HL2.Net Rick Ellis Interview

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Give the man a chance! It took Rick months (then again, I don't know when they sent it off, but I know it took awhile) to get back to Bluewolf72's e-mail interview.
Sorry, but today, my Hard Drive self destructed.... I'm typing on my parents computer, I don't have my email on here, or anything. Sorry, but it will have to wait till at least tuesday, before it gets properly fixed.

In the meantime, pity me, since I have a 9800SE sitting idle in a lovely black case ;(
mrBadger said:
Sorry, but today, my Hard Drive self destructed.... I'm typing on my parents computer, I don't have my email on here, or anything. Sorry, but it will have to wait till at least tuesday, before it gets properly fixed.

In the meantime, pity me, since I have a 9800SE sitting idle in a lovely black case ;(

Can't you just make a hotmail e-mail account for now or something?
Yes, but Rick doesn't know me on that account.

Sorry people, but this will have to wait, there's other things that are being sent with the email, on my HD ;(

Sorry to hear that badger dude, hope you get your baby fixed soon. :(
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