HL2 monsters that freak you out the most.

Captain M4d

Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
For me, it's definitely the antlions and poisonous zombies. I just can't stand the antlions, because they fly, and they always have reinforcements. Right after the gunship battle underneath the bridge, they scare the crap out of me. I had to stop playing, even though I've beaten the game already.
The poisonous zombies creep me out, because they always seem like they are very close to me, and they have a lot of hit points, plus they're friggin' huge.
What are your nightmares of HL2?
Antlions, when the ground rumbles and they come out of the ground, and it takes like 2-3 shotty shots to get each one :x
Fast zombies used to kinda scare me, but after abusing their corpses in GarrysMod, they no longer seem scary.
Nothing really freaky. The closest thing were stalkers which I had a nightmare about.

Technically, they weren't stalkers, more like zombies with a giant lightbulb stuck up their ass and mouth.

But you get the idea.
poisonous headcrabs for sure. They resemble spiders which I have a deep fear of already. :p
Shens said:
Technically, they weren't stalkers, more like zombies with a giant lightbulb stuck up their ass and mouth.

...Sexy :p

As for me, I never got freaked out really =/
But there was this one time where a fast zombie snuck up behind me, scared the shit out of me D:

But then I shot him :D!
The leaping zombies, when they're nearby and make that sort of gargling noise and you can't see them.
And anything in that one tunnel.
ELi's also scary, I mean HE GOT A FAKE LEG, man! What can be more scary than a fake leg?
No way, the fake leg is awesome...it's like a pirate peg-leg. Pirates=coolness :D
nu paije

Gordon skared the shit outta me.

He kept following me....always swinging that damn crowbar......
General creatures, it was the fast zombies and the poision ones that I hated. You would just hear that "whip whip whip" noise, a crunch and "Hey, where did 99 of my HP go?".

I think the best scary/heart pounding moment is at the top of the building where you are waiting for Grigory to send the skycar whilst blatting the fast zombies. The way they came racing over the rooftops and then disappeared to the base of your tower was something else :)

Mind you, on the second run through, I played on easy and that was one of my fave bits. Standing on there, walk over to the moving pipe, make a comedy quip, and give them the good news in the head was great fun :)

However, I hated, and still hate, the poision zombies. Bleh...
Always got me when I least expected.
And they just look grotesque.
BlackDahlia said:
No way, the fake leg is awesome...it's like a pirate peg-leg. Pirates=coolness :D

Pirates with fake wooden legs = coolness
A futuristic-esque scientist with a gravel-throated voice and metallic fake leg = scary
It never fails to scare the shit out of me when you're exploring a safe house behind the protection of a thumper, and then, unknown to you, one smartass antlion has decided to jump over it and lands right behind you. The fast zombies are scarier when they get the drop on you though.

It's a real credit to Half-Life 2 that it manages to be creepier in places than, say, Doom 3, even though Doom 3 was supposedly aiming for a fearful experience throughout. I mean, compare the traditional, tired moans of a D3 zombie with the genuinely disturbing muffled sobs of a headcrab victim, especially when one gets set on fire...
the fast zombies but also the house on Coast line on its own. u just come out of the tunnel full of zombies, thats frikin freaky, but that house fraks me out for sum reason, i think its the sound effects of creaking doors.
Link said:
General creatures, it was the fast zombies and the poision ones that I hated. You would just hear that "whip whip whip" noise, a crunch and "Hey, where did 99 of my HP go?".

I think the best scary/heart pounding moment is at the top of the building where you are waiting for Grigory to send the skycar whilst blatting the fast zombies. The way they came racing over the rooftops and then disappeared to the base of your tower was something else :)

Mind you, on the second run through, I played on easy and that was one of my fave bits. Standing on there, walk over to the moving pipe, make a comedy quip, and give them the good news in the head was great fun :)

However, I hated, and still hate, the poision zombies. Bleh...
hehe, not so funny if you accidentally fall off the roof and have to leg it back to it with 2 or 3 fast zombies and the poison zombie after you.


poison headcrab. that snake-esque sound they make before they jump at you
poison zombie. many of my scariest moments involve these lads *cough*laundry room in nova prospekt
fast headcrab. -coz their fast n'stuff
fast zombie. weird noise they make
antlion guard, there just ugh to look at. whats with the head?
jimbo118 said:
antlion guard, there just ugh to look at. whats with the head?

All the better to smack you around the room with my dear...

Also, that part where you emerge onto the rooftop just before the area I descrive and a fast zombie comes flying over the rooftop at you. Damn you need fast reflexes and both barrels to deal with that.
Poisenous headcrabs and fast zombies

I would be scared of antlions if it werent for the fact that a fart can blow them to pieces
All 3 zombies
Poison Headcrap
Fast Headcrap

I want a zombiefied forest in Aftermath, I want to be scared so hard I won’t be able to sleep anymore.
Ravenholm weren’t really that scary actually, except the mines maybe.
Link said:
General creatures, it was the fast zombies and the poision ones that I hated. You would just hear that "whip whip whip" noise, a crunch and "Hey, where did 99 of my HP go?".
WHAT? You could stand there for like an hour and only loose 50 HP, the fast zombies are WEAK!

My friend scared me the most.. Because he sceamed, and so I screamed because he screamed... You are not supposed to see the logic in this... And Grigory scared me a little bit...
Sorry, when did the fast zombies go "whip whip whip"? That was the clue to what I was talking about...
Fast Zombies... I played Ravenholm at 3 in the morning with the sound cranked in my sound-canceling headphones, all the lights in the house off. I was nervous as shit, and those things kept coming up the gutters and scaring the jesus right out of me.

My mom randomly came up behind me too, no clue what she was doing up, and like put her hand on my shoulder. I had no idea she was there and I jumped, screamed, and fell out of the computer chair.
Any headcrab that jumps at a darkend area.



:sniper: :x
Ennui said:
Fast Zombies... I played Ravenholm at 3 in the morning with the sound cranked in my sound-canceling headphones, all the lights in the house off. I was nervous as shit, and those things kept coming up the gutters and scaring the jesus right out of me.

My mom randomly came up behind me too, no clue what she was doing up, and like put her hand on my shoulder. I had no idea she was there and I jumped, screamed, and fell out of the computer chair.
Your mom sounds really annoying :|

Fast zombies freak me out when they surprise me.
I recently played through ravenholm, and I was raining down death on a poison zombie from a rooftop, when all of a sudden my screen shakes and blurs. I spin around and there is that little sucker ripping at me and screaming, and I screamed like a little girl.

I hate them -_-
MiccyNarc said:
Your mom sounds really annoying :|
You have no idea. :sleep:

MM, and in Half-Life, going through the dark vents with headcrabs jumping out sporadically = terrifying.
Poison Headcrap ;(

I hate how quick they move!
those big guys that throw the poisonous head crabs are pretty freaky...
bryanf445 said:
those big guys that throw the poisonous head crabs are pretty freaky...
First time I encountered one, I didn't see it and the headcrabs were just hitting me randomly, took me like 2 minutes of poison headcrab rain to figure out there was a thing in the shadows chuckin' em at me.
Resistance members are scary. They scream "Follow Freeman", "Hey, it's Freeman" and if you try to run, they always catch up with you. They are also immune to a double shotgun shot. I'm having nightmares about those!
Solver said:
Resistance members are scary. They scream "Follow Freeman", "Hey, it's Freeman" and if you try to run, they always catch up with you. They are also immune to a double shotgun shot. I'm having nightmares about those!
lol :D