HL2 NOT on the Xbox

wow, there is a lot of ignorant people out there.....

The stock options are helping out the average working class person, who works for them. Stock options can be be "cahsed in" and the working class people get the money.

LINCE: Wow you are ignorant. Yes Microsoft bought Bungie. But that was before Halo wa sout, so it wasn't the way you put it. Besides, buying bungie jsut put money behind them, allowing them to make more/better games.

They don't own EA, they never thought about it, and they never will

Are they over charging for thier products? I dont think so....
Ignorance....the bane, but fortunately not the make up, of my life. 2 post were made during the 20 seconds I took to write my last post, I wonder how many will be here this time.
Well if you love Mr bill, kiss his butt i'm not going to do this. I think that microsoft did a great product windows. A lot of people blame on this product but i loved it and i know that it is very powerful. But when you make a hard life on those who try to make products based on this platform you don't deserve my respect. Be careful!!! this product is not veryfied and certified by microsoft!!! uouuu i hate bill gates a lot and he want to monopolize all.

We are losing money with x-box but we don't care. We winned 3 or 4 more times what we have lost last year with our windows ;). Nice!!! he takes benefit on those who are obligated on buying his ****ing windows at very expensive prices. Sidewinder have you bought all your windows? if you love Mr bill sure you have bought all no? bahh....
SidewinderX143 You got to admit though that Microsoft unfairly monopolizes the industry, and they do not release OS's that are up to the quality they are capable of and as a result the consumer suffers from this. That is not fair, we need competition, and Microsoft has found ways to almost obliterate it without giving it the chance to offer something that may be better.
Although i do like the majority of Microsoft's products, i'll admit to the fact that they are trying to monopolise the industry. One thing you've got to remember those is that if Microsoft didnt exist, there would be someone else sitting in Bill's throne. After all, a business' primary goal is to make a consistent profit...
After all, a business' primary goal is to make a consistent profit...

Microsoft has gone well beyond making a consistent profit. Now they are making their profit often at the expense of the consumers needs.
I'll agree with most of what you say, but I don't think they are falling short of the consumer's needs. They are capable of doing so much more, but thier OS works. We don't NEED more, but we would much rather have the best that they can do.
It is true that their OS works. Then again it wouldn't be on the market if it didn't. Look at windows ME, that was a very crappy piece of work when compared to many different versions of Linux. In my opinion the best OS to ever exist was UNIX. Microsoft has only added new technological features with its OS's and made them more "User friendly". there OS are much buggier than they could be and they have a whole bunch of extra crap thrown in with them that we don't really need that simply adds to the price.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
It is true that their OS works. Then again it wouldn't be on the market if it didn't. Look at windows ME, that was a very crappy piece of work when compared to many different versions of Linux. In my opinion the best OS to ever exist was UNIX. Microsoft has only added new technological features with its OS's and made them more "User friendly". there OS are much buggier than they could be and they have a whole bunch of extra crap thrown in with them that we don't really need that simply adds to the price.
...You really need to get a grasp of how business works. When they have a huge majority of the market share, what incentive is there to make a better OS? To be nice? Are you really so naive to think that businesses work for our well-being? If Linux were to be a threat to Windows, however, both would make huge leaps forward in "OS Technology". Look at ATi and Nvidia. Because of the close competition, they've been making large leaps forward, because if they wouldn't, the other would and they'd be left in the dust. Microsoft doesn't see any need to do much with their OS as users buy it as it is.

Anyway (pardon if this was posted before, I skipped most of the pages), back on topic...an article was posted on PHL today:

Lombardi today told GameSpy Half-Life 2 is certainly in development for the Xbox. "Half-Life 2 is planned for the PC and Xbox. We've announced the shipping date for the PC version [September 30, 2003 - ed.], and we'll announce a shipping date for the Xbox version later in the year.

So it's coming for Xbox, just not simultaneously with PC (probably).

Originally posted by Vertigo
...You really need to get a grasp of how business works. When they have a huge majority of the market share, what incentive is there to make a better OS? To be nice? Are you really so naive to think that businesses work for our well-being? If Linux were to be a threat to Windows, however, both would make huge leaps forward in "OS Technology". Look at ATi and Nvidia. Because of the close competition, they've been making large leaps forward, because if they wouldn't, the other would and they'd be left in the dust. Microsoft doesn't see any need to do much with their OS as users buy it as it is.
OMG, that is exactly what Im saying! If you read my other posts. Microsoft has 99% of market share, so why release a better OS. Im saying they shouldn't unfairly monopolize the market, because if they didn't unfairly monopolize then there would be competition and they would be forced to release better OS's to stay in the game.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
OMG, that is exactly what Im saying! If you read my other posts. Microsoft has 99% of market share, so why release a better OS. Im saying they shouldn't unfairly monopolize the market, because if they didn't unfairly monopolize then there would be competition and they would be forced to release better OS's to stay in the game.
Are you blaming the government or Microsoft for this, then? If MS, again, what incentive do they have to do so? Why would they want to be pressured? They're not suicidal...

If it's the government you blame, though, then I agree with you.

Im not blaming the government. Im not american and I do not know all the legal business when it comes to how a monopoly works. Maybe they are the ones at fault, I don't know enough to pin my blame on them.

However I am blaming Microsoft for something else, ya sure they do not want to be pressured, but that is not what this is about. They simply do not play fairly. Sure its the business world, but that doesn't mean I should accept them for not playing fairly. If there was a person that acted like Microsoft does as a corporation, are you saying that you would like that person? I certainly would not.

I don't just hate Microsoft though, there are thousands of other companies out there like that. Its just that Microsoft has more of an effect on my life.
Ah, ok. I agree with you, then. I just get tired when everybody seems to single out MS as if they're the only ones doing it. I never said it's fine, I'm just saying it's the sad truth. Anyway, back on topic now...

Yes well, this whole thread can pretty much end now.
Turns the whole topic was only a rumor. Not much point in going on with it.

EDIT: Glad we got that little argument evened out. :)
Ok, ok. Find. *closes thread*
Uhhh...damn. I need to get me some admin power, here.

P.S. Damn, Mullinator. You reply pretty damn quick.
Nothing on TV, and Im downloading right now. Not much to do other than post on the forums and MSN (heh, MSN, ironic isn't it)
Hrm....I gotta get me some ultimate irony going, too. Watching MSNBC while running Windows XP (Windows 98 on other HD), having MSN open and playing MS Flight Sim (C++ and VB are open as well). I'll get to work on that...yeah, in case you haven't noticed, I'm kinda bored...methinks I'm gonna go beat Halo again...for the fiftieth time.

EDIT: Woo! 250 posts! Further evidence that I have no life whatsoever! Woohoo! :bounce:
lol, yup that is the ultimate in irony right there.

* This thread is now UNOFFICIALLY closed *
Well now it's confirmed by Valve (but not MS) that it is indeed going to be on Xbox.
Perhaps MS wanted to make it like a big surprise that valve just ruined.
(gamespy.com for the update - new today)