HL2 on GF FX5600 ?

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Apr 10, 2004
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i have the FX 5600 card and CS:S runs only in DX8 mode, does this mean HL2 will run only in DX8 mode too or will HL2 be able to run in DX9 mode ?

thanx for the answers
it'll only run in dx8 mode, which tbh, isnt hugely different to dx9
From what I've heard the entire FX line of Geforce cards weren't exactly monsters. So yeah, I think you're kind of stuck in DX8 :<
Maybe you will be able to play with DirectX 9 through a console command. Like in DooM 3.
Adrien C said:
Is that Card any good ?
No. It wasn't good when it was released (I believe a Geforce 4 Ti beat it in some benchmarks), and it hasn't held up well.
Dark Jedi said:
No. It wasn't good when it was released (I believe a Geforce 4 Ti beat it in some benchmarks), and it hasn't held up well.

Ok, thanks a lot.
its a DX9 card and no matter how slow it is one should be able to try to play the game in DX9 mode, i'm writing a mail to valve :-P
Don't bother, you can turn dx9 mode on with a console command. Expect 10fps though. Seriously, the FX cards may be able to do DX9, but it's a gross driver hack or something, The 5950 or 5900 ultra or whatever is the only one with enough brute force to overcome it's dx9 problems and play with an acceptable framerate.

you can force it to run dx9 with the cmdline argument "-dxlevel 90" (without the quotes) but it isn't recommended. they make it run dx8 for a reason.

btw the console command "mat_dxlevel 90" doesn't work properly. u need to use the commandline switch.
does anyone the console command to switsh to DX9 mode ?
and then back to DX8.1 ?

and can i try the DX9 mode in CS:S ?

i've seen screenshots of DX8 and DX9 comparison of the source i would just like to try it out myself. i know the differenci is not that big, and i dont judge games just by graphics i rathar play with a higher FPS.
for info, or i guess my opinion, the FX series were a flop, or hte majority anyways, anything from a 5600 to the 5800's (i think) ran on NV 3.0 which sucked, i have a Leadtek 5900 Ultra 256mb running on 3.5 and i get 105average fps in CS:s :)
well i got my 5600 because my previous card died under waranty and they didnt have it on stock for 2 weeks so because of the customer protection law they had to replace it with a comparable or better card : P so i can only be happy about it because its much faster and better than the previous card :D
to go back to dx8 mode on a geforce FX, just start up without the "-dxlevel 90" switch, it will default to dx8 mode.

if u want to specify, i think u should use "-dxlevel 81"
I don't see any problem using Directx9 with this card.

I have a Pentium 4 1.6 MHz
Geforce 5600FX 256MB graphics card

When I bought this card I went out and got Far Cry and it runs a treat on 'high' setting with AA etc on 1. Only a wee bit slow on some indoor parts(just turn shadows, lighting etc down)...outdoor its great.

I am assuming Far Cry uses DirectX 9.0b. So if the card works fine on this game, why won't it work on HL2?

The same with GTA - Vice City works fine with my card and uses directx9.



PS this is my first post....be nice!
I reckon my XFX 5700 could run Source games in DX9; as long as the resolution was set lower than 800 by 600, which kind of defeats the object... I'm going to have to make do with my 256 megs of graphics memory to help reduce the DX8-9 divide. Which it won't. But it'll help! Won't it?

*goes off to sulk, and, coincidentally, to save up for a 6800*
Well can you explain it to me?

Will my card cause HL2 not too run that well?(I am not too fussed with graphics as long as its not jerky)
johnstone - HL2 makes use of advanced dx9 features. GTA-VC (which i thought was a dx8 game) uses _no_ advanced dx9 features. it could easily have been written for a dx7 driver. FarCry i dunno 'cos i don't own it.

the geforce FX series cards aren't very good at dx9 only stuff. if a game has been written with two different lots of rendering code, one using dx8, and one using dx9, FX cards will often run faster on the dx8 code. that is the case with HL2. that is why VALVe have made hl2 default to dx8 mode for geforce FX cards.

Is there any noticeable difference to someone like me who has not the first clue about graphics in games?

Basically will HL2 look any different to me?
in the case of HL2 the difference between DX8.1 and DX9 is not very big(at least from what i've seen so far)

i think i saw a topic on www.steampowered.com forums about texture comparisons, but im sure if you use google and the keywords HL2 DX8 DX9 comparison you should be able to find lots of sites
The biggest problem with the FX5600 is bandwith.

Even tho it could be considered technically superior to the ti4600 (because the FX is a DX9 card and double the usual memory), it it severly hampered with an abysmal thruput (the ti4600 gets nearly double the theoretical bandwith -- that's the main reason if you were to go to Tom's Hardware right now and look at their VGA Card Shootout IV ( http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/20041004/index.html ) you would see that the ti4600 beats the FX5600 in every test.

I've had both cards....and was forced to use the FX5600 because of DX9 requirements for some beta testing. I missed my ti4600.

....now that I have a Raedon 9800XT I'm doing much better :)

I have an FX5600, which I picked up recently for my 2nd PC at £65. I thought it was more than capable for the money - the performance is certainly better than the 5200, and the low 9xxx Ati cards (9200, etc).

That said, my 2nd PC is connected to our TV in the lounge, and becomes a real problem to see stuff when you up the res to 1024 x 768. I usually have it in 800 x 600, and set the ARC on the TV to 16:9 (it's a widescreen TV). Needless to say, the stress test gave me an impressive (for the kit) 56 FPS, on the recommended (by Source) settings. And although it runs in DX8.1, it looks fine.

Because the early GeForce FX cards weren't 'true' DX9 cards, game developers had to use a codepath the tried to emulate DX9 effects using DX8. This is what is hapenning with Source. As already mentioned, you could force the DX9 mode, but it would kill your FPS.