hl2.net - thinning out?

Dog-- became hated. He couldn't post a thing without getting flamed. Sinko's busy with life or something. He'll be back.

Yeah, i've been trying to be less of a total jagg. Moved back to Hawaii, got a job, and put college on hold till I get better at micromanaging my life and get a hold of some macro sized goals.

I think it's starting to work too. 2 months in and i'm already ****ing over stocking shelves at Safeway, and fiending for some more income.
I hear they got that crystal clear ice down there in Hawaii man. Watch yourself dont get all strung out on us homie
I hear they got that crystal clear ice down there in Hawaii man. Watch yourself dont get all strung out on us homie

Lols, I finally got around to yakking the **** out during the summertime. 4 days, 3-4 hours of sleep, 2 meals, $160+ on weed coke and booze, and one of the worst bike rides home EVER, and I can safely say that stimulants are NOT for me.
Lols, I finally got around to yakking the **** out during the summertime. 4 days, 3-4 hours of sleep, 2 meals, $160+ on weed coke and booze, and one of the worst bike rides home EVER, and I can safely say that stimulants are NOT for me.
Yeah man it took me a lot of heartache and pain to calm down. Keep on keepin on :cheers:
Dog-- was a douche.

that's all I'm contributing to this thread.
Dear sinkoman I accidentally ****ed up your post, nothing personal, feel free to post it again.
Maybe we should just give up.
My laptop broke recently. I'm sorry you've all been suffering in my absence.
I like each and every one of you, despite the fact that I would reeducate most of you unlawful heathens if I ever got the chance.
sinkoman you moved back to hawaii? nice. It didn't occur to me that it was the summer and there are plenty of posters here getting ready for university and all that. Valve hurry up with hl3 lawl
I hope for the day you're all gone and then episode 3 gets announced. Praying for the moment.
What I find funny is that before this thread I imagined all of the regular posters and lurkers to wait for a thread and jump right into it the moment it appeared.

And it did. Let us thank Jesus our almighty creator for it.
Out of curiosity: Does this place get renamed halflife3.net when Valve announces HL3? The site would seem behind the times to Internet users if it kept the 2.
Imagine if someone made a thread that was so awesome it revived the entire Lounge. I mean like if every poster, lurker or regular poster, just became so into that thread it became more epic than the size of the Image Dumps.

One can only dream.

and no, i'm not talking about misc
Out of curiosity: Does this place get renamed halflife3.net when Valve announces HL3? The site would seem behind the times to Internet users if it kept the 2.

No, because we don't own that domain.
Yeah, it does seem to have slowed down a bit. But then again, that's part of a pattern that has existed since the release of HL2, nothing new.
Imagine if someone made a thread that was so awesome it revived the entire Lounge. I mean like if every poster, lurker or regular poster, just became so into that thread it became more epic than the size of the Image Dumps.

One can only dream.

and no, i'm not talking about misc

Episode Three would do the trick.

*waits patiently*

Any time now..
I'm so far behind the times on Valve...so at the risk of being a complete noob..whats Valve working on now? New episode? HL3?
I have an equal amount!

Or not. I don't know. I think my hair is thinning, either that or I'm just super paranoid about my widow's peak.
I grew a sweet beard, but I also shaved my balls, so I think it balances out.
either that or I'm just super paranoid about my widow's peak.

THIS!!! Everyday I look in the mirror, my hair seems to be more pointy in the front. I have no idea. Then again, I used to have my hair somewhat longer, so i'm not used to the short do.
I grew a sweet beard, but I also shaved my balls, so I think it balances out.

is there any exception to the "if your moms dad is bald then you'll go bald" rule?
Why not your father's dad?

well i heard that if your moms dad was bald then you'll go bald..both my grandpa's were bald except a few of my dads brothers ended up not being bald..and my hairline isn't showing any signs of thinning or receding which makes me question if i'm going to go bald. I'm 21 so I would think there would start to be signs of balding at this age.
well i heard that if your moms dad was bald then you'll go bald..both my grandpa's were bald except a few of my dads brothers ended up not being bald..and my hairline isn't showing any signs of thinning or receding which makes me question if i'm going to go bald. I'm 21 so I would think there would start to be signs of balding at this age.

I believe that should be the case. The only genes so far identified which contribute to male baldness are located on the X chromosome, so they are inherited maternally. So yes, you're best to go by your maternally grandfather and maternal uncles.
However, environment probably still plays a role and possibly other genes interact in complex ways which aren't yet understood. It's just the case that what we know at the moment is all X-linked.

Also different people begin to go bald at different ages, I'm not sure to what extent that's inherited vs environment either.
Hey, I love bald dudes.

Shaven bald or "I have inferior genetics" bald? The former is great, because it's a choice, but the latter sucks.

All throughout my life I've been told, "Use it or lose it!". I've maintained a buzz cut for pretty much all my life and now I'm being punished for it! Oh noes...

And also, side question(and no it's not creepy), but what part of Dallas you from? We have several North Texans on the forum, Dallas in particular. I'm in North Dallas myself.
Shaven bald or "I have inferior genetics" bald? The former is great, because it's a choice, but the latter sucks.

All throughout my life I've been told, "Use it or lose it!". I've maintained a buzz cut for pretty much all my life and now I'm being punished for it! Oh noes...

And also, side question(and no it's not creepy), but what part of Dallas you from? We have several North Texans on the forum, Dallas in particular. I'm in North Dallas myself.

Doesn't really matter to me, as long as guy with thinning hair aren't trying to wear it in a ponytail "Lone Gunman" style, haha. Though I would hate the lack of options. I always dyed my hair, and by the time I decided to stop a few years ago, I discovered it was already going grey, so I get where you're coming from on that.

I live in Richardson right now. It's not creepy, it seems like everyone is from Dallas! I think Krynn and I went to an art event at SMU a couple months ago, but didn't know we were both there until afterwards 0: