HL2 Mods: Who wants them?


Oct 16, 2004
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So, out of idle curiousity, how many of you are actually interested in the mods that are currently in WIP for HL2? I mean, nothing I've seen has actually excited me, neither in concept nor in design. I see a lot of scans, a lot of concept art, but nothing seems concrete. I've even seen the re-making of the original HL, but even that is nothing but a re-HASHING.

A lot of the mods seem a ripoff of other games or ideas, so I haven't really seen anything original, but maybe someday. I want something AMBITIOUS.
Apart from my mod, of course I'm looking forward to others. Mods have really been revolutionary, particularly for online gaming. Who knows what this scene will be able to create.
Ambitious? Ever hear of our neck of the woods, Eternal-Silence? lol

Our website is broken and we are moving hosts because of it, so we may not be back up for just a few days...

Just to give you a clue, our lead artist works at DICE Sweden (Battlefield Modern Combat) so maybe that will perk your ears up :) Check out our last media news here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=73245

About the mod: http://www.eternal-silence.net/ddoc.php (Eek parts of it are old, but this should give you the general idea of the mod)

Please ignore most of the site... Only a few pages work as the entire MySQL database is gone (so no galleries, forums, mainpage which ran on forums, etc...)

Anyways I hope this will spark your interest more in HL2 Mods :)

[/PR] lol

*edit* Oh yes of course check out Argyll's mod like he said, Insurgency (found at: http://www.insurgencymod.net/ )... Three cheers for cross-mod lovin :)
Argyll said:
Apart from my mod, of course I'm looking forward to others. Mods have really been revolutionary, particularly for online gaming. Who knows what this scene will be able to create.

I think just about everybody is looking forward to your mod.
Darkstar, apart from your sig, I disagree. I want blood, carnage, generally anti-social behavior, and FUN. But nothing I've seen has promised anything revolutionary, which is want I want.
Greatgat said:
Darkstar, apart from your sig, I disagree. I want blood, carnage, generally anti-social behavior, and FUN. But nothing I've seen has promised anything revolutionary, which is want I want.

THen go play GTA or manhunt...

p.s. I hate manhunt :P but that's anti-social (and complete crap)
There's a ton of ambitious mods... the real question is, how many will be finished. Personally, I am most interested in mods that are "more of the same", like the City 13 mod. That's all we can see in the foreseeable future anyway, as any total conversions would take no less than 2 years to develop, and probably more than that.
Greatgat said:
So, out of idle curiousity, how many of you are actually interested in the mods that are currently in WIP for HL2? I mean, nothing I've seen has actually excited me, neither in concept nor in design. I see a lot of scans, a lot of concept art, but nothing seems concrete. I've even seen the re-making of the original HL, but even that is nothing but a re-HASHING.

A lot of the mods seem a ripoff of other games or ideas, so I haven't really seen anything original, but maybe someday. I want something AMBITIOUS.
You looking for something that is impossible.
If you want something concret then ask god,no PC games can be prefect.
So far these mods excited me: Eternal Silence, Caliber, Neoshock, The Last Great War, Cold War Melting Point, Insurgency mod and Nuclear Dawn.
Aww, no love for my mod ;(

I'm looking forward to Neoshock, CWMP, Eternal Silence, Insurgency, Dawn Of The Dead, and perhaps Boone's End. They all look very cool.

I'm also missing a few mods that I've forgotten the names of. One of them in particular, it has an odd name, and the website is very white, and with a lot of contrast. About a cabin in a mountain or something, and some scary material... I'll remember eventually.

Also, Citizen-132, if it's still around. [edit] And Entropy, but I think it went under a while ago. Cool concept.
I wan't a mod where you play as an Overwatch 'Overseer' doing a a series of squad based missions, with a few lone wolf style missions and some almost RTS style missions. all played out from a first person perspective and the ability to switch to an overhead map to command your troops.
The MODs are all that I'm interested in... I'm playing Call of Duty United Offensive to hold me over, But CODUO MP is already starting to die, and none of the Mods here are even CLOSE to releasing an Alpha, or Beta after 6 months.. So, I'm expecting, and hoping that maybe by September of this year we'll see some Mods released for the winter months...
The mod I was following will now never be finished. ;(
Mods are the reason I got HL2.

They're the only reason I'm not unhappy with my purchase of the game...
I'm looking forward to INS and the next Hostile Intent. Other than that, most of the HL2 mods looks like CS/DOD rips. Or, they all go "omfg, liek, teh 20sqkm maep wiff liek teh rp" when they have absolutely no ****ing concept.
I agree Black Mesa: Source is gonna kick ass. Also for mods out now, you should check into these; Garry's Mod (ALL OF 'EM), Half Life 2 Substance, Strider mod (Multiplayer & Singleplayer), HL2: CTF, and HDR Bloom Mod. Those are good mods for HL2, you can get them all free at www.hl2files.com, great place i might add. :cool: :thumbs:
Badge of Blood looks really really good if they ever finish it. The storyline is pretty interesting and the weapons are schweet. And i am of course looking forward to bm: s.
i'm a fan of the mod i'm working on. i would have thought that through helping to develop it, i'd get sick of it, but any time new content comes out, i get more and more excited. we've got some talented people working pretty diligently on all facets of the game.

also, i think a lot of mods are getting pretty far along, close to if not at alpha stages.

www.mistmod.com please support us and stuff :)
Cold War Melting Point looks good to me, and of course my own mod, Head Humped.
I am looking forward to Black Mesa: Source. And I agree as previously stated that the question is not so much whether there are any good mods, but whether they will actually be released.

For instance, that remake of Secret of Mana? Looks cool, and I love the series, but I doubt that they will ever release it. I haven't heard anything from them recently, actually. Hmmm...
I'm looking forward to every mod.
I just really hope we'll see some releases this year.
AmishSlayer said:
Mods are the reason I got HL2.

They're the only reason I'm not unhappy with my purchase of the game...
You're unhappy with your purchase? You did realise it wasn't just an expensive drinks coaster and put it in your PC right? :)

I'm looking forward to the Zombie Mods...that is all :) Actually every time I visit HL2.net I go "oooh lookit, shiny...mmmm" or words to that effect.

Can anyone explain to me why Mod teams think everyone's going to be interested in how minutely detailed their guns are? Every mod team proudly announces their mod by showing off gun-renders! Is it just me or is that the last thing you're likely to care about a new mod. I wanna know about the game, see some levels, maybe some character models - I don't care if your MP5 has 3 slighlty different cartridge designs :)
corkscru74 said:
You're unhappy with your purchase? You did realise it wasn't just an expensive drinks coaster and put it in your PC right? :)

I'm looking forward to the Zombie Mods...that is all :) Actually every time I visit HL2.net I go "oooh lookit, shiny...mmmm" or words to that effect.

Can anyone explain to me why Mod teams think everyone's going to be interested in how minutely detailed their guns are? Every mod team proudly announces their mod by showing off gun-renders! Is it just me or is that the last thing you're likely to care about a new mod. I wanna know about the game, see some levels, maybe some character models - I don't care if your MP5 has 3 slighlty different cartridge designs :)
And certainly not without a skin :p
Ever heard of Counter-Strike? (Its the most popular mod ever I belive)

mods roxxor!!!!
Just wanted to let ya know that Eternal-Silence has their website back up.


I'm looking for any mod that is truly ambitious and takes pride in their work (like they don't rush things to get out their mod out before mod X, its a nice goal but they shouldn't rush things)
I just want to say that instead of talking and waiting about mods, just start building one !!
There are so many interesting things to learn while making your own mod, no matter if you never finish it or if it's not the best mod ever seen.
Maybe 80% of the mods we hear about will never be finished or even started! but the main thing is to DO something.
I already seen some nice maps and models, but you have to realise that for an engine like the source engine, the time and work needed to develop a mod is much greater than for the old Half-Life. So we will have to wait maybe one year until we will see a full working mod with new models new code and new maps.
flycrusher: To be honest, I don't think thats a good idea... People would then start publicizing the mod, bulding a fan base and then they will disappoint all those people. Not the way to do things! I mean if they are interested in modding, just do cool things but just keep it to themselves or give it to friends. Doing simple mods isn't exciting for 90% of the people out there.

One year for a total conversion? No way. Expect some maybe this summer or fall I say...