hl2 next week too?

After what VALVe did we won't be seeing it for a good six months (speculation, but VUG probably won't be happy about this when they see it in the morning). :p But I don't care, VUG deserved it for being such assholes.

SkilledNewbie said:
After what VALVe did we won't be seeing it for a good six months (speculation, but VUG probably won't be happy about this when they see it in the morning). :p But I don't care, VUG deserved it for being such assholes.


But maybe just maybe this will make VUG get a move on as they know the early access to CS:S is going to cost them sales if they don't get it out soon. So with a little luck this might just speed it all up.
Didn't Valve say CS: S is available to play next week, but they didn't say anything about activating it?
Harryz said:
Didn't Valve say CS: S is available to play next week, but they didn't say anything about activating it?

available to play. you said it right there, to be available to play it would have to be activated.
I'm sure Valve will give us CS:S next week. It'll be like their way of sticking two fingers up at Vivendi.
I have to say, i just keep laughing at this whole thing between Valve and Vivendi.
Valve: We're selling HL2 through Steam.
Vivendi: Well the contract says you can't until we release it so we'll hold onto it for 6 months, by this time we'll have won the court case and squashed Steam
Valve: OK well we'll get more preorders on Steam by putting more stuff with the Gold edition and we'll just release CS:S now, that's not in the contract, so up yours

That probably isn't far off the truth. Although these admittedly brilliant purchase options over Steam may just give VUG the incentive to delay Half-Life 2 for months now. :(
Vivendi aren't going to delay the game, they'll just want the damn thing out so they can make their millions. Nobody - nobody, not them, not us - wants it delayed any further.
Yah, seroiusly, like the Steam Gold Pack. Wow, that is quite an offer.
Releasing CS:S on steam forces VU to release HL2 asap.
(.. what robinhood said)
Iconoclast said:
Vivendi aren't going to delay the game, they'll just want the damn thing out so they can make their millions. Nobody - nobody, not them, not us - wants it delayed any further.

I agree. It's logical... But Vivendi's ego is probably going to be fueled by Valve's seemingly two fingered gesture by the timing and revelation of these purchasing options. I was considering importing the retail collector's edition to the UK initially before this.

Now it's definitely Gold edition for me assuming Valve will take orders internationally for it over Steam. How many more are going to be the same and take orders away from Vivendi?

There's choice and diversity for everyone in these Steam options and they certainly seem more attractive in terms of selective content than the retail editions do.

I can imagine Vivendi won't have been best pleased reading this news, and maybe they'll try and delay these Steam options by hurting the game itself and delaying the title until the legal issues have been sorted. Until they can try and stop Valve's plans over Steam.

I hope not though.
VU wont delay beyond november as they need the cash more than valve do.
[Matt] said:
VU wont delay beyond november as they need the cash more than valve do.
Thats not even the point now.

The longer VU sits on it, the more people buy it through Steam, cutting VU out of the deal altogether. Lots of people will be buying through Steam now anyways because they get the goodies and they get to play CS:S now!

Its not that VU needs the money,. its that they're getting screwed. Valve is playing hardball. (And good for them).
Valve have played it cleverly.

They know the majority of Half-Life 2 fans are viewing VUG negatively right now, so allowing people to purchase these editions over Steam early next week means they're taking potential sales away from Vivendi even if they do delay release.

It places pressure on the company to act.
Yes well who would we side with, the people making the game or the people publishing the game?!
Publishers have always seemed like money hungery, no faced, suits to me, ripping off the makers of the games they publish.
Down with publishers, up with Steam! RAH RAH gooo STEAM!!
In Valve's case, that statement is perhaps even more apt, considering Half-Life 2 is entirely self-funded and VUG are reportedly attempting to take away the Half-Life IP away from Valve, even though they had no hand in it's creation.

Of course, from an alternative point of view, you could argue Valve's handling of Steam without allowing Vivendi full information during it's development probably hasn't been all that fair either.

Although overall I tend to side with Valve in this dispute.
f|uke said:
Thats not even the point now.

The longer VU sits on it, the more people buy it through Steam, cutting VU out of the deal altogether. Lots of people will be buying through Steam now anyways because they get the goodies and they get to play CS:S now!

Its not that VU needs the money,. its that they're getting screwed. Valve is playing hardball. (And good for them).
yup. VU are going to shoot themselves in the foot if they try to hold onto the game to hurt valve. they would be hurting themselves 10x as much as they hurt valve
Looks like a may be canceling my pre-order from eb games, this isn't really that big of deal for me cause my steam has not worked for a month and i've tried everything short of getting a new comp.
I just cant get over how brilliant this is - if anybody knows the truth about VU - then I think you will just find IF this works - and more ppl buy from Steam than From retailers ..... Valve just killed Vivendi.....

I cant really explain as havent got time- but VU are on their last legs - crippled by debt and already majorly under staffed - they put EVERYTHING into HL2 coming up trumps - which would appear useless....

David Slayed Goliath.....Again !!