HL2 movement...



Was wondering if HL2 lets the user lean?
If not im so modding that in.
Also, is the HUD in the movies the same HUD goin to be used for the finished game?
Personnally I dont really like it, it would be kool if I could just make a custom HUD and play multiplayer without having everyone in the server having to DL the same HUD in order for it to work.
One more thing, when using the voice communication, has it been confirmed or asked if the lip sync technology will be used in multiplayer?
For ex. looking at another charaters face in HL2 multiplayer, they use the voice communication, the lips move realistically to the users voice???
Well No, beacause it' wouldent be HL game play.
The Hud is cool, in your aim you can see how much bullets you have left in your clip mag.
The HUD, is what you see on your screen : Life-Ammo-HEV -Flashlight.
HUD = Heads up display

I would so keep the same positional design for the HUD... just make it look cooler... like 3D or better colours (im canadian)... ya know, spiff it up a bit.
Leaning... no...

HUD... dunno...

Lip sync... I think yes...
The lip sync you mention is imposible for games today, maybe in the future.
Leaning, not in HL2, but it could be modded in for other projects.

HUD, yes, you can modify your hud. It's client side.

Lip-sync, yes but not as complex as in the singleplayer.
Adrien C said:
The lip sync you mention is imposible for games today, maybe in the future.

You are funny, and wrong.
But that's okay.
I dunno man, didn't they say they're using a lip sync technology for voice acting so they dont need to make all the smooth animations frame by frame??? If it were used in multiplayer it probably wouldn't be as sophisticated like the SP but styll...

Kool im so getting started on a new HUD in XSI... I wonder if XSI allows to make the HUD ummmm...
The HUD is good, don't see anything wrong with it. I hate fancy HUDs, simiplicity at it's best, all the way!
You are funny, and wrong.
But that's okay.

It perfectly Ok for SP, but what he is saying, is that if you talked in a MP game, would the lips react to what you say, well I think that is not going to happen yet.
And would you plase care to explain your answer ?
In response to the lip sync;

Didn't gabe say in response to a question he recieved, that you have to use a special program that converts the audio into movement for the lips, which is then used in game just like a beefed up version of HL1 lip sync?

So basically you say "YABADABADOO!" and the prog makes it "open...half...open...closed" and then tells the player to do that when the audio is played.

Something LIKE that and so, multiplayer would not work. (unless i remmeber there's a simpler version, (just like the one that CS uses atm :)))
To create a quality film, we need quality acting behind our characters. We have the acting in the bag, but we are curious as to the capabilities of Hammer/Source in terms of immediate integration and timing: We know about the .wav integration, but will there be an interface that allows to immediately view the results will we able to see the actors lipsynching as we record?

Yahn Bernier: We don't have a realtime tool for this (it's something we may get to for doing lipsync of multiplayer chat, but no promises). We use faceposer to preprocess our .wav files and embed the timing info for driving the mouth facial expressions. Note that we also encode close captioning data with the same tool (we support Unicode/non-Western fonts for captioning).

Lip-sync is done in a seperate program.
However, it could be achieved and made to look OK.
You just make the open, half-open and make all the sounds' animations in the lip-sync program, then tell the game to play the correct animations when you make a sound. It wouldn't be creating the animations dynamically, only playing back preset animations.
Yes, like that, but for MODS, not instant Lip Sync.
I gotz another question!!! lol

Uh, is there meelee with weapons??? yes i know the manipulator... but can u hit someone with the but-end of ur gun??? that would so kick ass, Unreal Tournement 2003/04 nelgects to put that feature in, Call of Duty did a very nice job with it!
Envi_81 said:
I gotz another question!!! lol

Uh, is there meelee with weapons??? yes i know the manipulator... but can u hit someone with the but-end of ur gun??? that would so kick ass, Unreal Tournement 2003/04 nelgects to put that feature in, Call of Duty did a very nice job with it!

Obviously, neither hl2 or UT2k3 and 4 are cod, and since, they are very obviously different games, both hl2 and the Unreal series are highly unrealistic in their gameplay and beating people with guns doesn't really fit in.

Neglect to put that feature in? No, I think they opted not to, In unreal, you really never get close enough to bash someone with your gun, this is also true for HL2.