HL2 not for PS2. PC and XBox only at this point

I may add that I doubt anyone on this forum really gives a crap about console versions of HL2, so this is a fair to mostly useless post, but, hey, it's NEW NEWS! Woohoo!
If you posted this topic on geek.com you'd find a ps2 vs. xbox fanboy war.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
Only the xbox version will be anygood!

Uh....pipe cleaners don't belong that far up your nose.
acutally when this all happend, all the ps2 fan boys figured it was coming out for the ps2, but what he really meant was that it (if anything) would be comming out for the ps3 in the future.
PS2 graphics suck, no wonder it cant be ported for it.
Originally posted by Democritus
I may add that I doubt anyone on this forum really gives a crap about console versions of HL2, so this is a fair to mostly useless post, but, hey, it's NEW NEWS! Woohoo!

Originally posted by CrazyHarij
PS2 graphics suck, no wonder it cant be ported for it.



It looks even better in motion and when you're playing. PS2 graphics don't suck, the character models in games like Silent Hill 3 are higher poly and more detailed than Half-Life 2. Also, the only game that can rival the lighting effects of Silent Hill 3 is Doom 3. You show me a screenshot of one PC game that is out now and is better than Silent Hill 3.

HL2 probably could be done on PS2, but they would have to re-work the ENTIRE architecture of the engine. Also there's no chance it would look as good. The PS2 could do things like lighting effects and character models easily and take an almost non-existant performance hit, but it can not handle DX9 shaders, render high resolution textures, or do anti-aliasing. It would still look very good, and if they spent the time on it better than the PC version in a few areas, but the PC version would be undeniably better.

The X-BOX is an extremely easy port. It makes sense to put it on this since it is essentially an cheap PC in a box. They don't have to make very many changes to the engine architecture and have already got the programming for lighting and other effects. It could not do any DX9 effects, but would still look decent and be cheap enough to be worth porting.

The thought of releasing HL2 on PS3 is stupid. HL2 would look like absolute crap compared to other PS3 games. Just look at the Half-life port on PS2, its been improved in many areas since the original but it still looks like total crap compared to other PS2 games. If they're going to release it on consoles they need to do it next-gen or re-make it for the next next-gen consoles.
If anyone here actually expected to play HL2 on a PS2, you have now been officially pwned!! :D
HL2 will work on Xbox only. Even then there'll have to be graphical sacrifices.
Originally posted by smwScott


It looks even better in motion and when you're playing. PS2 graphics don't suck, the character models in games like Silent Hill 3 are higher poly and more detailed than Half-Life 2. Also, the only game that can rival the lighting effects of Silent Hill 3 is Doom 3. You show me a screenshot of one PC game that is out now and is better than Silent Hill 3.

HL2 probably could be done on PS2, but they would have to re-work the ENTIRE architecture of the engine. Also there's no chance it would look as good. The PS2 could do things like lighting effects and character models easily and take an almost non-existant performance hit, but it can not handle DX9 shaders, render high resolution textures, or do anti-aliasing. It would still look very good, and if they spent the time on it better than the PC version in a few areas, but the PC version would be undeniably better.

The X-BOX is an extremely easy port. It makes sense to put it on this since it is essentially an cheap PC in a box. They don't have to make very many changes to the engine architecture and have already got the programming for lighting and other effects. It could not do any DX9 effects, but would still look decent and be cheap enough to be worth porting.

The thought of releasing HL2 on PS3 is stupid. HL2 would look like absolute crap compared to other PS3 games. Just look at the Half-life port on PS2, its been improved in many areas since the original but it still looks like total crap compared to other PS2 games. If they're going to release it on consoles they need to do it next-gen or re-make it for the next next-gen consoles.

Are you sure those aren't pre-rendered videos? Like the ones in FFX? It's hard to tell, and I've never played the game before...
ps2 is teh gay... all consoles are teh gay..
you know why? unless you have a high def tv, the max resolution of a normal tv is like, what, 640x480 or something, which is nothing compared to 1600x1200 that a computer monitor can reach. thats the only reason that i dont like consoles, that and the fact that i dont have my beloved wasd.
well they AREN"T GAY.

name a good fighting game on pc and racing game that allowed 4 player suport *NOT online, i mean real life multiplayer.

CONSOLES are good. Thats why i have pc + ps2 = good.
Originally posted by Subz
well they AREN"T GAY.

name a good fighting game on pc and racing game that allowed 4 player suport *NOT online, i mean real life multiplayer.

CONSOLES are good. Thats why i have pc + ps2 = good.

Yeah, I like my Gamecube... I've enjoyed Soul Calibur II recently...
Originally posted by smwScott


It looks even better in motion and when you're playing. PS2 graphics don't suck, the character models in games like Silent Hill 3 are higher poly and more detailed than Half-Life 2. Also, the only game that can rival the lighting effects of Silent Hill 3 is Doom 3. You show me a screenshot of one PC game that is out now and is better than Silent Hill 3.

HL2 probably could be done on PS2, but they would have to re-work the ENTIRE architecture of the engine. Also there's no chance it would look as good. The PS2 could do things like lighting effects and character models easily and take an almost non-existant performance hit, but it can not handle DX9 shaders, render high resolution textures, or do anti-aliasing. It would still look very good, and if they spent the time on it better than the PC version in a few areas, but the PC version would be undeniably better.

The X-BOX is an extremely easy port. It makes sense to put it on this since it is essentially an cheap PC in a box. They don't have to make very many changes to the engine architecture and have already got the programming for lighting and other effects. It could not do any DX9 effects, but would still look decent and be cheap enough to be worth porting.

The thought of releasing HL2 on PS3 is stupid. HL2 would look like absolute crap compared to other PS3 games. Just look at the Half-life port on PS2, its been improved in many areas since the original but it still looks like total crap compared to other PS2 games. If they're going to release it on consoles they need to do it next-gen or re-make it for the next next-gen consoles.
Umm aren't those screens from pre-rendered movies in the game?
I don't think those screens are from the prerendered movie. I heard that Sillent Hills 3 characters look amazing. Hell wait, I have a PS2 and only one game (gran turismo 3) for a year and a half. I'm using is as a DivX player in my main home theater. Maybe its time to chceck out some new PS2 games?
Those are all in-game. There are absolutely no CG movies in SH3, it's all in-game. That wasn't pre-rendered. I've beaten the game and unlocked a bunch of the secrets, I'm sure. They aren't even cut-scene models, those are the same models they use in the game when you're playing.

There was one scene when they were in a car, it was raining and the windshield wipers were running. If I was just passing by I wouldn't have known it wasn't a movie. And this is all in-game, it's extremely impressive.

The enemies are also extremely well modeled, and often times very disgusting. I couldn't find any good pics of them on the first few pages of Gamespot though.
Originally posted by MMhardKy
I don't think those screens are from the prerendered movie. I heard that Sillent Hills 3 characters look amazing. Hell wait, I have a PS2 and only one game (gran turismo 3) for a year and a half. I'm using is as a DivX player in my main home theater. Maybe its time to chceck out some new PS2 games?

There's a lot of great PS2 games. If you want a few personal suggestions:

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3 (not out yet)
Gran Turismo 4
Silent Hill 2 and especially 3
Zone of the Enders 1 and 2
GTA3 and VC if you don't already have it on PC
The Getaway (its too short, but really great while it lasts, rental)
Devil May Cry 1 (2 sucks)

Also I recommend buying all sports games for PS2. I don't know about the others but EA games only support online for PS2 and PC, and PS2 is better for sports games.
DMC was kind of disappointing IMO. You should have gotten the Sparda sword earlier in the game. Now MGS2, there is a quality game indeed.
Consoles suck because....

1. Current computers are always at least 1.5x as fast as the console when the console comes out. Time only increases that distance.
2. Current computer video cards are always at least 6 months ahead.
3. 640x480? Who needs to say more.
4. 4 controllers on one screen=320x240=can't see shit. There are computer games with split screen, but computer users just hook up to lan/internet and play against 32+ players @ high res.
5. You cant MOD console games.
6. You cannot have the same level of control on a console as you can on computer. I'd love to play counterstrike against 5 people teamed up on a console. Hell, if any of you have ever seen this movie... http://www.gamershell.com/download_2955.shtml ...I can guarantee you that 80% of those tricks are impossible on a console (and I didn't modify the handling).
7. Multiplayer on a console shares the same speakers. You don’t know who's sound is who's.
8. Consoles destroy videogames with their inferiority. GTA3 & GTA VC graphics sucked cuzz they were primarily PS2, then ported to PC.

BTW, HL2 on XBOX will be shit.
1. Read the list above
2. When I meet any HL2 player on XBOX, they’ll never be able to kill me.
3. The graphic effects are going to be shit.
4. (To the song “I aint’ got no…sat-is-fact-ion”) You ain’t got no…MOD-ifi-cat-ions

P.S. Consoles are always trying to make themselves more and more like computers cuzz console makers know computers PWN consoles.
Originally posted by phantomdesign
Consoles suck because....

1. Current computers are always at least 1.5x as fast as the console when the console comes out. Time only increases that distance.
2. Current computer video cards are always at least 6 months ahead.
3. 640x480? Who needs to say more.
4. 4 controllers on one screen=320x240=can't see shit. There are computer games with split screen, but computer users just hook up to lan/internet and play against 32+ players @ high res.
5. You cant MOD console games.
6. You cannot have the same level of control on a console as you can on computer. I'd love to play counterstrike against 5 people teamed up on a console. Hell, if any of you have ever seen this movie... http://www.gamershell.com/download_2955.shtml ...I can guarantee you that 80% of those tricks are impossible on a console (and I didn't modify the handling).
7. Multiplayer on a console shares the same speakers. You don’t know who's sound is who's.
8. Consoles destroy videogames with their inferiority. GTA3 & GTA VC graphics sucked cuzz they were primarily PS2, then ported to PC.

BTW, HL2 on XBOX will be shit.
1. Read the list above
2. When I meet any HL2 player on XBOX, they’ll never be able to kill me.
3. The graphic effects are going to be shit.
4. (To the song “I aint’ got no…sat-is-fact-ion”) You ain’t got no…MOD-ifi-cat-ions

P.S. Consoles are always trying to make themselves more and more like computers cuzz console makers know computers PWN consoles.

This is why consoles cost $1000 less than any good computer.
I agree that HL2 will suck on Xbox, in fact, almost all PC - Console ports have sucked. But consoles definiely have advantages over comuters, so let's all just get along :cheese:
Who the hell gives a damn about CONSOLE versions of PC, I repeat PC games?

That may be true as to why consoles are less money... But they still aren't better.

Nintendo doesn't count here since it is and always will be the only company I buy a console from since it has the exclusives that I want to play.
I build kick ass computers for $500.

GeForce4 TI4200 or better
2.6 GHZ (AMD)
6.1 surround
Wireless Keyboad+Optical Mouse+Sidewinder Joystick
17"Monitor w/ 1280x1024 or better.

compared to...

$400 console
$450+ TV w/ 640x480
Originally posted by phantomdesign

$400 console
$450+ TV w/ 640x480


... the Hell you buyin' from?

Most everyone already has a television... and talking resolution in games meant to played that way is absolutely silly... console games can look great...
When the PS3 comes out, it'll be between $350 and $500. I could build a computer equivelant to PS2 for $150, but you also get the other quirks of a computer like internet, word processing, any anythign else.
And actually if you want the best picture you're gonna be paying about 1.5k for a TV with Pro Scan.

Like my Panasonic TAU 36"

So actually you can build top of the line PC for about that much exlcuding something like like top of the line speakers and monitor. Those would add about 500 to 800 combinded.
lol ps2 port of hal life 2 would work better than pc in some area. seriously what do u smoke up? to all the problems that were listed by my fellow pc lovers the real problem with ps2 is that beside not having the right architecture to render dx9 shaders or dx8 or dx7 (just to let u know lol), it doesnt have enough ram at a difference of the xbox. One of the developers of operation flashpoint said that as operation flashpoint is being ported to the xbox, and ppl were wondering if the ps2 was gonna get it too lolz; the guy actually said that they were having already an hard time porting it to the xbox, so forget pOs2 :)
pc >xbox> p0s2 > gc (if u rnt a kiddo) :)
Bottom line: PCs are supperior. Consoles have some advantages, but computers have a shit load more. You can point out that some of you already have a TV, but I'd also like to point out that you are currently typing on a computer.
Originally posted by ale2999
pc >xbox> p0s2 > gc (if u rnt a kiddo) :)

I have a Gamecube, and enjoy playing it from time to time... and I prefer it to other consoles... and what's with the kiddo remark? Why would you say that?
cuz most games are kid games on it, so a kiddos would enjoy it more than your average forum user. No offense was intended. My brother and his friends prefers gc for example.
Originally posted by ale2999
lol ps2 port of hal life 2 would work better than pc in some area. seriously what do u smoke up? to all the problems that were listed by my fellow pc lovers the real problem with ps2 is that beside not having the right architecture to render dx9 shaders or dx8 or dx7 (just to let u know lol), it doesnt have enough ram at a difference of the xbox. One of the developers of operation flashpoint said that as operation flashpoint is being ported to the xbox, and ppl were wondering if the ps2 was gonna get it too lolz; the guy actually said that they were having already an hard time porting it to the xbox, so forget pOs2 :)
pc >xbox> p0s2 > gc (if u rnt a kiddo) :)

Saying that PS2 can't run DX7 level graphics is ****in' stupid and if you believe it then you are ****in' stupid. The PS2's architecture isn't even comparable to PC or X-BOX. The PS2 has a 300MHz core also, you get me those quality graphics on a 300MHz. You can't compare specs, it just doesn't work that way.

And you've all listed unbased reasons for "Why Ps2 Sucks" not one of you have shown me a screenshot of a game that is currently out that looks better than Silent Hill 3. Look back at my previous post for comparision. C'mon, when you can answer that question with a picture then maybe you'll get some credit.

Oh, and writing "pwnt" at the end of posts just makes you look like an idiot. What's only one step from those fools wh0 wr1t3 l1k3 th15. It doesn't get any sadder than that.

But this isn't the place to have any kind of intelligent argument on the matter. You've all made up your minds and are just going to repeat wrong and baseless facts untill I get tired of posting, which will be pretty soon.
srry I am at work and I am too lazy to give u ss, but guess what I'll give u a couple of name that had gfx of great quality
Unreal 2
Splinter cell (and dont say u guys got it too as the pc one is superior:) )
jedi academy
Silent hill 3 LOLZ look at the ss of the pc version and compare them to the ps2 version. I am srry but p0wned works well here ! heheh jk

and that is all past games
coming up
far cry
You kinda got my point. the playstation 2 is just an ok console, whose success was dictated by the success of the ps1. Silent Hill 3 looks awesome on the ps2 yes, but that engine is not even remotely complex to any pc game and it looks way better on the pc

but guess what. HAVING BOTH ALSO RULES> cause i get ausome fighting games and racing games which both own with controller.
I also got VC a year earlier.
I say stop taking alleigance with a certain format and try to play anything you can that you find fun. Don't turn into a fanboy, refusing to play let alone buy anything on another console (or PC even) because you worship your current favorite. Don't limit what you play because of something stupid - play what ever looks and plays fun.
I have all three consoles and a PC (believe me, I'm broke :p) and I have as much fun that I possibly can because I'm not limited. Even if you can't afford another console, don't put it down.