HL2 on GamesConvention (21.-24.08.)

Looks like Valve is doing a European tour.
It'll just be the E3 demo. Don't get your knickers in a twist.
Babel Fish translation. Kind of sucks:

Help Life 2: Fair appearance in Leipzig!

Who would like to belong to first, which see help Life 2 in motion, the days from 21. should absolutely keep free themselves to 24 August! Because Vivendi just confirmed offiziel that they will present the Action Kracher on the GamesConvention fair in Leipzig. The Publisher promises extensive material to see that however only of age ones to get. Because because of some brutal scenes the Ego Shooter is shown only in a separated USK-18-Bereich with age control.
Originally posted by Phlek
Babel Fish translation. Kind of sucks:

Help Life 2: Fair appearance in Leipzig!

Who would like to belong to first, which see help Life 2 in motion, the days from 21. should absolutely keep free themselves to 24 August! Because Vivendi just confirmed offiziel that they will present the Action Kracher on the GamesConvention fair in Leipzig. The Publisher promises extensive material to see that however only of age ones to get. Because because of some brutal scenes the Ego Shooter is shown only in a separated USK-18-Bereich with age control.

Half Life 2: Appearence at a Fair in Leipzig

If you would like to see the first to see Half Life 2 in action, keep the days 21st to 24th of August free. Vivendi have officially confrimed that they will present the action game at the Games Convention Fair in Leipzig. The publisher promises extensive matterial to see, however you must be over 18 to view it. Because of the violent scenes the shooter will only be shown in a seperate over 18s only area.

I don't know German I've just cleaned up the translation.
Valve're also doing ECTS (?) in London. They probably will end up simply showing old stuff but surely that'd be deathly dull, plus by then it'll nearly be time for new media on Steam, won't it?
Why are european countries so up tight about violence. I remember reading in gamepro that the humans in turok were replaced with robots so the player isn't doing massive killings. I heard they did that with half life 1 also. America rules
Originally posted by Be-vishead
Why are european countries so up tight about violence. I remember reading in gamepro that the humans in turok were replaced with robots so the player isn't doing massive killings. I heard they did that with half life 1 also. America rules

I think it's something to do with Germany mainly. They have very strict censors.
Originally posted by Be-vishead
Why are european countries so up tight about violence. I remember reading in gamepro that the humans in turok were replaced with robots so the player isn't doing massive killings. I heard they did that with half life 1 also. America rules

North America
The US version of Half-Life is banned in Germany for extreme violence. There is a special german version which features robots as enemies, green blood instead of red and innocent people cannot be killed any longer. (Editor's note: The robot design was outlined by Sierra's Germany division, then sent to Valve in Seattle, where the artists created and implemented the tin soldiers. The changes in the game's code and art, together with the text and speech localization, served to delay the German version by full four months. By then, even casual gamers had already purchased the original version, which was freely for sale up to its ban. However, Half-Life proved to be so immensely popular that the German robo-version still sold over 50,000 copies, so the venture was ultimately successful for Sierra. -Chris)
Don't you think 'Ego Shooter' might be 'First-Person Shooter'? First-person=me myself=I=ego
Any one have any pictures of the german version. I'd love to see some of the changes.
Originally posted by djkanuk
Don't you think 'Ego Shooter' might be 'First-Person Shooter'? First-person=me myself=I=ego

Probably, heh ego shooter, I wanna see what they replace humans with, haha.
Originally posted by Be-vishead
Why are european countries so up tight about violence. I remember reading in gamepro that the humans in turok were replaced with robots so the player isn't doing massive killings. I heard they did that with half life 1 also. America rules
As people have stated, that was Germany. Which is different from Europe. N. America is not the whole world and other countries are good too.
I bet in the German version, when you shoot the scientist, they wont die, but they instead sit you down for a lecture on why violence is very very wrong.
Haha. It's hard to believe germany actually is against violence. :laugh:
Originally posted by El_Chi
As people have stated, that was Germany. Which is different from Europe. N. America is not the whole world and other countries are good too.

I though turok was changed for Europe, i didn't know it was germany it was changed for. I didn't say N.america rules and all other countries suck. I was just saying yay for uncensored violence in a way. I didn't mean to insult :(
In sweden you can curse on TV... :p
I want to try the german version of HL! :D
Originally posted by Be-vishead
I though turok was changed for Europe, i didn't know it was germany it was changed for. I didn't say N.america rules and all other countries suck. I was just saying yay for uncensored violence in a way. I didn't mean to insult :(
Sorry I probably sounded harsher and angrier than I intended - just checkin' :) Sorry! All is forgiven twixt the two of us, I hope:cheers:

In sweden you can curse on TV... -figge
I thought you could swear on TV in most countries (other than strictly religious societies)

Haha. It's hard to believe germany actually is against violence. -DaLys
Oooh, racism alert:eek:
Originally posted by El_Chi
I thought you could swear on TV in most countries (other than strictly religious societies)

If you look at american TV and they say shit, a peeeeeeeeeep, will come instead :dork:
That's pretty lame. Good old foul-mouthed Britain.
I don't think that's true. Maybe someone from the US will elaborate.

In the UK the worst word you can say on TV is the C word. Rhymes with Hunt.
I was under the impression that was 2nd behind motherf*cker, but I may be wrong as EVERYONE seems to dislike that word. It's not nice.
But then the concept of t'other one's not exactly pretty either.
Well, I've heard "motherf*cker" said on TV lots of times.

Whereas, the C word is never said. Seriously, I haven't heard it. (Except once, it was on Graham Norton and he got into a LOT of trouble)
You don't know WHAT you're missing out on, you really don't :)
Gee, over here (Spain) you hear, and see, just about everything possible on tv. If someone feels offended, they have the right to change channels, it's not like there was only one station.
Whereas, the C word is never said. Seriously, I haven't heard it. (Except once, it was on Graham Norton and he got into a LOT of trouble)

I watched a programme on BBC2 last night (around midnight) with c**t and f**k a bunch of times, and shots of a couple screwing (for real) while a bloke filmed them.

In the US you can be watching The Shining at 4am on cable and the woman who comes out of the bath has her breasts pixellated. Welcome to the land of free speech.
It's all up to the advertisers though. In the US, vulgar movies are sometimes shown "uncut" on basic cable.
Oh dear me. If pixelated breasts were here in the UK, Channel 5 would NEVER have gotten off the ground.
Although as far s I know, the laxest TV is (unsurprisingly) in the Netherlands. I remember seeing a shampoo ad on in the early evening with a topless woman in it. It was wonderful (I was younger and more hormonal then) I doubt that you'd get that at ANY time in another country - well, certainly not UK (except for that Page3 model who went topless on daytime TV for breast cancer awareness).
Originally posted by Feath
I think it's something to do with Germany mainly. They have very strict censors.

thats because they tend to get carried away and join the wrong side of every single war they get involved in
Originally posted by alb1221
thats because they tend to get carried away and join the wrong side of every single war they get involved in
:rolleyes: Racism alert...
thats because they tend to get carried away and join the wrong side of every single war they get involved in
You wanted them to fight for the Serbians in Kosovo? Wow, that's pretty extreme view, pro-genocide.