HL2 pic on ATi next gen hardware!!!

Interesting.. same stuff we've seen from that ATi shader PDF though
wow, these screens dont leave any doubt about hl2's graphics superiority. look at the water and the wall in the hl2 screen and then look at farcrys water and mountain real fast youl get crossed eyes with the diference :rolling:
comparing the graphical quality of pics of monitors is never a good idea :)
Tarkus said:
wow, these screens dont leave any doubt about hl2's graphics superiority. look at the water and the wall in the hl2 screen and then look at farcrys water and mountain real fast youl get crossed eyes with the diference :rolling:

Heh To be fair that's hardly basis for comparison. The HL scene is much more interesting while they seem to have gone out of their way to provide an uninteresting Far Cry shot.

Anyway were either shot a direct screen rather than a poorly done shot from a monitor there might be something to what you say.
far cry had very "jello-y" water. It was shiny and stuff, but it never looked like WATER to me. Of course, there are several games that have that problem. One of the main things missing is any semblance of splash/spray.
cool...a cave...with water... atleast we wont be fighting urbanly for long...
i didn't realise had any working prototype boards out there... much less the variety that they are apparently showing to the press before the official specs have been released (unless I've missed something)

this is awsome, I always trusted that valve will increase their Graphics technology to a realistic level.

COM on valve kik ID's ASS
its all down to taste, i prefer the areas in which valve have focused there engine, less on poly counts and shaddows, more on shadder effects and animation.
Lobster said:
its all down to taste, i prefer the areas in which valve have focused there engine, less on poly counts and shaddows, more on shadder effects and animation.

I agree, most games I turn shadows off, but in this case (HL2 ill probly leave 'em on) I would rather have polished smooth movement/animation more than graphical eye candy anyday.
dont know how legit this is, and how legal either..(I doubt these people went to valve) or that valve officially released this so... heh
Those were released at some kinda tech day thingy in seattle that was done by Ati.
Heheh, trully amazing.

Games are getting really really very very exciting now arnt they!

Hmmmm, so happy!

I'm not sure if anybody noticed this, but near the end of the PDF document, there's a screen with the caption of 'Refraction Mapping' on it, and there's a stained glass object that is a picture of Gordon, crowbar and all. I want it :D
TheSoupNazi said:
I'm not sure if anybody noticed this, but near the end of the PDF document, there's a screen with the caption of 'Refraction Mapping' on it, and there's a stained glass object that is a picture of Gordon, crowbar and all. I want it :D

Yeah it's the same one from the tech demo video at E3 :)
:O Looks pretty cool(pics). Man, I love these new-tech-before-release-hype stuff, gets me pansy like a catholic schoolwork.
gets me pansy like a catholic schoolwork.


I don't see what all the fuss is about, the pic doesn't look like anything new. We have seen the water before, we have seen the starship troopers bug before, we have seen the fire effect before. The pic looks average.
THat Hl2 pic is aboso-f******-lutely gorgious. I need to upgrade my computer so bad... ehh, oh well :(
Lol, poor Psuedonym. Let's not even bother addressing what he says.
ElFuhrer said:
Lol, poor Psuedonym. Let's not even bother addressing what he says.

Careful, he'll add you to his "stalking" list :LOL:
I wonder though, does anyone see a striking resemblance between Pseudonym and EvilEwok(2.0)?
Yeah, if could a moderator run an IP check on the two of them? Oh, no, wait, that would be 'stalking' him.
Very nice observations, people. I did an IP matchup and he shares pretty much all of his IPs with EvilEwok2.0. Permabanned.
LOL nice one Abom ;) (even though I personally liked Pseudonym, it's always hilarious to see someone get banned).

Anyways, I dont spose anyone saved the pics onto their own webspace or anything? They've been taken down and I didnt get a chance to see them.


oh and yeah.... did any1 save the pic? seems like the guy had to take them down :(
if u compare the water on both, despite of the quality of the screen, u clearly see hl2's water is far superios to farcry's. so does the wall

EDIT-> k this was for those who had the chance of seeing the pics (im glad i did)
Shiz, they took it down...Does it look really that better? :D
Mr. Kenneth did it hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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You can't really tell much from the topical screenshots, when we have some taken in-game then you'll be able to compare.
Abom said:
Very nice observations, people. I did an IP matchup and he shares pretty much all of his IPs with EvilEwok2.0. Permabanned.

Banned for now that is... can't he just renew his IP if he wants to come back? He may be IP banned from now, but he will probably jsut come right back, unless you ban a whole range of ip's, and that would ban people that were legit as well...