hl2.net "What did you get for christmas?" thread

A nice jacket
Mad World
Two OSC books
Astronautalis CD

That's my extended family...
oh yeah I also got a nice shirt from my Grandma.
I just deposited the $200...may the steam buying spree begin.
I got a sum of dollars

Quite a few actually (:3)

I got um

A Shimano Alivio rear derailleur
A quite good book which will keep me going for a while (Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd)
A self-sealing inner tube (I'm horribly prone to flats)
And some bike lights!

The money was all that I wanted, so the extras are a pleasant surprise.
I got,

a The Wire 2010 calender. Not only do I get to spend the next year watching the best television show ever every month, I also get to see the characters every month. Class.
Ghostbusters t-shirt :D
True Blood season one
Flight of the Conchords season one. Been meaning to watch this for a while seeing that EVERYONE at uni enjoys it.
Terry Pratchett - Unseen Academicals
some American architectural ''yellow paper'' that my dad got in NY some 20 years ago. Hard to find here, should make for some interesting stuff back at uni!
a pocket Stylophone, should be great fun for my noise/drone projects
a book of Tim Burton's original art. Not a big fan of the movies, loving his art though.
new black fine liners! Just this morning ran out of my favourite 0.05's. Nice.
Chocolate, ransom typography fridge magnets, assorted silly/fun stocking items, etc.

Lovely stuff! I felt a little strange going into Christmas with literally no idea what to want or ask for but to my pleasant surprise I got loads of stuff I have said many a times ''I could really do with that/I need to see that/I wish I had a Ghostbusters shirt'', so hurrah! Merry Christmas!
Shower and deodorant stuffs
Slippers & Socks (wouldn't be Christmas without them lol)
JD whisky set with some nice glasses
Maltesers! (ftw)
Some pretty cool Joker tshirt from batman in the comic book style
A nice shirt

not bad really :)
I didnt get much, but im more than happy:
100 euros cash
1 hoodie
1 shirt
Headphones (****ing orgasmic sound quality)

You've got to be kidding me! Not much? I didn't get anything! I'm grateful I could get a full plate for God's sake!
The nerve of you rich folk.
22 inch LCD tv,
DJ Hero,
Brutal Legend,
and about £80.

A pretty good Christmas.
My mom gave me 200 euros a few months ago to support me buying my PC.

And I got a chocolate Santa today :)
This is only part one of my Christmas, because I have a huge family (dad is remarried).

Here's what I have so far:

The email from last night revealed that I have a
WIRED magazine subscription (woo!)
We The Media by Dan Gilmour (about grassroots journalism in the Internet age)
The Cold Nose by Department of Eagles
The Guitar EP by They Might Be Giants
New Clarkson book, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle live, a Radiohead DVD I have NEVER seen before (which amazed me since I was sure I had seen them all), new coat thing, new keyboard and a cracking pair of shoes :D
Some toiletries, stationary doodads some DVD sets, alcohol and chocolate :D, and a hoodie.

And tho it probably doesn't count I'm gonna buy a new lens for my DSLR with some hefty zoom so my stalking and voyerism of Darkseid can be even more efficient and discreet.
Aperture Science mug, new Motherboard and Quad Core Processor, some Itunes gift cards, and a cool eyeball lamp that I can wrap around pretty much anything.
This morning I got a bunch of candy, socks (Christmas requisite), some other small stocking stuffer things, and three games. L4D2 (PC), Uncharted 2 (PS3), and Dirt 2 (360). Awesome.

We go see both sides of our families later today, so i'll probably get some more candy and a gift card of some sort.
£385 D:
Assortment of chocolates, clothes etc.
A few books
Coffee maker
New guitar strings and plectrums

Good haul this year, especially the money, christ.
One of my mates got a cheque for 500 D:
16GB iPod Nano
Skullcandy headphones
George Foreman grill (for when I go to college)
The Lost Symbol
Miami Hurricanes jacket
$30's in iTunes gift cards

acceptance letter to the University of South Florida.
You've got to be kidding me! Not much? I didn't get anything! I'm grateful I could get a full plate for God's sake!
The nerve of you rich folk.
I thought only rich people were supposed to end up bitter. Do you need a coat or something, homie?
-A *VERY* nice dress shirt. Looks super-fly. Thx Mom
-A Chess strategy book
-A Jamey Aebersold book, the Charlie Parker edition (excite)
-Gift card to a book/music store (further excite)
-Stocking stuffers

Jeans, Shirts, Borderlands, Assassins Creed 2, Dragon Age Origins, The Hangover. Thats about it. It seems as I get older I get less and less for Christmas. So sad. So depressing. Christmas doesn't feel like it did a couple years ago.

Is this troll?
Jeans, Shirts, Borderlands, Assassins Creed 2, Dragon Age Origins, The Hangover. Thats about it. It seems as I get older I get less and less for Christmas. So sad. So depressing. Christmas doesn't feel like it did a couple years ago.

You best be jokin nigga
One big "nothing" for new year. :)
I'll give you a coat or some food, but I need that change for my alcohol problem; sorry. Speaking of that, I think it's time for a little holiday cheer.
I got some gloves, socks, and my mom gave me a gift card to the music store for $50.
I got:

Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (f*ck yeeeeeeah)
Socks (seven pairs!)
A new winter hat
$500 cash

I wish I could have afforded to buy something for my mom or grandparents. They've been really great to me this year.

I think with the cash I'll buy myself a new PSU (or motherboard, depending on which part actually died), video card, and headphones. Put the rest away in the bank. I'll be able to play TF2 on Boxing Day! Truly a Christmas miracle.
Leather belts
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
I should probably go turn it on. Time to bust out my ballpoint pen stylus!
  • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
  • Ice Invaders (ice-cube tray that makes space invaders shaped cubes)
  • Chuck Berry 3 CD set
  • A nail-care kit
  • A National Geographic subscription
  • Black Adder complete collection

Also something is on the way for me from Komplett. I don't know what it is though.
also got:
some gift cards
fitty bucks
dropkick murpheys shirt
some pajamas
hugs and kisses
"How to Drive a Tank... and other tips for the modern day gentleman"

Hipflask, DVDs, other books, wind up torch/flashlight, various forms of food, USB whack-a-mole.

Though I didn't techincally get it for Chirstmas, my Novint Falcon arrived on Chirstmas Eve, which provides me much entertainment.
These things literally go past my knees.

I got 3 pairs, too.

When you hold them up, they don't seem like they're long enough to go past the knees unless you have really short legs.