HL2 on DOOM3 engine? take a look!!!


Nov 9, 2003
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ever wondered how would HL2 look on DOOM3's engine?
I sure did, 'cause I've been waiting for both of them (but playing HL2 for like fifth time, while finished doom3 only 3 times;))

found this on planetdoom. looks like someone used HL2's textures for creating a map on doom3's engine. results are not bad at all...


first there are a few shots from a doom3 map using hl2's textures. further in the thread we can find something opposite - screens from CS:S map, using doom3's textures.
see for yourselves, guess it's not so easy to simulate doom's shaders/materials in source.


there is also another interresting thread in the subject. the people at doom3world's forums try to create an outdoor map, similar to the ones seen in HL2. the name of the project is pretty self-explanatory;)

Doom 3 "Can Do It Too" Project


some very interresting pictures there, looks like guys over at the doom3world's forums really want to show that doom's engine is capable of such a task.

both threads are worth reading, the pictures are neat and show good comparison betweend engines.

I'm not trying to start some intercommunity war or another D3 vs. HL2 thread, just found that interresting and willing to share with you guys;)

let one of the posts from that forums be our motto and strenghten peace and love between HL2 and DOOM3 communities:

you guys realize that doom 3 and halflife 2 are the same game engine, quake.
just heavly modified
oberGeist said:
let one of the posts from that forums be our motto and strenghten peace and love between HL2 and DOOM3 communities:

That quote isn't true. Doom 3 and HL2 use different engines.
Doom 3 uses its own new engine
HL2 uses its own engine coded from the ground up.

HL used a heavily modified quake engine.
this is so old ... it was posted a day after the initial post on d3w and was in several news ...


btw: doom3 and source have so little in common ... its retarded to say they are based on the same engine.

same as "ferarri f50 and audi quattro are basically the same .. both are cars"

complete bullshit.
its also theft of intellectual property...way to get your self sued
urban said:
its also theft of intellectual property...way to get your self sued

They are just screenshots.

The last page of the thread has a nice video of a sun simulation. It looks very real, and just goes to show what you can do with Doom 3's lights.
That quote isn't true. Doom 3 and HL2 use different engines.

looks like everyone understood that it was meant as a joke...

shoulda write that it was a joke or maybe use some laughing emots... :p

its also theft of intellectual property...way to get your self sued

are You referring to me posting links to other forums or to using HL2 textures in other projects?
..and if it's sooo old - sorry for making irrelevant thread.

but I didn't find anything about it here yet, and wanted to share with you all with what looks like an interresting subject.;)
I don't get it. They go into all this effort to make these maps and in the end it will run and look a lot worse than the same map on engines like Source, Crytek or X-Ray. What's the point?

They can't do the things Doom 3 excels at, Doom 3 can't do the things the others excel at. Period.
Holy crap, I'm actually surprised there hasn't been flames thrown at Doom 3 yet! Maybe there's hope for humanity after all!

This is just an early beta group of pictures. Give it some time and better mappers using lights better, it could look just as good as HL2.

Before anyone bashes the low res textures, realize that our computer can't handle high res ones yet. It is definately not an engine limitation.
Doom3 is Doom3 and Half-life2 is Half-life 2.This doesn`t look nice becouse
the doom engine is made for this and Hl2 isn`t.
The pics that are set outside for Doom 3 look rubbish in my opinion.

Good idea though.
Dragoro said:
No way can anyone honestly say it looks like crap. It looks really good to me.

You're right, that would be an insult to crap. :|
Alientank said:
Holy crap, I'm actually surprised there hasn't been flames thrown at Doom 3 yet! Maybe there's hope for humanity after all!

This is just an early beta group of pictures. Give it some time and better mappers using lights better, it could look just as good as HL2.

Before anyone bashes the low res textures, realize that our computer can't handle high res ones yet. It is definately not an engine limitation.

It is an engine limitation. Not a limitation as in 'the engine can't do it', but a limitation as in 'the engine can't do it at reasonable speeds'. The way other engines approach lighting, allows them to easily use textures up to 2048x2048.

I'm sure if you put enough effort and time into it, you can make a map that approaches HL2 outdoor city maps, but at what cost? Only to make a map that's similar to the maps on another engine, without any technical advancements made in comparison with the map on the other engine, so you'll end up with a map that's the same as a HL2 map but runs at half the speed. Whoop dee doo.
PvtRyan said:
I'm sure if you put enough effort and time into it, you can make a map that approaches HL2 outdoor city maps, but at what cost? Only to make a map that's similar to the maps on another engine, without any technical advancements made in comparison with the map on the other engine, so you'll end up with a map that's the same as a HL2 map but runs at half the speed. Whoop dee doo.

I'd say that a realtime day/night cycle with changing colours and dynamic shadows is a technical advancement over HL2.
Can't we just love both engines for what they've accomplished? Each one will produce fantastic results in the coming years. :thumbs:
they look more like paintings
edit: the ones on the doom3 forum
it does look like crap! it is too dark and completly unlike hl2
Dragoro said:
No way can anyone honestly say it looks like crap. It looks really good to me.

Nothing special. Doom 3 with HL2 textiles? Woopie Doo -__-

Lets see HL2 zombies created from the Doom 3 engine, and ill be impressed.
I'd say that Source's structure and logic is very very similar to Doom3 (e.g. console, commands, map building, and coding maybe) because they have heavily relied on the structure of engine used in HL1 which is actually Carmack's engine. So, in a way Source is a stepgrandchild of Carmack's Quake engine.
although both engines may originate from quake engine (but that would be rather remote origin) doom 3's graphic engine is purely OpenGL, while Source is DirectX.

they were built for the same task, but details are different. Source is a very modular engine, easily upgradeable with new tech but atm still using known an somewhat old techniques - prerendered lightmaps, hitboxes, static skyboxes etc. Doom's engine was built for one specific game, and in that game works incredible. Dynamic, per pixel lighting, dynamic shadows, per-poly hit detection are all technologies of next generation of 3d engines. it unfortunatelly didn't show us any large, outdoor maps with natural light and foliage.

that's what the whole idea behind the project is about I think - to show that it actually is capable of doing things, that Source is best at.

we'll have to wait with final judgement on that until some REALLY well done maps show up, because atm there are only tests mainly done by regular gamers and not by experienced mapmakers.
I'm very interested in the final results...
The Dark Elf said:
Thats what interested me... real day/night cycles... damnit :p

we'll have to wait couple more months for that - until s.t.a.l.k.e.r. comes out :naughty:

it's engine looks like Source mixed with Doom3 - radiosity lightmaps, large outdoor areas and heavy usage of DX9, but also dynamic shadows, lights and day/night cycle.
gonna be rrrreally fun :E
Zelnaga said:
Nothing special. Doom 3 with HL2 textiles? Woopie Doo -__-

Lets see HL2 zombies created from the Doom 3 engine, and ill be impressed.

Uh... that's just a question of modelling and animation.

oberGeist said:
we'll have to wait couple more months for that - until s.t.a.l.k.e.r. comes out :naughty:

Why? It's been done with Doom 3. I saw the video.
PvtRyan said:
It is an engine limitation. Not a limitation as in 'the engine can't do it', but a limitation as in 'the engine can't do it at reasonable speeds'. The way other engines approach lighting, allows them to easily use textures up to 2048x2048.

I'm sure if you put enough effort and time into it, you can make a map that approaches HL2 outdoor city maps, but at what cost? Only to make a map that's similar to the maps on another engine, without any technical advancements made in comparison with the map on the other engine, so you'll end up with a map that's the same as a HL2 map but runs at half the speed. Whoop dee doo.

No, that's not an engine limitation at all. An engine limitation is the HL1 engine not being able to do pixel shader 2.0. That is an engine limitation, it's impossible for it to do that. Our computers can't handle the details yet, the engine can. It's not how Doom 3 uses lighting, it's the fact that there's 4 textures laid down for each texture surface. Diffuse, normal, bump and specular I believe. That's a lot of stuff being loaded into video card memory, hence why they need to be kept low res. If the video card memory was bigger, and the cards say 50% faster then they are, it could easily do high res textures, and do all the appropriate lighting on them, etc. We might even be able to see Doom 3 in full glory. That's the whole thing I'm saying.
hl2 maps on doom3 engine looks better
doom3 maps on hl2 engine looks like shit

I am not a doom 3 fanboy
I am simply stating the truth, not a biased opinion
Big Fat Duck said:
hl2 maps on doom3 engine looks better
doom3 maps on hl2 engine looks like shit

I am not a doom 3 fanboy
I am simply stating the truth, not a biased opinion
It's like an ugly chick who looks hot in the dark. But if you see her in broad daylight she's revolting and you want take a mallet to her face.

Doom 3 maps are like the ugly chick. They look good in the dark but when you get them out in real light...they are worthy of a mallet hit......So if Half-Life 2 maps can be transferred between engines and still look great maybe that means Valve are a hot chick?

Oh for ****s sake what in the hell am i talking about.
^ Agreed.

As what was said about potential of the Doom 3 engine nowhere near being reached, wait a few years for PC hardware to improve and it will be an awesome experience.

Who needs Unreal 3? :D
you do realize that source can do doom3's lighting? just because hl2 doesnt use it, doesnt mean source cant do it. why do you think doom3 is a dungeon crawl? because nobody has the hardware to make it run if it was wide open ala hl2. valve made decisions on the lighting that might seems like shortcommings, but the game runs better for it. each engine was made to do what the particular game needed. and yes doom3 is the ugly chic.
Doom3's lighting is HORRID. You can stand just a couple feet from a wall with a light source behind you, and the wall is completely black, giving the optical illusion of depth. That isn't realistic in the least, and it seems the lighting was designed specifically for this game so it could be dark.

The engine, if it is any good, is horribly represented by Doom 3 the game. The source engine is not only better, but it's represented with a better game.