HL2 = No DM, HL:S = Yes DM

Aug 3, 2004
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Ok, so we all know that HL2 will have no DM, but HL1 had a DM, so will HL:S have DM since it is basiccaly the same game?

Edit: Sorry, I forgot to put a queston mark in the title.
yes valve said they would port hl dm to the source engine. if its not out when the game is released it will be sometime after
HLDM was loads of fun. I hope they do get round to porting it to source.
Alzxul said:
HLDM was loads of fun. I hope they do get round to porting it to source.

For a few minutes. This is backed up by the amount of people who play HLDM today (not a lot).
Yeah I said this here along time ago but got ignored :P

Im betting they throw in the minipulator and make hls the real hl2 deathmatch ;)
Except, you know, HL:S isn't going to get a model makeover, so all the models will be HL1 models.. and oh! But you'll still have the manipulator ;)
PCZone UK said in their review that HL:S was only the singleplayer side of HL. I hope the got it wrong, I really do. :(
Darth Valium said:
there was an official statement that hl:s will not have any kind of mp.

Wrong. The statement was that, at launch, HL:S will not have MP. But, will be patched in down the road.
Adrenaline Gamer 2

CHiNX is putting together a team to make Adrenaline Gamer 2 for the new Source engine.
I signed up to get the code started and setup the basic match functions that we got in AG today. Beyond that is up the rest of the team.
I'm sure this will be bring the community together once again since there are no deathmatch shipped in HL2.

Happy fragging in the Source engine :)

---> http://www.planethalflife.com/agmod/

ag2 will pwn hl:s dm for sure :P
Shuzer said:
Wrong. The statement was that, at launch, HL:S will not have MP. But, will be patched in down the road.
Yeah or modded in by the community.
I'm getting tired of Valve promising us everything afterwards, let them come up with something solid first, then I might start believing them again.