HL2 obsession


May 29, 2004
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So, what's your indicator that your HL2 anticipation/obsession has gone too far?

It hit me when i had a dream about it. I know, it is very sad, but i had been reading the forums and fell asleep at the compy.

It went something like this. At first I had the manipulator, and i opened up the console to upgrade it or something (i read something about how the manipulator gets upgraded throughout the game...) When i was done typing in a command, the physgun popped out for whatever reason and it looked like a weird advanced wrench thingy. All these addons to the "futuristic wrench" started appearing, it was crazy. 2 weird "samus shoulder" ball things appeared on either side...

Then, i was driving the buggy as gordon. But, for some reason he wasn't wearing his glasses so it was way blurry...I think i was fighting a helicopter or something, i can't remember.

Then i woke up, and realized that i need to get a life and stop reading these forums...

What's your story?
I had a dream I finally stopped reading these forums until after the game was released. It was a sweet dream too... unfortunately dreams are never reality. Thats why we dream!
Hahahahaha so I'm not the only one that has had a dream about it too then?
What a bloody relief...
I wasn't too concerned about the game from about May till September. I didn't take part in forums, life was good.

Then when we approached late September, the release date nearing i suddenly snapped and became obsessed. The game was so close and it's as if i didn't even have to wait.

It was all downhill from there. GOD SAVE ME FROM THIS INFERNAL MESS!!!
Hi, I am God, but so as to not attract unnecessary attention to myself, I registered here as denlife7. I cannot save you, Mr-Fusion, as this infernal mess is now too powerful and even has me under it's control. We must all hope that the release of the game will be almighty enough to break us all free from these ruins.

Now.. where's my fanny bag and sunscreen.....
hmm, i too dreamt about the game but that was after a night out and i read an article on it before gently passing out. I wouldn't read too much into it, i dreamt about running the other day because i went for a run then fell asleep.
My friends think I'm weird because all I do is tell them about this game. They always see me visiting this site every time they visit me, and they cant understand what point lies in these abysmal subjects. But, there is a point!
Hehe I've seen a dream too, though not HL2 (that's for daydreaming;p) but of TF2 o_O It was a bizarre vision of how the classes are going to be :p
I didn't have any dreams about HL2, but I had this weird dream last night that I was driving down the road and there were all these clowns everywhere and my friend was with me and he was like "Did you know clowns are jewish?" And I said "No, lets ask one" and then we pulled over to this stupid looking clown and I asked "Hey are you Jewish?" and the clown pulled off his mask and it was one of my friends. Then we went into a door and we were in this huge theater and there was some film playing.

It was the weirdest dream I've ever had
i had a dream were hl2 sucked big time, nuff said
How the hell can anyone fall asleep at the computer... Jeez...

^^ It ain't that hard, really. I sit on a very comfy chair, so falling asleep sitting isn't that amazing in this thing.
I stayed up all night watcing an LOTR movie marathon thing (a sort of spur of the moment thing), and when it was done I didn't feel that sleepy so I thought I'd watch a Back To The Future marathon as well. I fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the first one in my chair. It's just as easy to fall asleep at the computer as it is anywhere else; you just have to be sleepy.
KagePrototype said:
It's just as easy to fall asleep at the computer as it is anywhere else; you just have to be sleepy.

They better release the game soon, threads can now have this statement as part of legitimate conversation.
Rupertvdb said:
They better release the game soon, threads can now have this statement as part of legitimate conversation.

hear, hear
It hit me when I started drawing a Half-Life 2 picture that would take me a month to do.
Well... I think I read in Freuds book about dreaming that dreams reprecent the things we want the most. In our dreams we can do anything, be anyone or in some of the examples above, play any game.

I guess alot of us really want HL2 =)
I have a dream ...

I'm not sure whether I've had a Half Life Dream (HLD), but I never really know what i dream about. I think I probably have, most likely one of the huge set pieces from the original (like the tentacle beast). I remembered my first dream for ages 2day - not gonna elaborate :p it was nice though :) no people, not that
Everytime I write a SQL query, I write "valve" instead of "value"... That's obsession...
I can tell I'm infatuated with this game because I'm following the same pattern that I did when I was excited to be getting Team Fortress for Half-Life. See, I had to wait for my new computer so I could play it, so in the mean time, I just stayed up late researching anything and everything on it - reading forums, looking at screenies, reading guides, etc. I watch the Binky videos released by Valve on a regular basis to stay calm.
we have that kind of white type roads you see in the coastline movie with the buggy and the propellership thing... its so typically for our area to have these kind of roads with electricity wires hanging over it and a pole every 100 meters..

whenever I go there now I think of hl2:)