HL2 Matrix based Mod Idea.


Apr 30, 2006
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Ok just a quick test of the water if anyone has any insight into if it would be possible with the Source Engine (Or if there is any interest,) to make a Matrix SHIP based mod

I.E. THe ships, tunnels, sentinals ect, (Possibly team play/Possibly Single player.
Objective based.

All coments welcome :)
Sentinels would be awesome to see, but overall, I think it would require a TON of work and finding people would be near impossible.
I can agree there would be a lot of work involved, (which I view as mostly code, unless I am very wrong).

And why so hard to find people ?? Is the comunity that dead already ?
A load of coding but also models and textures and everything. It would require a hell of a lot. As do all HL2 TCs. In fact, so do mods for them to be any good.
Yes well I guessed texture and models, but I refer to the more unusual work loads.....Coding is the main thing that comes to mind.

My point is, models (the ships dont move to much, not majorly anyway, sentinals ok a lot more but still nothing like animating something walk...(precisely) its not anatomicaly correct to anything else.

Mapping, HL2 mapping, nothing much really out of hte norm......

Code on the other hand, The phyics for the ships and sentinals, and AI ect....

If you see my point (I'm not denying your very true comment).
Yeah, I'd been referring to the art side of things. The HL2 AI and physics are already pretty awesome, and it wouldn't really require a lot of code change - unless you went INTO the matrix and wanted to incorporate agents, bullet-time, etc.
No no all in the "real", as for the art work, its not actually a lot, rather a smaller number of things you have to get right....Ships, sentinals and other machinesm and then the rest is odds and sods for the maps, static meshes ect...

The code that concerns me is physics based (I had this idea of the hover pods on the ships actually REALLY powering them), so you can do a fair amount of the stunts from the movies and if they were to be removed it would affect the flight controls, thats where i see the work...(but then again im no code monkey :D).
What about animating the Sentinel's "tentacles"? That sounds like an animator's worst nightmare.
Thanks YORICK for the link, it his work was good, :D, nice concept, like he said he could do a 2000 low poly version lol, the one he made was 250000 or something there abouts,

As for the tentacles....I'm not a great animator (I mostly just build things), but..(flying around they all move the same or something close to that, so....1 animated tentacle....duplicated and change the timing round so they all intertwine (if you get the timing right they should never touch), landing and other stuff I agree would be......tedious, but im sure animation blending and keyframes can make it easier....
And when they die....rag doll.....

I get the feeling that I might be alone in the quest to make this mod lol....

Oh if anyone knows what the max map size in HL2 ?, thats the only weakness I see for the HL2 Engine so far.
Well should be fairly doable, the mapping should not be too hard, as for the tunnels you dont need tans of details since it will be flying by really fast.
Yes i agree the hardest task will be the coding no doubt, the rest would require a few models(sentinel and the big human ships) and then some repeating textures for tunnels and that's baiscly about it.
Could be fun if done right.
Thanks YORICK for the link, it his work was good, :D, nice concept, like he said he could do a 2000 low poly version lol, the one he made was 250000 or something there abouts

Follow the thread, he made a lower poly one with an awesome alpha mask or whatever on it, but did have trouble getting it in game. (I'm in class so I can't really look it up now). After that he started to make Neo.
Are there any programmers out there who have an insight into if it can be coaded (The flight pyhsics for the ships and a plable control system in a real world, yes I/someone can code that) and just how much work it will be ?

Even better if someone wants to put foward to help :D
Lots of work. Too much work. You should probably just forget about it. :\

And sorry to say, but if I was a coder, I would certainly not work for anyone who spells coded with an 'a'. I find that offensive. :|
Doesn't make it wrong. Most of the mods that people come up with are ridiculously ambitious. And 90% of them fail.
Oh... I'm sorry. That was probably misleading. I am a coder actually and I can tell you that it would be a hell of a lot of work. I wouldn't wanna code it. As far as my second comment about your spelling, no coder is just gonna work for any old idiot. Even if your idea is golden, there is too much work involved and too much investment needed to bother ****ing around with someone who could be incompetent. Sorry, but as a coder, those are my thoughts.
well thankyou for your comment, that made a great deal more sense, as for the spelling I can see where that gives a certain impression, but in this case it is actually related to a long term medical condition.
well thankyou for your comment, that made a great deal more sense, as for the spelling I can see where that gives a certain impression, but in this case it is actually related to a long term medical condition.

Not to dissuade your claim, but by my estimate 40% of people who spell badly use that excuse. Every single person I've met who has any kind of learning disorder has worked harder to compensate for it and not come across as a moron.
Well thankyou for not slagging of my reason from the go, It is actually not a learning disorder, the difficulty is more spending the first 4-5 years in almost constant hospitalisation, as of..it did'nt really help.

But my main point is enough of that eh!!
lets stay on topic.
Wow, the forums sure are packed full of asshole comments lately.

On another note, it would be a cool mod. I personally enjoyed the Matrix, so I'd love any kind of mod like this. As you were thinking, yes it would take alot of coding work. More so than most other mods. As for textures and models, what mod doesn't require these things. Like anybody else would tell you, it would take time to do. It doesn't mean it's not do-able.
Thanks for the comment :D, plus the Cat thing......communist leader weird lol.

I was thinking Stalin myself