HL2.net paintball game


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I'm no paintball or airsoft freak, and have only played maybe 5 odd or so times (except for the times when me and a friend would fight in his garage :P).

But, does HL2.net agree with me in thinking that it'd be awesome, to participate in a macro sized HL2.net Paintball/airsoft war (prolly would be paintball, since it'd be easier to see hits).

BTW, i'm in no way trying to organize anything like this. I'm just interested in how many people actually agree with me in thinking this'd be awesome

Imagine a force of 100 or so HL2.netters, all organized together as one "army", trying to take a village sized portion of land (prolly a forest with tents strewn around as a camp of some sort), which is being defended by a force of about 300 HL2.netters as another HL2.net "army".

Find some people with willing cars to outfit as "combat vehicles", and imo, this'd be ****ing awesome.

Liek, 6 or so guys from the attacking force come in and try to scout the village out, are spotted, and run back to base to report casualties, and camp layout.

Then General Ennui organizes a massive front to the south section of the forest encampment, and sends a third of the forces through the eastern edge to flank.

Jeeps blaze into the front on both sides to drop off supplies, which are distributed by higher up officials.

Day 3 ish or so the eastern offensive rolls in, and the town gets surrounded.

Fight lasts for a day or two more untill the town sends a group of jeeps loaded with peoples around to the back of the camp.

That'd be so awesome. Macro scale woodsball, with actual command heiarchies and shit.


Anybody know if any organizations or clubs actually do this sort of shit, albeit on a smaller scale?
That would be win.

I think games like this, minus vehicles and amounts of people over 100, get organized by paintball arenas pretty regularly. You should call around.
okay, who's paying for my plane ticket?b
uh.. www.oklahomadday.com

there was 3k+ players last year. vechiles and everything. its pretty bitchin.

That looks pwnage.

D: D: D:

Would kinda suck i'd imagine though, because it seems to work in a sort of "amusement park" esque manner.

IE strangers come, "OH LOOK DANNY DOESN'T THAT LEWK LIEK FUN!!!!!!!!!!????????", pay money, and play.

I wants hl2.net peoples I semi-know with intricate command trees, radios, code talk, EVERFIN.
Time to dust off my Alias.

I haven't played for 2 years, not since campaign cup, where my team dissolved.

I know a few UKers play ball, seen it in their sigs.
Time to dust off my Alias.

I haven't played for 2 years, not since campaign cup, where my team dissolved.

I know a few UKers play ball, seen it in their sigs.

Alias = paintball marker

Campaign Cup = Big paintball tourny where people all over the world come to play, was in the NEC car park in Birmingham

Haven't played in 2 years = haven't played in 2 years

I know a few people who play paintball. Shippi used to, Dynasty is A: Named after a paintball team, B: has a paintball avatar, C: Advertises he's in a team in his sig.
The only problem with this is, one country is getting seperated, and we can't do that ;(
That looks pwnage.

D: D: D:

Would kinda suck i'd imagine though, because it seems to work in a sort of "amusement park" esque manner.

IE strangers come, "OH LOOK DANNY DOESN'T THAT LEWK LIEK FUN!!!!!!!!!!????????", pay money, and play.

I wants hl2.net peoples I semi-know with intricate command trees, radios, code talk, EVERFIN.

oh god no man. this thing is as hardcore as you want to be. the whole game takes place on 500 acres and theres people talking on walkie talkie's and cb radios(cause most people dont carry those.. mwhaha). its totally badass as hell. they have landing craft that move across a little pond and .. shit its just crazy as all hell. and then theres the night game.. if you can keep your mask from fogging up its pretty sweet.
I've never played, but since me and my dad started playing Counter-Strike, we've been wanting to...now he's acting like an old man "OOHHH IM IN PAAIIN"

Damn old fogies.
I'd prefer laser tag. Not the Lazer Quest "LOL AIM FOR THE LIGHTS ON THEIR SUITS" bullshit, the one where you get realistic-looking rifles that you aim anywhere on the person's body and it gets detected.

Granted, paintball is amazingly fun in its own right, so either one's good.
I'd prefer laser tag. Not the Lazer Quest "LOL AIM FOR THE LIGHTS ON THEIR SUITS" bullshit, the one where you get realistic-looking rifles that you aim anywhere on the person's body and it gets detected.

Granted, paintball is amazingly fun in its own right, so either one's good.

God damn.

What's the name of that US military base where they do that?

Guys strap on these vests that have laser detectors on them, and load up these laser fitted rifles with blanks.

Then depending on where the people get hit, medics can heal them.

Then there are tanks and shit loaded with blanks too.

And they even have little villages, where the soldiers have to decide whether or not to do things like make little guerrilla groups out of the townspeople, or keep them on military lockdown, or slaughter them all.

THAT sounds pwnage.
Nice idea, but not possible.

If we were a little older, maybe. But most of us are poor High School/College kids, that certainly aren't willing to pay for a plane ticket and/or anything else that this entails.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy, but jesus christ, this is impossible.

Good luck though! :D
Nice idea, but not possible.

If we were a little older, maybe. But most of us are poor High School/College kids, that certainly aren't willing to pay for a plane ticket and/or anything else that this entails.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy, but jesus christ, this is impossible.

Good luck though! :D

I said I wasn't planning on trying to actually organize this, just stating an idea :)

Would be AWESOME if it were possible though.
I prefer airsoft tbh. I really don't like all the paint that gets thrown across your face and then you have to clean it, and the occassional dampening up of your helmet which keeps you from seeing shit is incredibly annoying.
I am teh annoyed person with Paintball at the moment - a group of my mates went for an 18th, driven up by the guy turning 18 - having gotten his Ps the day week before - but I was in Bali...

Which is less costly? Airsoft or Paintball?
Probably paintball, but airsoft just seems more fun to me tbh. Also, if you get crappy paintball guns, you're ****ed.
I'm not sure - but i think airsoft is either not legal, or is very unpopular in AUS...

I'll be going paintballing next holidays for sure.
Paintball is banned in a few states in Aus as well isn't it?

I'd say Paintball is more costly than Airsoft.
The main thing I don't like about airsoft, is when I played with friends, if you're at farther ranges, it can be hard to tell if you've been hit.
If I ever win the lottery, this is happening... I'll pay for a hotel, plane tickets, and an abandoned metropolis to play in.