HL2 Multiplayer = Shocking

tokin please inform yourself before u inform others, stop smokin the weed. all gabe said was they were updating the old hl and hl mods with source. hl2 will have its own mp even if its only deathmatch. all of the remakes will cost money, hence they will not be included with hl2 retail. go read a book or something im so amazed by your ignorance. i really have lost any respect i had for u(which there was none). quit spaming your nonsence like its true.
I am not going to buy hl2 if its just going to have the death match and single player... I want to be able to download cs2 tfc2 dod2 all from hl2... just like hl1.
i agree with king about practically everything except the harshness towards a fellow forum poster, i agree with your points king but just cool down dude, everyone's got the right to their own opinion
lol, hmmmzz i just hope he put it badly i want hl2 to have its own mp :D will be so cool even tho the cs on the source engine did look neat! :naughty: :afro:
well then that'd be ridiculous. I saw the CS video and i must say it actually does look pretty nice but you know i was really hoping to hear something about TF2.. :(
the time for tf2 will come shortly after hl2 ships i think, well unless that ends up being the mp for hl2...
cs has nothing ot do with hl2, so why the elastic jesus would it be the only component of hl2 multiplayer? thats dumb. there is obviously going to be traditional deathmatch, otherwise valve doesnt know how to make games.
its simple.
tokin said:
well then that'd be ridiculous. I saw the CS video and i must say it actually does look pretty nice but you know i was really hoping to hear something about TF2.. :(

Well, you sorta did: Team Fortress 1 will get a source update and come out sometime after HL2, maybe with new content.

That's practically the same as TF2, in my books.
Also, do remember that then the leak first hit the web, and people here were trying to see if it was real or not, screenshots of TF2 config files were posted, so we know they are working on it.
Mechagodzilla said:
Well, you sorta did: Team Fortress 1 will get a source update and come out sometime after HL2, maybe with new content.

That's practically the same as TF2, in my books.

Gabe said they would be shipping with Hl2. Well, I'm about 75% sure he said that. I'm currently running on E.
This whole thing about CS source being HL2 MP is rediculous. Please put this ****ing rumor to bed. Some of you people take one poorly worded sentence and make a huge deal out of it. Relax, go watch your Barney and Teletubbies to calm you down. Then go to bed.

I'm sick of it. It is a rediculous and idiotic idea. Please just stfu about it.

Sorry to be rude, but It seriously has to stop now.
Moto-x_Pat said:
This whole thing about CS source being HL2 MP is rediculous. Please put this ****ing rumor to bed. Some of you people take one poorly worded sentence and make a huge deal out of it. Relax, go watch your Barney and Teletubbies to calm you down. Then go to bed.

I'm sick of it. It is a rediculous and idiotic idea. Please just stfu about it.

Sorry to be rude, but It seriously has to stop now.

Well, I would agree except that Gabe made it very ambiguous, and I am not suprised that people (I am even on the fence) construed it to mean that CS on source = HL2 MP....
Moto-x_Pat said:
This whole thing about CS source being HL2 MP is rediculous. Please put this ****ing rumor to bed. Some of you people take one poorly worded sentence and make a huge deal out of it. Relax, go watch your Barney and Teletubbies to calm you down. Then go to bed.

I'm sick of it. It is a rediculous and idiotic idea. Please just stfu about it.

Sorry to be rude, but It seriously has to stop now.

Got anger?

I personally think that CS will be the mulitplayer. But, just like you, I could be completely wrong or right. We'll just have to wait and see.
Whoever is speaking in the E3 video says the following:

"One of the big questions is : 'What about multiplayer?', So we decided to combine the most popular online action game with the power of the Half Life 2 engine"

Take from that what you will, but that sounds to me as if HL2 MP is CS. Not CS2, but CS Source. Notice how they make sure everyone hears what they call it. NOT CS2, CS SOURCE. It will be free therefore. They can't charge you to play MP for a game you have already bought.
trantjd said:
...quote quote quote...
holy shit another colorado person. that's 3 including me w00t.

anyways, as was mentioned on the front page of the news section here, all of the hl2 expansions and official mods(everything on steam), will be ported to source and available TO BUY(possibly at a bargain bin type of price). the important words here are "to buy." meaning, you'll have to pay money for them. meaning they aren't the MP modes in halflife2. however, by default they are technically "halflife mp" by way of association. i highly doubt that mp will be cs or tfc or something. it will likely be a separate mp based directly around halflife, where you can use the halflife weapons.
I don't know who to believe right now but I would be really really pissed if all i got to play in MP for hl2 was counterstrike

there are no striders, manipulators, or alien bugs in counterstrike, just a large number 14 year old script kiddies who speak too much 1337 and deserve a beating

i'd prefer TFC as multiplayer simply because it was so freaking wacky/over the top, and never took itself seriously

but what i would like more than anything out of hl2 mp would be some sort of mission based maps or something with a hl2 theme to it. Stuff like striders vs resistance or combine vs resistance, or maybe xen bugs vs something else. Not freaking counterstrike
:| I never liked Counter-Strike, probably because I am a Rainbow Six 3 fanboy, plus personally I think RS3's style of multiplayer is WAAAAY better than CS and that's what Valve needs to do with HL2's Multi.
Neutrino said:
Got anger?

I personally think that CS will be the mulitplayer. But, just like you, I could be completely wrong or right. We'll just have to wait and see.

It seriosuly hnestly isn't....the purpose of that demonstration was to introduction some hype and marketing for the re releases of old mods that Valve plans to do. It's a pretty awesome and ballsy idea and it made me cynical as hell, no other game company could even try to get away with it but it shows you how good Valve's games are.

The MP is currently unknown but like with HL i would assume a DM of some kind shortly followed by either an update to TFC or some other random mod, if not then they shall release a DOD or CS or TF sequel.

They shall either blow us away with the MP or keep it low key and wait for modders to produce some good stuff.
If that is *ALL* the hl2 multiplayer there is, I will VERY disapointed, but I HIGHLY doubt there wont even be DM and team DM.

As counter strike is not half life. Its counter strike. :/
(nasal geek voice on) More like counter-suck hee hee hee snort cough snort hee hee hee (nasal geek voice off)
THis has been posted at an *official* game site, by the real Valve guys who are currently attending the E3. Read Carefully...

From the valve crew at E3:
Yes, CS source has ragdoll.
No, the SDK hasn't been released to "select mod teams" at E3.
When asked if CS would be the ONLY multiplayer for HL2, gabe told me that they would port over EVERYTHING (hl deathmatch, deathmatch classic, dod, cs, etc. Don't know if this includes ricochet, or tfc/tf2)

My own take on this is that HL1 DM, HL2 Deathmatch, DOD, CS, and others, would be ported to Source and included with HL2 as the MP mode. Now some argue that these will be offered for retail and hence not part of HL2, but remember, they can still be offered for retail and become part of HL2. They are not mutually exclusive entities. In fact, if I buy HL2 (which I'm not because I have a voucher) wouldn't that be the same as buying those other games if they are included? On the other hand, I can still walk into a store and buy just the others as "budget" (I hope) games separately from the HL2 game.

One fact for certain is that Valve seems to be doing a commendable job of not explaining this topic in carefully chosen words so as to clarify any ambiguity. I almost get the impression that Valve is purposely not explaining it clearly, fo what reason, I do not comprehend.

However, today is the big day for Valve and HL2 at E3 so perhaps we can see more, and hear more about the game before the day is through.
I'm telling you, my theory has a high chance of being right. Since HL2 will be sold in both SP-only and an SP+MP combo, the MP is going to be all of those mods ported to Source. That's why they are giving people the option to only get the SP, in case they don't want to spend more for those updated mods.
Wsh said:
They have. there is new video footage out on the net.

True that the current HL mods dont have that much 'potential' than Source allows. I really hope there will be a proper MP later then or a lot of Source would go to waste.

HL2 MP footage? not CS source footage?
Homercidal said:
THis has been posted at an *official* game site, by the real Valve guys who are currently attending the E3. Read Carefully...

From the valve crew at E3:
Yes, CS source has ragdoll.
No, the SDK hasn't been released to "select mod teams" at E3.
When asked if CS would be the ONLY multiplayer for HL2, gabe told me that they would port over EVERYTHING (hl deathmatch, deathmatch classic, dod, cs, etc. Don't know if this includes ricochet, or tfc/tf2)

My own take on this is that HL1 DM, HL2 Deathmatch, DOD, CS, and others, would be ported to Source and included with HL2 as the MP mode. Now some argue that these will be offered for retail and hence not part of HL2, but remember, they can still be offered for retail and become part of HL2. They are not mutually exclusive entities. In fact, if I buy HL2 (which I'm not because I have a voucher) wouldn't that be the same as buying those other games if they are included? On the other hand, I can still walk into a store and buy just the others as "budget" (I hope) games separately from the HL2 game.

One fact for certain is that Valve seems to be doing a commendable job of not explaining this topic in carefully chosen words so as to clarify any ambiguity. I almost get the impression that Valve is purposely not explaining it clearly, fo what reason, I do not comprehend.

However, today is the big day for Valve and HL2 at E3 so perhaps we can see more, and hear more about the game before the day is through.

what do you mean today is the big day?