HL2 Music Video I made



Ok so I made a Half Life 2 music video and I want to know what people think about it. I have it so you can view it at youtube, google video, or download as MP4

Watch it on Youtube
Watch it on Google Video
Or even download it
I don't mean to be a cockmonkey, but this is a prime example of why I don't like game music videos. They're completely random clips set to music, with little rhyme or reason.
Very well done overall. I dug the music, slo-mo shots, the video editing, and transitioning. Though I would've liked to have seen some coast footage and maybe buggy/waterboat. And the ending felt rather abrupt. Other than that, impressive work. Now compile a music video for Episode One! :)
It's cool and I like the slomo effects, but I'm sorry to say I'm Still Seeing Breen reins as king.
I agree with Selkcip.
Its still good, I didn't like any of the music though. And I can't believe you wasted a happy-little fun ball on a zombie!:p
Ha thanks. Yea I wanted to do one of JUST HL2 not a mix of stuff from different games like that. I know they are practly the same thing but not to me. And yes that first part is DJ Tiesto. And yes I have seen that one music video but like I waid I wanted to do all ingame things. I wanted to show what the game was like :)
MORE SLOW-MO FOOTAGE PLEASE! :smoking: That was amazing when it showed the combine and that crazy sniper-pistol. Good job!
Thank you :) Yea this is my first Video Game music video... in fact this is my first time working with video editing... Well any ways I am prob going to make another one at some point in time when I have more experience :D
I liked it. Not bad at all. Thx for that.
IMO it was good up until Alyx's "Let's get out of here" then I felt it kinda lost something, and then it was just Ok. So good/ok is my judgement.
you know... it was ok... seeing im into video editing it was very elementery... random shots such as this one: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a383/kacation-man/Untitled-1copy.jpg are the kind of shots that should be taken out because it shows nothing but a box floating in water and a pipe... I loved the slomo shot of the zobime gushing alien blood from its head!! that was cool! didnt care for the music though... this makes me want to do a video... i need to get a copy of that adobe program i cant rememer the name of...
IMO it was good up until Alyx's "Let's get out of here" then I felt it kinda lost something, and then it was just Ok. So good/ok is my judgement.
Well, overall it wasn't GREAT, but... SLOW-MO REVOLVER!!!!one!
Thanks for the comments :) I know the editing was elementry. Like I said it was my first attempt at it. I had this section where it was split diagonally across the screen and both were playing something different but I was starting to run out of ideas for things to record. A lot of the reasons why there are those random clips is because I needed something to fill it in. My next video I will find the best shots possible.

IMO it was good up until Alyx's "Let's get out of here" then I felt it kinda lost something, and then it was just Ok. So good/ok is my judgement.

MORE SLOW-MO FOOTAGE PLEASE! That was amazing when it showed the combine and that crazy sniper-pistol. Good job!

Just goes to show that people have different opinions. I was trying to make it apeal to everyone and this shows that two people liked different parts :p
Agreed, some of the shots were too slow paced, others were really good.
I think also maybe too much footage using stationary cameras, also filming stationary scenes. THese should only really be at the start of the vid.

Other than that, COOL!
The screen flashing black was quite annoying. Other than that, it was decent.
In command console I set... something like host_time_scale = .01 or something around there to z and host_time_scale = 1 to x so I could switch bacn and forth between them :)

EDIT: I didn't see there was another page :p Well others I talked to liked the black so again it goes to show that ppl have different tastes.
Thank you :) Hey does any one know if there is a way in HL2 to make is so that everything moves in slo-mo except you? I have seen a video that did it once but I think they use a mod nο? Also is there a way to set a focus point so that the camira is always pointing to a spicific location? It would be really cool :)