HL2.net year book

/Gets broom
/say to spammers: Get out of my thread! shoo shoo
/hits them with broom
The best quote has to be 'cat got no k3ys, newb' by CyberSh33p/CyberSh33p's Mom.
ya i think a pi mu rho has the best quotes, but they are mostly from IRC that he quotes here, does that count.

Ranga's av is the best. Cuz timon ownz0rz every1.
crushenator 500 said:
My new and improved list!

sig: Can't really think of any...

avatar: Gorgon, Farrow, simmo, raziaar, Robert (estling), SoupNazi! (http://history.cookiethievery.com/062804/), Letters

quote: cybersheep - 'cat got no keys', supertrooper - 'friendlies! :D:D:D:D'

memorable: Evil Ewok, Supertrooper, nw909, shuzer, tde, icarus (apparently not, eh ;)), thenerdguy, Brian Damage

funniest: Farrow, Qck, Burnzie, D33!, Brian Damage

mod: No idea :p

LOL, thanks m8, my name is up there :)
Best sig: Mine
Best avatar: Mine
Most memorable: Me
Funniest: Me
Most Modest: Why, me... of course.