HL2.net Xbox Live group?


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
I was just now wondering if one existed already. You know, some dummy xbox live account where someone adds people's gamertags, and then you can just friend their one account, and automatically be able to see everyone who's online from HL2.net.

I think it would make it easier to find some good games and have some fun with other fellow community members :-)
It would be good with COD: MW2 coming up. It's been a while since I played with anybody from the forums. (Except Xevrex)
Oh hey yeah hi to you too Emp sure was a good round of Firefight right yeah.

Also, Willehman.
Unless someone else wants to, I can make the new account by friday, in which case type your gamertag in this thread and I can either send you a friend request, or you can send one to me. I'll try to name the new gamertag halflife2.net.
I don't go on anymore, really.
Fine by me cow, you can go ahead and add me on ce you create it:

Gamertag: Rico21745
I'm on here and there, I've already got a lot of gamertags from way back.
Account is up, the GT is halflife2net. I've already sent a few requests, but again, you need to write your GT in this thread to get a friend request. I'll probably give the email and password to a few people who are on most frequently in case something needs to be done and I'm absent (mostly on week days).

Also, if you have the time, give halflife2net a good review.
We have this Xbox Live group right here. I don't know how well it's maintained though. Doesn't look like Stiggy was keeping up with it.


However, that's the same GT I use. Go ahead and add me. I'm going to be playing COD: W@W in a second here, and if you have it, I'd love to play with you!


By the way, if you don't want to look and see what my GT is, it's: Shamrock013
My GT is Krynn72, but my xbox has no gaems. No multiplayer ones at least.