HL2 Multiplayer To Be Just Deathmatch ?

Originally posted by dis
Isn't that quote of Gabe's from that nerdsahoy.com interview that pretty much everyone agreed was a fake??? He never actually said "prepare for the future" that ws one of the made up responses.
Even Gabe himself agreed it was fake, someone mailed and asked :)
Oh well my bad. But I do sincerely believe that it will be something unique. Ok maybe not unique but incredibly exciting and exhilirating :)
Originally posted by dawdler
To popular? No, just stupid. You dont include something that's TOTALLY different from the game. Imagine playing Jedi Knight Academy in SP, then when you want to start MP, you are playing with Elite Force II models in the Star Trek universe. Its the same thing, its just moronic.
Unless of course, they have converted either CS2 or TF2 to be using HL2 models. But I dont think they would miss the opportunity to sell both CS2 and TF2 as games (possibly TF2, I still doubt it will stand a chance).

I agree! I've been thinking the same thing myself. A MP portion of a game should have the same weapons, models, and same general theme as the SP portion!

I'm kind of predicting the ability to play as combine or aliens and have some team play going on along those lines. Maybe even a 3 way team deathmatch. That would be very cool and I haven't seen it done before (although, I haven't seen every multiplayer mode before either). The humans have to fend off an invasion of aliens and stuff would be cool too.
I have said before I wouldn't be surprised if they grouped CS2 with HL2... this will still bring even more people to the fan base.
Originally posted by wormstrangler
It doesn't really bother me.

I played the original HL dm for all of 10minutes before moving onto mods.

HL is about single player.

A half decent multi-player will just be a bonus.

Very true, HL is mostly a SP experience, although playing Deathmatch on a lan with another friend is absolutely hilarious!
You mean Quake style? I'm sorry but DMC is awful, it was purposedly designed for crack heads with hand to eye coordination greater than F15 pilots.
Lol, I gotta laugh a bit when i read this thread ..... :LOL:

maybe cs will be released with hl2

maybe tf2 will be released with hl2

maybe a completely new amazing mp mod will be released with hl2

maybe, just maybe hl2 will be enough on its own???
I mean, wont halflife2 be enough for you guys? afterall this is what you've been waiting for... for the last 5 years am i correct?
I'm sure everyone will enjoy the sp/mp part of the game no matter what mod/no mod is included with hl2 and if they do include something really cool and unexpected then its a bonus!!.... just wait and see, not long to go now ;)
I'm sure valve wont let us down :)
what will be different

I think what will be different will be that the other players will be able to talk to you through the charecters your playing and because of the new tech with the lips sync it will be like the other player are sitting there talking to you and there words will go with there lips