
I never said that Matrix was based off of HL or the other way around

I just was pointing out similarities

The GMan and Agent Smith are so alike its insane
Dougy said:
The matrix was based on a semi succseful japanese comic book series made well before valve even thought of Hl.

I watched some program when the 2nd film came out and it showed you the comic book, it wasnt called the matrix but it was the same concept of machines harvesting humans etc...

Thats why so many people made those "animatrix" programs to go with the films.

It must have been purely heavy inspiration then, because if it was based on a comic book, I would know (and someone would have sued by now). I'm not claiming The Matrix is completely original (god knows there are almost as many influences in here as a Quentin Tarentino movie), but I don't think it was directly based on a comic book. I used to hang out on too many matrix message boards to not know this sort of thing. If it was based on a comic book, then why are there "The Matrix" comics? Surely if there was a comic book series before The Matrix, there would be no point? They'd just translate the original japanese comics instead. you may have mis-interpreted the program.

And surely The Animatrix was just the Brothers wanting to incorporate anime into telling stories within The Matrix universe? If you're thinking there's a connection because of all japenese style, well that's because the directors were japenese.
nc17 said:
I never said that Matrix was based off of HL or the other way around
I just was pointing out similarities
The GMan and Agent Smith are so alike its insane
1. I know you weren't saying that.
2. There are few-no similarities. If you look for them you'll find them, even if they are shaky.
3. You're right. They're simililar in the way they speak, the suit and the menacing demeanour. However they're menacing for different reasons - Smith has a violent streak, whereas the G-Man doesn't have/need that - they both share an unwordly quality. Also, they're both very very cool.
gunstarhero said:
Halflife 2, as I have come to understand it, is more like 1984 than anything else and maybe a bit like the war of worlds or whatever it is called because of the striders. It is not like the matrix at all. The matrix *excluding the first one* was absolutely horrible. It was like they sat though philosophy 101 and decided to try *key word is try* and make a clever movie. They failed horribly and the third was worse than the second we can all agree. Plus Matrix isn't even that special to begin with content wise. It is all anime stuff just live acted to make it more palatable.... i mean no COOL or should I say KEWL kid wants to be caught watching anime.
exactly. when i saw the hl2 trailers i immediately thought "this reminds me of 1984" (esp in the apartment scene)
Jadewolf5675 said:
I knew people would think HL2 ripped off the agent smith character.

HL2 came in 1998, Matrix came in 1999.
Since I can't edit my post, let me just say that I meant HL, not HL2 - in my earlier post. :p
Jadewolf5675 said:
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The G-Man character was created wayyy before Agent Smith.
Nah he wasn't, seeing as how long The Matrix was in production. It's merely a coincidence, I imagine.
Anyways, besides that similarity there are no links between HL2 and The Matrix. Anyone who says otherwise is plain wrong, so there.
el Chi said:
Nah he wasn't, seeing as how long The Matrix was in production. It's merely a coincidence, I imagine.
Anyways, besides that similarity there are no links between HL2 and The Matrix. Anyone who says otherwise is plain wrong, so there.

There is no crowbar, Mr. Freeman. hmmm...
on the e3 03 psyche video, the text that flashes past. at the bottom it reads '...energy remnants in the simulation' which sounds alot like the matrix! although i dont really believe this theory, i had to point that out :)
"dark energy"... Which sounds like something to do with teleportation side-effects...
This thread is quite pointless because how can you compare HL2 to The Matrix when you have no idea what the game is going to be like... remember there are going to be some suprises
nc17 said:
Has anyone noticed that HL2 is SO much like the matrix series?

First of all there is the GMAN, he is obviously Agent Smith from the matrix

Gman: "Hello miiiister freeman"
Agent Smith: "Hello Miiiister Anderson"

Then there is Alyx who would be Trinity

Next we have Gordon who is obviously Neo "but a much more convinving actor then reves"

And then we have the Combine who would be the Machines

If planet Xen makes a return in HL2 it would be the "Real World" and C17 would be the world created to mask the truth

Wouldn't be a nice thing to hide the truth though like the Matrix.
has anyone suggested that half-life was developed before the matrix so if anything the matrix is copying half-life?
Us half-life fans compare Half-life with Matrix, while christians compare The Bible with Matrix. It's all relative.
Another similarity:

In The Matrix, The Source is the machine mainframe.

In HL2, Source is the game's engine.
