain for cover...and that was probably before the turn of the century.

I'm not saying better AI couldn't be taken advantage of in different genres. But for a shooter it's another story IMO...just another thing to put by a bullet on the back of the box.
In addition to the generic AI, there is scripting and there are AI hints.
Scripting is used to drive the story. You can't expect cool things to just happen if you leave it up to AI. However the scripting is designed to be less obvious then in HL.

There are also hints that prompt the AI in a certain direction although it's not hard scripted in.
mirageacg said:
Actually the true definition of A.I. follows the idea of self-awareness...

Also used is the Turing Test:

the Turing Test isn't a definition of AI.
it's a definition of intelligence, and a test to determine if it is present (wether Artifical or not). read ur own quote.

AI is a whole field of programming to do with simulating intelligence, learning, behaviour etc.

the code controlling Half-Life 2's enemies is AI code.
Feath said:
You do know that AI is just programmed don't you? It's not really alive. A serious of scripted events that make the AI seem real is the actual definition of AI.

"OMG, It only shot at me because someone programmed it to".
exactly. even though certain cool events an enemy does might be specifically "scripted" i think the way valve incorporates these into the game will be done well.
Lets just all agree that HL2 will own :).
The Mullinator said:
I thought the Farcry AI was already something like that, although I just played the demo so I could be very wrong.

Yes FarCry's AI is very good.
The AI in hl2 is going to be amazing! In fact as we speak a headcrab is hard at work coding hl3.
A friend of a friend of a friend said his uncle says he works for............

I smell BS again.
I loved Far Cry, but the AI in it was absolute crap.

If you want to always win against the enemy soldiers; find a bush. Hide in bush. Fire weapon.

Then you just have to pick them out one by one as they walk right by you without noticing you at all. I mean, a guy in a small bush with a machinegun shooting, should be pretty visible. They never spotted me, until the last level with the volcanos, when a soldier accidentally stepped on me and started firing randomly.

Lets not forget when they accidentally kill their mates either...
And the AI in Far Cry "cheated" on higher difficulties. From the looks of things the AI in HL2 appears to think and move faster then Far Cry's.
My freinds, cousin's, uncles, babys, sister's dog apparently reckons biozeminades are the only AI objects in the games and the others all have to be scripted
pixartist said:
all this is ONLY about scripting. you know, AI != map scripting. So this thread is about the question if the AI is really advanced or not, and with your statement one could assume that the AI is still the same as in HL1 and just the scripting was improved. Noone can say how far the new AI is improved, but i am really sure that it's not much different in comparison to other games.

Actually, it's not. I probably didn't segue properly, but part of the advancement is that AI and scripting are to some extent more mixed up and recombined. For instance, a combine kicking down a door can be both a pre-ordained event OR a spontaneous event. This is because the event is broken down into smaller pieces. The plot can trigger a Combine to kick down a door. Or the enemy AI can trigger it when the combine finds its path blocked by a moveable physics object. In HL1, the door kick would have to be completely scripted out from start to finish. In HL2, the pieces of the event can operate all together or independantly, depending on what triggers each element.

And AI is ultimately made "better" not by the enemy's IQ getting higher (heck, the first bots in Quake knew exactly where you were at all times!) or making them do random things, but by giving enemies a much wider range of responses to different stimuli that adapt to different circumstances.
There we go! Finally, an explanation that actually explains it. Thnx Apos. That's a very cool way of doing things, and I'm sure it'll provide for a much different experience each time through the game.
As said before, if your "friend" was actually a real beta tester, he would already be fired, and probably sued for breaking the NDA.