HL2 on my new radeon


Dec 1, 2004
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i got a radeon 9600se 128mb today (i know its old, but its better than my previous gf2mx 64mb). i ran hl2 (well hl2dm, i cant get into hl2 since i bought it) and it all ran great, it looked awesome, nice reflections, the models and sprites looked so much better now, but then after a few minutes, i started getting giant random colored spikes sticking out of the weapon models and the map, until more and more came til it was no longer playable, and when i quit to desktop it was all fuzzy and crap, and the only way to fix was to restart..

i got the latest drivers, then i tried the 29 meg driver pack, then i tried some custom drivers called omega radeon drivers, and none of these have fixed the problem, if anyone here has a radeon and knows this problem and might know how to fix, itd be greatly appreciated :D
Apparently no one knows how to fix it. I have this problem aswell.. :(
oh yeah, you know you have to uninstall your previous drivers before installing new 1's...right? also you got directx 9c?
looks like a graphics card overheat problem, im assuming your not overclocking it? i fnot try to keep it cool some how
thanks for the replies, and yes, i have that catalyst stuff, i downloaded it about an hour ago, it didnt work.

krofinzski: if you have the problem too, how do you play hl2?
im out of ideas...already :(, have you searched steampowered forums?
nah not yet, i dont think its a hl2 problem, im pretty sure its with everything, so it must be with my drivers. *frown*
fiddled around with settings, like agp 4x or something wiht your graphics card. Cause when i first got my 9600 it froze as soon as i played a game, turns out i had to change to 4x agp cause my mobo and video card dont get 'along' lol, whats your motherboard aswell?
my agp is set to 4x, because my motherboard only supports it. i have a p4 24ghz cpu, and 512 ram. i dont know much about my motherboard itself :p
yeah i just tried it with thug2 and hl1, it happens with both of them too :(
A) Flash your bios, hopefully it might work.
B) get a refund/return =(
i got a 9800 pro, and i just keep the 4.9 drivers as they were the most up to date ones when i got my new system, and on my old system i had lots of problems with updating drivers and stuff, so i keep em @4.9 and it runs like a babys arse

dont flash your bios actully :D, you have to know exactly what to do
In your display properties, set your colour quality to 32bit.
did you use driver cleaner to get rid of the old Nvidia drivers before installing catalysts?
Dasparov said:
dont flash your bios actully :D, you have to know exactly what to do

agreed, if you don't know what your doing you can trash your card easily.
Just like somebody already said, that sounds like a overheatting problem... I've had stuff like that happen on my 9600xt when i overclock it too much. If you are not overclocking it, there could be something fishy going on with your cards cooling...
Like some of you pointed out:
It's either a cooling problem or a malfunctioning card. If you are not overclocking and have checked the card's fan (it should be turning :)), then return in to the dealer to get a new one. BTW: Check the 9800 pro prices the have dropped a lot and it should be the best card for HL2 in money vs. FPS.
thank you all very much for your help :D im trying some of those things right now..