HL2 Mod-need help please


Jul 2, 2004
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Well, for some reason i decided yesterday to start formulating ideas for a HL2 mod i'm hoping to put together. For the gameplay i've taken bits and pieces from Day of Defeat (a half-life WW2 mod), Americas Army (a tactical fps made by the US Army) and Operation Flashpoint (a modern combat combined-arms fps). Don't worry, in a bit i'll explain exactly which bits and pieces (and concepts) i've taken from the three games.

The premise of the mod is that:

following a military coup d'etat, the world's most populous nation is now under the control of the PLA's military leadership, a group of individuals who feel that there needs to be some sort of counterweight to the United State's long-term geo-political influence in the Asiatic region.

As the world's attention, especially that of the White House, is turned to events unfolding in the PRC, North Korea launches a swift ground attack on the South, but is halted just miles north of Seoul by ROK and US forces. As US rapid reinforcements reach the peninsula and as ROK and US bombers/fighters hit the North's supply lines, communication hubs and front-line armoured units the military pressure on the South begins to ease. Fearing a loss of military initiative on the ground the North Korean leadership launches simultaneous nuclear attacks on the west-coast of the US, US bases in Japan and on ROK/US ground forces holding the line north of Seoul. The newly installed NMD system, with interceptors based in Alaska, succeeds in knocking down the missiles targeted for the west-coast of the US, whilst an Aegis cruiser at port in Okinawa succeeds in knocking down the two warheads designated to strike one of the US military's most strategically important blue-water friendly ports in the world. Minutes before, however, biological and low-yield nuclear warheads hit ROK and US ground units holding the line east of Seoul. Fearing envelopment, as the line collapses, ROK ground units and remnants of the US 2nd Infantry/82nd Airborne fall back to specifically hold the South Korean capital until US heavy ground reinforcements can deploy on the peninsula and bolster the line.

In an immediate response to the North's biological/nuclear attack on US forces in the South, the US attacks suspected WMD sites in the North with bomber-delivered and sub-launched low-yield nukes.

As the military tussle for Seoul reaches its climax China's new leaders make the decision to take the oppurtunity to evict the US from the peninsula once and for all. China declares war on the South and in doing so the US declares war on China.

The Security Council of the United Nations met the day after North Korean troops and tanks crossed the DMZ into the South. The Chinese delegation to the Security Council did not attend the meeting as they were boycotting the United Nations for its attempts to place sanctions on China following the military coup d'etat. Therefore, the obvious use of the veto (which it is assumed China would have used in this
case) did not occur.

At the meeting, the US claimed that North Korea had broken world peace by attacking South Korea. America called on North Korea to withdraw to the 38th Parallel. Twelve out of the 15 countries in the Security Council supported this view. China was absent and two abstained.

Two days later, the US called on the United Nations to use force to get the North Koreans out as they had ignored the previous Security Council resolution. This was also voted for and once again the Chinese could not use their veto as they were still boycotting the United Nations.

As you can see, this mod will pit the United Nations Joint Command and South Korea against China and North Korea. For now i've limited the countries contributing to the UNJC to:


In the mod you will see and be able to use a host of different weapons, vehicles and helicopters specific to each of these countries. So, for example, the small arms used by Canadian ground troops will include:

Diemaco C8
Diemaco C8A1
Diemaco C7A2
Diemaco C7A2-M203
60mm M19 CAN Light Mortar
Browning HP
SigSauer P228

The vehicles used by the Chinese will include:

Type 98 Main Battle Tank
Type 90 Armoured Personnel Carrier
Type 90 35mm Twin AAA

The helicopters used by Australian forces will include:

Tiger Attack Helicopter
S-70A Black Hawk Multi-Mission Helicopter

Currently i'm looking at having to model a host of small arms (everything from the QSZ-9232 handgun to the Predator Short Range Assault Weapon) different vehicles and 12 different airframes (helicopter airframes). Of course they won't all be implemented at once into the mod, but it will still be a challenge.

Now to the gameplay. Each map (i'll explain what the maps will consist of later on) can be changed to place either:

1. two attacking forces against one defending force
2. one attacking force against two defending forces
3. one/two attacking forces against one/two attacking forces (i.e. in a stalemate position)

What's meant by this is that, in the case of the 1st one, you could have a map where the Chinese and North Koreans are attacking a French force. Or, you could have the Australians and Japanese attacking a North Korean force.

-i'll have to do some more typing tomorrow, been up most of the day constructing the tables of weapons, vehicles and helicopters and writing this. Needless to say, i'm posting here to ask for help creating this mod. If any of you would be interested in helping me, either directly with the mod or by suggesting gameplay ideas and information on weapons/vehicles/helicopters specific to any of the countries mentioned then feel free to pm or e-mail me at [email protected].

So basically:

WW3 + US vs Commies + Lots of guns!! + and cars!! = Fun mod?

I miss the originality factor in that equation. There are lots of mods with pretty much the same ideas. What makes your mod better?

Not trying to flame you. It's just that you probably won't generate a lot of interest if you try recruiting with a post that doesn't show something that makes your mod stand out. And the impression one would currently get from your post (see equation) isn't very positive.
I'll be back later to post an overview of the gameplay in the mod.
Well, you've certainly done your Home Work :p I like the idea, and I like the way the story unfolds.
Here's the overview (btw, if i've missed out anything then please say so and ask any questions you feel need to be answered, thanks):

HL2 Mod: ‘A Time of War (April 17, 2011)’

Tactical fps

10 playable forces:

United Nations Joint Command

South Korea
United States



Each map (excluding vehicles/helicopters for now) will place a maximum of 29 players against 29 players:

1*Team Leader
4*Squad Leader

Here’s a simple example:

1*Team Leader - German
4*Squad Leader – 2 Germans/2 French
12*Assault – 7 Japanese/3 British/2 American
8*Support – 6 South Koreans/2 Canadians
4*Medic – 3 American/1 Australian

1*Team Leader - Chinese
4*Squad Leader – 3 Chinese/1 DPRK
12*Assault – 9 DPRK/3 Chinese
8*Support – 6 DPRK/2 Chinese
4*Medic – 4 Chinese

It doesn’t matter what the combination is.

Most, if not all of the maps will be set in built-up or mountainous/hilly areas, so the emphasis will be put on infantry/infantry combat. Therefore, grenades, rifle grenades, ballistic grenades and mortars will play the role of localized artillery. Dug-in, hull-down MBT’s/AFV’s will allow players on both sides to bring in fire on advancing troops/defenders.

The use of sophisticated ATGM’s/SAM’s on both sides will force vehicles and helicopters to remain at ‘arms-length’ from the enemy, providing fire-support and helping the players move around the map.

Not all of the maps will be balanced. Some maps may pit a large attacking force against a small defending force, a small attacking force against a large defending force or equally sized forces advancing against each other’s positions. By this, it is meant that some of the maps will be specifically designed to favor one side or the other. For example, a map may have an attacking force advancing towards the high ground. In this case, the force on the high ground would have an inherent defending advantage. However, if an attacking force were advancing, from the high ground, towards a position held on lower ground then the attacking force would have the inherent attacking advantage.

Important note: as of the current time, I don’t envision there being any snipers in the mod.

Some maps will allow both/either side to fully utilize vehicles/helicopters to capture a position/destroy an enemy force.
Are you looking at a Day of Defeat-like reinforcement system for respawning or something completely different? On the unbalanced maps, how will it be equally fun for the people who have the disadvantage as those with the advantage?
Yes, i'm probably going to go with a DOD-like respawning system, simply because in real life you would have the defenders and assault bringing in reinforcements whilst the battle is raging.

To answer your second question, i'll say this; Joe Blogs comes along and wants to play this mod. He decides to create a game so he goes into the create game settings. There he will be able to pick a map, any map, and modify it the way he sees fit. Lets say he wants to have a defending team, dug in on the high ground, without reinforcements, defending against an attacking force, starting on the low ground, which can bring in reinforcements. He also changes the numbers on each side so that the attackers outnumber the defenders by 3 to 1, but also ensures that the defenders have the use of a couple of afv's dug in on the high ground.

I'm sure there are gamers out there who would love to be presented with this sort of challenge when playing tactical fps's.

I want this mod to allow gamers to make the modifications to the gameplay as they see fit.
In my opinion there are too many Hl2 mods (wait for the SDK) So all i'm saying is good luck to you buddy, your gonna need it.
As i see it at the moment, the mod will require modelling of the following handguns/assault-rifles/light and heavy machineguns/ATGM and SAM manpads/mortars:

Browning HP
SigSauer P228
HK USP 9mm

Steyr AUG A2 (carbine) - Steyr AUG A1 with shorter barrel
Steyr AUG A1
Steyr AUG-M203 - Steyr AUG A1 with modified barrel and M203 underneath
SA80A2-AG36 - SA80A2 with AG36 (same as on the G36) underneath barrel
Diemaco C8 - M4A1
Diemaco C7A2 - M16A2
Diemaco C7A2-M203 - M16A2-M203
FAMAS G2 Commando - FAMAS G2 but with shorter barrel
G36K - G36 with folding stock and shorter barrel
Type 89
Type 89-rifle grenades
Daewoo K1 - K2 with folding stock and shorter barrel
Daewoo K2
Type 56
QBZ-95 (carbine) - QBZ-95 with shorter barrel
QBZ-95-grenade launcher

C9 LMG - M249
K3 - M249

RPG-7 40mm
AT-14 Kornet
SA-18 Grouse

51mm Light Mortar
60mm M19 CAN Light Mortar
M224 60mm

I haven't quite managed to find out precisely what weapons some of the countries use, so they're not listed here. I'll add them later on.

Again, if anyone of you would be interested in helping me, either directly with the mod or by suggesting gameplay ideas and information on weapons/vehicles/helicopters specific to any of the countries mentioned then feel free to pm or e-mail me at [email protected].

Btw Kyo, small world i'm in adelaide too, campbelltown.
Lanton said:
Yes, i'm probably going to go with a DOD-like respawning system, simply because in real life you would have the defenders and assault bringing in reinforcements whilst the battle is raging.

To answer your second question, i'll say this; Joe Blogs comes along and wants to play this mod. He decides to create a game so he goes into the create game settings. There he will be able to pick a map, any map, and modify it the way he sees fit. Lets say he wants to have a defending team, dug in on the high ground, without reinforcements, defending against an attacking force, starting on the low ground, which can bring in reinforcements. He also changes the numbers on each side so that the attackers outnumber the defenders by 3 to 1, but also ensures that the defenders have the use of a couple of afv's dug in on the high ground.

I'm sure there are gamers out there who would love to be presented with this sort of challenge when playing tactical fps's.

I want this mod to allow gamers to make the modifications to the gameplay as they see fit.
Just what I was hoping to hear. :)
Needless to say, there are already lots of HL2 mods out there in the works, especially ones with a modern-combat theme. However i really believe that the gameplay for this mod will stand out as unique among most other fps modern-combat games out there now.

Saying that though, i suppose i cannot expect anyone to want to get involved with this mod until at least the SDK comes out. So if any of you think that, once the SDK comes out, you would like to help me with getting this mod up and running then please either pm or e-mail me at [email protected]

I won't make any more recruitment pleas like this, i'll just post here with updates on various aspects to the mod as i work through them.
thats what I like to hear Lanton - another military kick ass romp – lol. Good background story- only thing is it seam’s very similar to Ubi Soft’s Ghost Recon 2. Good luck anyways – look forward to seeing how the mod progresses…
SillyBilly said:
thats what I like to hear Lanton - another military kick ass romp – lol. Good background story- only thing is it seam’s very similar to Ubi Soft’s Ghost Recon 2. Good luck anyways – look forward to seeing how the mod progresses…

Where i want this mod to differ with other similar mods/games is with the focus on the average foot soldier. Ghost Recon 2, like Ghost Recon, will have a special operations theme. In this mod there won't be any weapons add-ons/modifications and a limited amount of vehicles/helicopters to be used on each map. You could imagine it being like Raven Shield, but without the special operations theme and without all the extra weapons.

I admit, the background story may sound similar to the plot of Ghost Recon 2, but the plot for this mod is that the UNJC is squaring off against the DPRK and China, whereas in Ghost Recon 2 the Chinese are fighting the DPRK and the 'Ghosts' are intervening to prevent the DPRK from using wmd's against it's northern neighbour. Plus, the background story for this mod was solely of my own making.
So on one hand the Chinese are friendly with us Westerners and on the other they’d quite happily scoop out our hearts with a spoon – there’s just no satisfying some people…
- well that was ridiculously politically incorrect, but nevertheless good point – once again good luck!
A nice amount of weapon models you have there!
Sprafa said:
A nice amount of weapon models you have there!

I realise that hehe, but the main reason they're all there is so as to give people playing the mod the feeling of actually fighting as part of a German or French or Japanese unit. The pistols are there primarily to counter for the lack of weapons modifications.
For all intents and purposes though, many of the weapons listed there are just slightly modified versions of other weapons in the list. For example, the Diemaco C8, C7A2 and C7A2-M203 are just slightly modified versions of the M4A1, M16A2 and M16A2-M203. The Daewoo K3 and C9 LMG are basically clones of the M249. The grenade launcher on the SA80A2, G36 and M8 is the same, the AG36 (it's type-classified as the M320 for the M8).

The DPRK and Chinese have the same small arms and some of the UNJC members have the same ATGM/SAM's.

The only possible snag i can think about is getting the different mortars modelled. Over the next couple of weeks i'll be able to get my hands on most of the weapons-information which is currently lacking, for example i don't yet know what some of the weapons loadouts for the Australians, French, Germans and Japanese will be.
Rather than immediately start designing maps in detail, i've done some brief sketches which will introduce you to some of the basic concepts of building defensive structures.


The three-man fighting position; soldiers excavate fighting positions from the hasty fighting positions (foxholes to you and me) by simply joining them together. Protective beams will usually be established along all sides of the fighting position without obstructing the fields of fire and that the beams have a gradual slope to allow them to blend in with the surrounding terrain as much as possible. It's no use simply digging a hole and sitting in the bottom of it, a close mortar hit would cave in the position and the vertical sides of the hole would give the game away to any enemy force doing a recce in your direction.

There will be two-man fighting positions as well, because both two-man and three-man fighting positions have their advantages and disadvantages (i won't bore you by going into any further detail on this at the moment, i'll do that at a later date). One-man positions are not practical, because they tend to create a sense of isolation that can lead to panic or inaction, however these will be in mod too (one can envision a game where your side is rushed into a defensive position and you are simply told to dig a hole and wait for further orders).


Here you have the squad bunker in the middle and the hasty positions dotted around it. In real life the squad bunker is there to help keep the fighting positions less conspicuous. Fighting positions are used only for security watch and fighting. Everything else, from eating and drinking, to smoking and reading is done in and around the bunker. Everything else apart from a man/woman's fighting load (i.e. weapon, ammo etc.) is also stored in the bunker. By having soldiers live in or around the squad bunker in hasty positions, the area around the fighting position remains unspoiled. This is just a game, but it helps with the realism-factor.


My photoshop kills are not as good as my kungfu, but i guess you can get the message from the above sketch that prepared positions on all the maps in the mod will be meticulously detailed. The sketch is showing poles (revetments) driven into the floor of the position with wood placed between the earthen wall and the poles. Even in fairly solid terrain, e.g. with soil rather than sand or lava ash, you'll usually need poles because of erosion. In rocky terrain we'll also have sandbags there, as you would in real life. Relying on rocks and boulders is dangerous, since ricochets and spalls from incoming rounds are as lethal as the rounds themselves. Sandbags are good for the absorption of incoming rounds.


Looking at it from above, this is what the squad lines should look like.


Here we can see the entire network; the three squad lines connected to the platoon 'strongpoint'.

Note: players in the mod, when they're on these type of maps, won't be restricted to the defensive networks. They'll be able to leave the lines and go over the dead ground as well.

I'll have some more sketches for the defensive as well as offensive maps done over the next week or so, along with the first model (one of the pistols, don't know which one yet).

Any advice/suggestions'd be much appreciated.
Fenric said:
Your host is so slow I stopped trying to view images

Sif netscape is not teh ownz. Ok, give me five mins i'll try to find a faster host.
Pendragon said:
* Pendragon is a faster host. :)

So they're still loading real slow? If so i'll find a new host tomorrow, getting late now.
Ok, found a new host. I'll now copy and paste, here, what i wrote in the earlier article, with the edited links. I wish you could just edit old posts, would be much simpler:

Rather than immediately start designing maps in detail, i've done some brief sketches which will introduce you to some of the basic concepts of building defensive structures.


The three-man fighting position; soldiers excavate fighting positions from the hasty fighting positions (foxholes to you and me) by simply joining them together. Protective beams will usually be established along all sides of the fighting position without obstructing the fields of fire and that the beams have a gradual slope to allow them to blend in with the surrounding terrain as much as possible. It's no use simply digging a hole and sitting in the bottom of it, a close mortar hit would cave in the position and the vertical sides of the hole would give the game away to any enemy force doing a recce in your direction.

There will be two-man fighting positions as well, because both two-man and three-man fighting positions have their advantages and disadvantages (i won't bore you by going into any further detail on this at the moment, i'll do that at a later date). One-man positions are not practical, because they tend to create a sense of isolation that can lead to panic or inaction, however these will be in mod too (one can envision a game where your side is rushed into a defensive position and you are simply told to dig a hole and wait for further orders).


Here you have the squad bunker in the middle and the hasty positions dotted around it. In real life the squad bunker is there to help keep the fighting positions less conspicuous. Fighting positions are used only for security watch and fighting. Everything else, from eating and drinking, to smoking and reading is done in and around the bunker. Everything else apart from a man/woman's fighting load (i.e. weapon, ammo etc.) is also stored in the bunker. By having soldiers live in or around the squad bunker in hasty positions, the area around the fighting position remains unspoiled. This is just a game, but it helps with the realism-factor.


My photoshop kills are not as good as my kungfu, but i guess you can get the message from the above sketch that prepared positions on all the maps in the mod will be meticulously detailed. The sketch is showing poles (revetments) driven into the floor of the position with wood placed between the earthen wall and the poles. Even in fairly solid terrain, e.g. with soil rather than sand or lava ash, you'll usually need poles because of erosion. In rocky terrain we'll also have sandbags there, as you would in real life. Relying on rocks and boulders is dangerous, since ricochets and spalls from incoming rounds are as lethal as the rounds themselves. Sandbags are good for the absorption of incoming rounds.


Looking at it from above, this is what the squad lines should look like.


Here we can see the entire network; the three squad lines connected to the platoon 'strongpoint'.

Note: players in the mod, when they're on these type of maps, won't be restricted to the defensive networks. They'll be able to leave the lines and go over the dead ground as well.

I'll have some more sketches for the defensive as well as offensive maps done over the next week or so, along with the first model (one of the pistols, don't know which one yet).

Any advice/suggestions'd be much appreciated.
Seeing as the HL2 dev kit is now out, i'm going to reinvigorate this mod.

Here're some additions i've made:

· Default first-person HUD will be blank, i.e. no weapon/objectives/awareness info. Vehicle HUDs will have the usual setup.

· Weather will play a major role in the game, e.g. when it’s windy the player on the ground will be buffeted by the wind when moving about on the ground and the wind will affect the performance of helicopters. Rain will also make the ground muddy. Rain and snow will affect dug-in positions.

· Vehicle and fighting equipment will not look it’s just come straight out of the factory. Players won’t get to choose what they look like on-screen, but rest assured the equipment they end up picking in the selection screen will look slightly different to what their teammates have picked. I.e., weapons will have noticeable dents and scratches on them (just like in real-life), they’ll have different colored straps (brown, black, green etc., just as if the strap that had originally come with it had been lost, and another one was attached to it), some weapons will have RIS kits and some will not, players will have different colored/toned kit (I want players fighting loads to look ad-hoc, not like they’re all clones). Vehicles, especially AFVs, will have kit hanging off them, ad-hoc add-on armor plates, scorch marks representative of cannon/missile hits.

If any of you would be interested in helping me, either directly with the mod or by suggesting gameplay ideas and information on weapons/vehicles/helicopters specific to any of the countries mentioned then feel free to pm or e-mail me at [email protected].
It's a been a while since i've done any 'work' on the mod, but today i made a logo for the mod and because the links to sketches of the proposed maps no longer work, i'll post them again;







By the end of the week i'll have done an overview of the first map in 3dmax.
In my opinion there are too many Hl2 mods (wait for the SDK) So all i'm saying is good luck to you buddy, your gonna need it.

i agree