HL2 Menu and VGUI Info


Jul 2, 2003
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I asked Erik about the Hl2 menu, and also a little bit on vehicles:

Erik Johnson says:
It will be similar and somewhat familiar, but there will be some changes from things we've learned.

The VGUI system in place with Steam and Counter-Strike 1.6 will be used for Half-Life 2.

Me: Can NPCs and/or multiple players travel in the same vehicle?

Erik Johnson says:
Not sure about that.

Why was the Valve Info thread locked btw?

Yeah i never thought that the steam VGUI was good. i hope they have changed it abit. ;(
The new fonts are a bit ugly. But the gui is way better than most gui's in games.
I don't mind the VGUI for steam. I actually kinda like it...

What i'm afriad of, though, is having to connect to STEAM just to play multiplay in HL2...... :O
I don't think you have to connect through Steam to play Hl2 MP, Erik said before that it was separate from the game .exe.
Steam is in beta, of course it's buggy. I doubt they'd release HL2 on a beta program. Plus Erik said that they plan on making the Steam VGUI "skinnable" in the future.
Yup, great for getting free VALVe products!
Steam is great at sucking.

If i want to connect to a game i'll use All Seeing Eye. If I want to download updates, i'll download the updates from http.

I always use old buy menus in CS (when i used to play) because the VGUI menus were just so incredibly poor.
Steam in final version will be amazing. If you want to download the updates, it will do it auto. If you want to find servers, you can do so in game and out of game. If you want to talk to friends in private window, you'll be able to do that, mostly bug free I'm assuming.

But as wesisapie said, for now, it's not that hot. Although it's ok.
I can't wait for Steam non-beta. It will rock!
I like the new steam interface in game when I play TFC. but don't like how there's very few servers visible when I look for one through the steam interface. I also don't like the changes it made to the TFC interface menu. If you accidently bring it up, you have to select SOMETHING to get rid of it. Esc ust brings up more crap.
You can press alt-f4. No joke, it gets rid of the black shadow thing. The reason there are almost no TFC servers is no glitch. There aren't that many servers unfortunately. I'd love to play TFC on Steam. Iplayed it once, it has a teleporter, etc. So cool.
Yeah, the steam gui needs a lot more work. I understand it's beta, but what is a beta FOR if not for complaining about? :) It isn't as intuitive as the HL1 menus, wher esc would always take you a level back, and there were many levels of options. Juts feels clunky and flashy, as if it's a java applet.
I dunno if the servers on steam are all the same as the regular servers. All the regular half-life servers are full of steam people, and I don't see the TFC servers I normally play on. Weird...
No, they aren't the same servers... They are Steam-only servers, since the games you play in Steam are Betas. You can't play on normal TFC servers because you have a newer beta version...
Ohhh, now I know what you mean. Slash is 100% correct. We kinda have a TF 1.6
steam is trash atm. they need to optimize it big time and make it use a lot less memory. the thing hogs like 20-25k memory
Well they aren't profiting Gabe said in another post, and they are constantly working on it. I'm sure they'll get to all that in time. New patches come around a lot, and Erik listens to the people on http://www.steampowered.com Post there and he might see. Or tell him via Steam, lol.
i dont see steam ever being a piece of software people WANT, but something valve forces onto you. it already looks like fileplanet made into a program. it's clunky, buggy, and a memory hog and i dont see it changing any time soon. more features? maybe , but i doubt it will ever become a program gamers WANT to run
Well it's optional and all the people using it before Gabe announced the Monday thing wanted to use it, like me. See, I like in game browsing and in game private messaging,and a friends list to keep track of where people are. I like not leaving game to add someone to AIM, and I like patches downloaded auto without searching for a good mirror.
yes because people want to talk on aim while playing cs and love downloading 100 meg patches at 15k/sec ffrom the nazis that are fileplanet instead of searching for 5 minutes and findinng a mirror to download the patch at 200+k/sec
Genius, you don't download from fileplanet on Steam. You download from Steam content servers, which for me, go at 1MBps.

Edit: Fileplanet just offers Steam for download, but didn't you know that Steam has been free to download since January? I did. And it still is free to download.
the steam 'content servers' are fileshack, fileplanet, and the like. and if you get 1 mb connection speeds to steam, then you're the only one
Oh well, too bad I don't care! I get 1MB speeds because I'm on a 10MB/1MB connection. Sucks for you.
you don't get 1mb speeds. you're lying or just reading it wrong. download a connection monitor and watch it. ive never once gone over 35k/sec and on those rare occasions that i did get 30-35k/sec it was only a short burst
Don't trust Monitor because I've had speeds of 3.9MBps, I have a pic too.

Edit: Someone else stated that it's just network activity that is monitored. I dunno, so I'm confused.
icorupti: he fails to realize that its monitoring his network
teh viggs: http://www.zombies.at/
icorupti: my god this guy is a ******
icorupti: im about to just call him a ****** and be over with it!
teh viggs: do it
teh viggs: cut right to the chase
teh viggs: go all out
teh viggs: don't just call him a ******
teh viggs: make lots of racist remarks about him spending all his welfare on kfc

Best advise tonight.


****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** V
icorupti: he fails to realize that its monitoring his network
teh viggs: http://www.zombies.at/
icorupti: my god this guy is a ******
icorupti: im about to just call him a ****** and be over with it!
teh viggs: do it
teh viggs: cut right to the chase
teh viggs: go all out
teh viggs: don't just call him a ******
teh viggs: make lots of racist remarks about him spending all his welfare on kfc

Best advise tonight.


****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** V

Oh I just had to incase he tried to edit his post.
well that's... um. interesting.... :|

er, hey. hey! look at this. this thing down here, it's called an emu i guess... istn't it cute???