hl2...... just a rumor?

  • Thread starter Thread starter nobodyspecial
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it has been stated in many credible sources that hl2 is just a rumor, and not actually going to be released ever.... is this true?
Yes, Gabe was just lieing, CNN.com had an article about it but took it off later because of unknown reasons.
I swear it's someone who's already been here for a while just messing around.

Just a warning, I've asked an admin... not a mod, an admin... to do an IP check and find out who you are. Watch yourself.
'cause we're gonna hunt you down like the dog you are!:flame:

EDIT: sorry if I offended anyone, dogs are really nice animals.
man chris your harsh... maybe this guy is just a noob and trying to be funny, but really this could go in off topic if you were looking for a laugh
Originally posted by Chris_D
I swear it's someone who's already been here for a while just messing around.

Just a warning, I've asked an admin... not a mod, an admin... to do an IP check and find out who you are. Watch yourself.

I think he's right. No one can be that stupid and live through the day without choking on his shoelaces...
Originally posted by nobodyspecial
it has been stated in many credible sources that hl2 is just a rumor, and not actually going to be released ever.... is this true?

notice how he has 2 posts on these forums.
Innervision, I am only harsh to the stupid, and this guy is clearly stupid.
Originally posted by Chris_D
I swear it's someone who's already been here for a while just messing around.

Just a warning, I've asked an admin... not a mod, an admin... to do an IP check and find out who you are. Watch yourself.
Blimey, that almost sounds like a threat. Why not just delete it?
lol i meant no hard feelings chris i kinda like browsing around watching you bash the idiots
i cant wait to get his IP or Adress for that matter...
nobodyspecial, watch your back when you step out of your house next time...accidents can happen....
In a thread he made asking if HL2 was delayed until 2004 or indefinitely which was closed.
Originally posted by Chicken
i cant wait to get his IP or Adress for that matter...
nobodyspecial, watch your back when you step out of your house next time...accidents can happen....
I think this is probably the way to deal with trolls. Half-Life 2 fan boys like to play rough.

Getting his IP address can't really kill him when he steps out of his house.
Originally posted by nw909
Getting his IP address can't really kill him when he steps out of his house.

Track his IP :)
Then find him and make a little accident
That's a little harsh. I'm just curious as to who it is. If it is just a new guy then fair enough, but if it's someone that's been here a while mascarading as a new guy I'd be quite disappointed in them.
Oic, I used know an IP tracking site but it sucked, it said my city was like 500 miles away from the city I really live in.
HL2 has been delayed until 1562 P.R.B. or so it was when I went into the future. You see, the P.R.B. years will begin after the third world war in 2053, P.R.B. standing for Post Religious Beliefs. The major world powers destroyed all religious items due to the incapability to live in peace whilst religion was still openly practiced. They started a whole new system which was more successful and wouldn't cause wars.

...or so they thought...
It's almost amazing to see how easy it is to provoce reactions from stupid persons. Why does someone even bother to reply to such a stupid thread like this. I don't even know why I bother...

Guess I'm stupid and bored...
Originally posted by Xadoom
It's almost amazing to see how easy it is to provoce reactions from stupid persons. Why does someone even bother to reply to such a stupid thread like this. I don't even know why I bother...

Guess I'm stupid and bored...

He didn't provoke anything except his own bannishment. We reply to these threads with the usual banter so that others who might actually be new to the boards can understand that the delay threads are fake and usually pranks. It's not because we're stupid, bored maybe but not stupid :)
Because if I don't then someone else will. And why would you even bother to reply to such stupid people who reply to such stupid threads in a stupid thread? Using your logic you must be about as intelligent as the most retarded person in the whole forum.
Aww hes not online, can't trace him

anyway, the best I could find out if I had it was where he lives (City,State,Country)
Originally posted by nw909
Aww hes not online, can't trace him

anyway, the best I could find out if I had it was where he lives (City,State,Country)

and? i dont think the goal is to find out where he lives, it's simply to see if his ip matches the ip of any other users who have been registered here for awhile.

anyone can use tracert.
I know, but it would be fun to see where he lives, or at least where his ISP is located :(
No, no.

They had an article later about how the game was never real, and how Gabe was lieing about the whole thing, they later took it off.
haha are you serious???, try to find it ide love to take a gander