hl2.net only...


May 24, 2004
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Hey guys, im hoping some network/internet wizz can help me out.

Yesterday and today i've been having serious problems with my internet connection and what seems to be my router.
Yesterday i lost all connectivity, after many a reboot/restart of pc and router I managed to get it working but now im having serious DNS issues... the only website any of my browsers will find is halflife2.net....

MSN/Steam etc is fine, so it appears to be just port 80 affected and i dont know whether its something i can fix or its my ISP being dodgy, I'm with pipex btw, so if anyone can check to see if there are any problems in my area then that'd help.

I dont have a clue how to fix this, other than restarting my router.. which i dont want to do all the time because i have to reconfigure the port forwarding etc. I have no spyware btw.
Ignore your routers DNS lookup, instead use a DNS lookup directly from your PC and other PCs on your network.

My Network Places --> View Network Connections --> (your LAN card properties) --> TCP/IP properties --> enter manual DNS lookup

enter in the top box, leave the bottom box empty.
Worked perfectly, thanks very much. How could it go so wrong just like that?
It's always been automatic until now.
Not sure, my router does the same sometimes, just one of those things I guess... the other week it completely lost all my networks DHCP addresses... :)
ok, il just blame it on the fact its the cheapest router i could get my mits on when i got it :) and ofcourse the hot weather
Don't forget the French, you've got to blame them too :thumbs:
Actually...had a quick game of hl2 sp, and its stopped working again :(
You wouldn't be running ZoneAlarm would you? if you are, kill it with fire.
oldagerocker said:
erm.. i might be....*shuts down ZA*

oh yippee yay, its working again. :eek:

/me crosses fingers for oldagerocker
Yeah but it sucks that i have to leave my PC firewall-less, i dont like doing that.
Have you tried a different firewall? This may solve teh problem...
I've tried a few but ZA is the easiest to use imo. The others either confused me or took allot of setting up.
Does your router not already have a firewall? most do... easiest and most secure way to firewall a network if you ask me.
lePobz said:
Ignore your routers DNS lookup, instead use a DNS lookup directly from your PC and other PCs on your network.

My Network Places --> View Network Connections --> (your LAN card properties) --> TCP/IP properties --> enter manual DNS lookup

enter in the top box, leave the bottom box empty.
What exactly is that IP?
BlindTelepath said:
What exactly is that IP?

Looks like a DNS IP. Your ISP probably supply IP's for you to use if you have problems with the default ones supplied by windows.
It's Altohiways DNS server .... very fast, very reliable.