Hl2 Pc Gamer (us)


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
lots of NEW info yes NEW

sdk- sometime in may BEFORE e3!!!
3 or so never before seen screenshots (sorry cant post scans)
crossbow mentioned
2 opposing visions of human resistance
- game starts you with no weapons as in HL1 :D
- leaping crawling beasties that hunt in packs (monkey like) hmmm interesting
.45 colt revolver to be included (one hs zombie downer)
hekler and kotch mp5 and glock also found
newell has been contacted by the u.s. secretary of defense for the use of his technology in the next gen u.s. millitary training tools

more coming folks I have to read it (got to exited not to post) :laugh:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
lots of NEW info yes NEW

sdk- BEFORE e3!!!
3 or so never before seen screenshots (sorry cant post scans)

more coming folks I have to read it (got to exited not to post) :laugh:

YAY! , giv us a summary after :D
I got mine yesterday, I didn't read any of the storyline stuff. Gabe said you can run around city 17 for hours.
hmm this is interesting....i was just thinking of not going to barnes n nobles to pick up the latest pcgamer cuz i thought nothing new would be in it....guess ill be getting it now =p
Hopefully my subscription hasn't run out : | but not having it yet, perhaps it has.
Babyheadcrab , id of put that in a spoiler if i wos u lol , sum ppl might not want to know :)

then again they shuldnt of clicked the thread :laugh:
GhostValkyrie said:
Hey, didn't you guys listen to Munro?

No talking about Half-life2!

Its a Half Life 2 forum for crying out loud lol wot u want us to talk about , Monkeeeeeeeee's ? :monkee: :laugh:
yeha... i jhaven't gottne mine yet... i hope my subscription didn't run out...

but about the SDK thing... take it with a grain of salt... they also reported that only selected mod teams would be able to use the tools before th game came out, and they'd have to goto a seattle conference.

And valve has been saying that the tools will be available to everyone at the same time.

whose more trustworthly? ;)
SidewinderX143 said:
yeha... i jhaven't gottne mine yet... i hope my subscription didn't run out...

but about the SDK thing... take it with a grain of salt... they also reported that only selected mod teams would be able to use the tools before th game came out, and they'd have to goto a seattle conference.

And valve has been saying that the tools will be available to everyone at the same time.

whose more trustworthly? ;)

but pc gamer typed it..... :laugh:
no, i was asking a serious question.... whose lied more? valve or pcgamer :p


OMGOMG!!!11onone THIS IS BIG!!!
SDK before E3 is possible, the PC Gameplay preview mentioned the SDK version 1 being finished.
God SDK will be so cool. Not for me, but then we'll see like THOUSANDS of screens of mods... Mod developpers will freak out with this thingie.
Why does it seem like everybody has their PC Gamer magazine except me!1! :monkee:

Any other cool things the PC Gamer article mentioned about HL2??????????
tell us what you see on the 3 new screens please :)
and some more info :)
Neeeedddd info... *injects self with HL2 screenshots* ahhhhhh...
Crusader said:
Neeeedddd info... *injects self with HL2 screenshots* ahhhhhh...


Yea come on BabyHeadCrab , stop Wánkin off over the new screenshots of Alyx and tell us wot u see I NEED SUM INFO!! AAAAAAAA!!
well, there is a screen with a zombie on fire after a shot in fired into the barells behind it... and a scene with a combine blockade were he approaching with a stun batton and you see arrested beaten resistence members and a apc looking behicle and what appears to be a large scanner (this is all in an alley) also a scene with a windowed indoor balcony in the bugbair warehouse place with combines in a fireing squad shooting in all different directions at the bugs... leaves are blowing in the wind... or gibs the ss is rather small and yellow realistic looking blood spray is coming from the bug on the right hand side of the screenshot

it is mentioned that valve is overseeing the future (source) creations of their hired mod teams also, kinda interesting the facial animation tech might be used to teach autistic children the ranges of human expression (some organization expressed interest)

also it is mentioned several times that in the abondoned dried up seaport district there is a crane you get to actually use to minipulate objects wow that seems cool :D
it seems that (according to pc gamer) everyone in the development is the superviser of a hl2 mod....

actually no it's not only 3 pages but a full 2 and half a page
No word on a release date then? , thought not guess we hav to w8 for E3 for that

Nice summary btw :)
Anything about Multiplayer in there at all >.< realy wish they wuld giv us more info bout that its driving me INSANE :flame: :imu: :flame:
KurtCobain said:
No word on a release date then? , thought not guess we hav to w8 for E3 for that

Nice summary btw :)

yep we just gota have patience mate

My friend just got his issue yestrday... and he told me there was nothing new (no new screenshots) or information...

He's either a lying sack of "poop" or ...is there really new stuff??

SDK?? NO WAY! My mod can finally get going! ahahaha! YAY!
wow, cool info. I should go pick up a copy.
Joeyslucky22 said:

My friend just got his issue yestrday... and he told me there was nothing new (no new screenshots) or information...

He's either a lying sack of "poop" or ...is there really new stuff??

SDK?? NO WAY! My mod can finally get going! ahahaha! YAY!

Ur freind got US PC Gamer ?....hmm posible lie then , but i did allrdy read sumwhere about a crossbow on another website and also 45.Colt i think or glock
Ze Swedish edition of PCGamer is gonna have some new nice HL2 info aswell, it'll be out very soon, between the 1st and 10th of May..

*scan scan*
BAH wish i culd see sum of the new screenshots , need them to b official for it to be legal >.<
buggy has temporary speed bursts that come in handy when leaping off ramps or chasms :D

also apparently pc gamer LOVED the psyics and they dont stop ranting... they mention incredibly cool stunts they accomplished like every other paragraph :D... also they talk about how testers sometimes jumped over chasms only to find themselves tettering on an edge... thats some amazeing stuff...
KurtCobain said:
Ur freind got US PC Gamer ?....hmm posible lie then , but i did allrdy read sumwhere about a crossbow on another website and also 45.Colt i think or glock

If you have the PC Zone (or scans) you can see Alyx holding the gun in the concept art on the second page of the preview. It looks pretty bad ass and heavy.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
buggy has temporary speed bursts that come in handy when leaping off ramps or chasms :D


Any news about weilding (or welding) how ever u spell it.

Not heard much but weilding culd b all fake far as i know
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
buggy has temporary speed bursts that come in handy when leaping off ramps or chasms :D

also apparently pc gamer LOVED the psyics and they dont stop ranting... they mention incredibly cool stunts they accomplished like every other paragraph :D... also they talk about how testers sometimes jumped over chasms only to find themselves tettering on an edge... thats some amazeing stuff...

Kewl kewl kewl kewl..

*drool* *drool* *drool* *drool* *drool* *drool*

I do seriously hope ur not making this up , sounds too good to be true :)
it would seem half-life 2 has indeed intered the bug fixing and polishing phase.. as the press is going nuts and it seems its open door season over at VALVe