HL2 Marketing project part 2!

Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ok guys thanks for helping me in the first part of my audience reaserch, i printed off all you responses and condenced the info into a table, and created a questionnare. yup youve guessed it i want you my little pixie helpers to fill out my questionnare in MS excell and post your reply file (in a ZIP file) back here under the name "HL2 Survey answered (your nic here)" if you could do that again it would be helpful!

Please remember to put your nic in the name of the zip file and of the book file as it will quicken my work up!

Thanks AGAIN!


  • HL2 marketing Survey.zip
    2.8 KB · Views: 312
You need to brush up the spelling on your questionnaire and I think that in your q about hl2 special edition extras you missed out the very important 'multiplayer' option so you may get a lot of 'others' for that q.
Thanks johnnyapps!

In response to the multiplayer bit, when you list your features for the special edition assume that the verson of the actual game is the full version; single and multi, thats why i put multiplayer in the assests part.
Why a excel sheet? You should be happy, that kspread handle this...
But it can't save it back in xls. So html for you.
Here ya go! Good luck...

I'd love to see your results at the end of this! And you really should pass the info along to Valve as well!
Here you go, make sure and let us know the results :D
This was pretty fun, but it shouldnt be in Excel form, kinda difficult to scroll around and stuff.
vegeta897 said:
This was pretty fun, but it shouldnt be in Excel form, kinda difficult to scroll around and stuff.

should be in Word format or something...although im giving him the benefit of the doubt and say he put the way he did for a *reason* :p
You can easily add and compile results with excel without having to retype info.
It is very efficent for data.

Here ya go.