HL2 out during exam time.


Aug 28, 2004
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HL2 comes out 16th November (as you all know) and i have exams, GCSE mocks for 2 weeks starts at Monday 8th November and finishes on Friday the 19th November. So when i get HL2 on Tuesday (16th) im gonna wanna play it but i need to revise for exams. The exams determine whether you go in for Higher or lower paper in the GCSE's in some subjects anyway. So i need good grades, well DUH!
I hope you think of me when you are playing HL2!
(you do realise that i probably still will play HL2 it's far too tempting not too)
I'm kind of pissed about the way everything gets released right when I dong have time to play anything. Why not release stuff durring summer when I actually have time to play?
cuz its all in ready for christmas.... counter strike mashed up my gcse results lol.. but i managed to run off with A's, B's and C's :D :(
The week after it's released is Thanksgiving here... I get that whooooole next week off... :p Ahhhh...
Tuesday... NOT FAIR DAMNIT!!!

Ill get my copy via steam in the morning but ill have to leave for college at 08:20...

dont usualy finish till 16:00 but ive got a evening class that runs to 17:30

all in all ill be home for 18:00...

dinner will not be tolerated as ill eat a macdonalds or two for lunch at college and i will have technicaly 1.2.3.... 6 hours of playing time...

seeing as my dads on nightshift on weekdays though ill play all night and just change when it comes time for college.... to face a day of sitting in the one class all day listening to a boring as hell woman then a complete space cadet and then the woman again...

"Damn you valve! damn you's all to hell!"
They will release it as soon as possible... What is wrong with that?

Unless you can't control your temptation.. THEN you have a problem. :)
Dougy said:
Tuesday... NOT FAIR DAMNIT!!!

Ill get my copy via steam in the morning but ill have to leave for college at 08:20...

dont usualy finish till 16:00 but ive got a evening class that runs to 17:30

all in all ill be home for 18:00...

dinner will not be tolerated as ill eat a macdonalds or two for lunch at college and i will have technicaly 1.2.3.... 6 hours of playing time...

seeing as my dads on nightshift on weekdays though ill play all night and just change when it comes time for college.... to face a day of sitting in the one class all day listening to a boring as hell woman then a complete space cadet and then the woman again...

"Damn you valve! damn you's all to hell!"

Yeah, who needs sleep? Sleep is for wimps, and why would you even wanna sleep when you have HL2??? :D
Shit, yeah.. I never thought about the mocks. Crapcrapcrap :(

*sigh* Ah well
vegeta897 said:
They will release it as soon as possible... What is wrong with that?

Unless you can't control your temptation.. THEN you have a problem. :)
Absolutely nobody can resist the temptation of Half-Life 2! :p
I dont have any exams at college till January...and then i only have one in geography. Its all good!

(Nice sig Vegeta, that quote from darkstar had me crying back then :) )
I don't have ANY exams. :D I reckon at least 3/4 of my class will be off that day for HL2 anyway. Hell, even the lecturer might be as well. :LOL:
iam so glad that my exam/test week ends the friday before so i can play half life 2 when waiting for my grades, then it will turn out my grades are worse then ever so my parents punish me lik not using computer for a week or more. so i cant finish it.

no they will never do that and i don't think my grades will get that low. but damn iam in my last year.
I revised and did shit in my mocks. I revised a lot less for GCSE and got good grades. There's no logic in revision.
Everyone has exams at some point somewhere... its bound to be released during someones examinations.
Damnit, I forgot about them too. I'm going to get the worst results. No revision for me - I'm not stupid engouh NOT to play half-life 2 as soon as it's released.

I wonder if I can just skip all the days after Nov. 16th... hmmm.
Wish I could i have french speaking on Friday 19th
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Yeah, who needs sleep? Sleep is for wimps, and why would you even wanna sleep when you have HL2??? :D

sleep? eat? bah

Addiction is an uncontrollable compulsion to repeat a behavior regardless of its negative consequences. A person who is addicted is sometimes called an addict.

Many drugs or behaviors can precipitate a pattern of conditions recognized as addiction, which include a craving for more of the drug or behavior, increased physiological tolerance to exposure, and withdrawal symptoms in the absence of the stimulus. Most drugs and behaviors that directly provide either pleasure or relief from pain pose a risk of dependency.

thats me alright.. :rolling:
My last uni exam ever is on November 15th, which is more likely to be Nov. 14th for most of you (I'm inAustralia). That means I will be able to drink the bottle of Moet & Chandon that is waiting in my fridge, go out and get absolutely hammered at a few of my favourite nightspots and then come home, sleep for a few hours, wake up and activate the fully dloaded hl2 that is awaiting me already on my machine.

If I have to wait a while, I will go out and play a round of golf with my mates, or if the weatehr is bad, I may just reinstall windows and make sure my PC is in a hygenic stste for Gordon's arrival :)
Letters said:
The week after it's released is Thanksgiving here... I get that whooooole next week off... :p Ahhhh...

Damn Americans!

Hang on, I'm married to one! Oops! :p

To the thread starter, three days isn't long to wait when you consider that your entire future rests on your GCSE results. Be strong mate, it'll be worth it.
You are not alone m8, there are millions of people who feel 16th of november suks.

Tuseday, is always busy day for me. eh, wednesday is my day off. :)
Darn you mandatory examinations determining our status in future parts of life, darn you!!
Well if youve got exams and hl2 is rated as mature what are you all going to be doing.

Breaking the law :p
They need to release it on a Friday or Saturday so I can play it all day. Tuesdays suck and I have retarded school. :(