HL2 pic on ATi next gen hardware!!!

the only thing PS 3.0 really brings to the table is more effecientcy, meaning it can do as much as PS2.0 but with less power needed. which is why nVidia needed it for its card. because the NV40 isn't all its cracked up to be and the Ps3.0 can do what the Ps 2.0 is doing with less needed power. which is why ATI will be the power king for at least one more year.
I think this is what Spiffae was basically going for. This is a simple color fix with saturation/lightness slightly tweaked. I was trying to get as close to what would have been the original image as possible. The picture itself was pretty obviously off-color unless fires have become greenish-yellow. =P

No rotating & cropping since that would have possibly made things more pixellated.
looks good, i just want them to pretty/soften up the edges of the water, to make it look more realistic.
Lobster said:
its all down to taste, i prefer the areas in which valve have focused there engine, less on poly counts and shaddows, more on shadder effects and animation.

wtf? HL2 currently has the highest polycounts of any game coming soon (maybe serious sam 2 is close) or out.....main characters are about 7000 polies and 5000 for minor. Doom 3, Painkiller and Max Payne 2 all have around 3000 for minor and 5000 for major. Far Cry has maybe 1500 on minor characters and 3000 on major.
:) and how many polys are on the U3 engines characters?.. 10,000? :p or 50'000
clarky003 said:
:) and how many polys are on the U3 engines characters?.. 10,000? :p or 50'000

50 billion :) lol, I kid
Just double checked, 10,000 is correct
thought so. Awsome :D and thats for the average character right, that beefy dude,, the bigger characters must have higher polycounts. :eek: not too sure but quite possibly
Pitbul said:
the only thing PS 3.0 really brings to the table is more effecientcy, meaning it can do as much as PS2.0 but with less power needed. which is why nVidia needed it for its card. because the NV40 isn't all its cracked up to be and the Ps3.0 can do what the Ps 2.0 is doing with less needed power. which is why ATI will be the power king for at least one more year.

So PS3.0 isnt an upgrade? its PS2.0 only consumes less power? Yeah! right!. It gives game developers more complexity, thus making 'us' see better things as far as i know. The 6800Ultra isnt all its cracked upto be? I wont even go into outer details...ill stay well away from the obvious things but 12000points in 3dmark03 over 6000points in 3dmark03 from the 9800XT (Which is what its cracked upto be) says enough to anyone. I could go buy a 9800XT now for £300 or wait a few weeks and go buy a double the performance 6800ultra for £300...hm.
Alig said:
So PS3.0 isnt an upgrade? its PS2.0 only consumes less power? Yeah! right!. It gives game developers more complexity, thus making 'us' see better things as far as i know. The 6800Ultra isnt all its cracked upto be? I wont even go into outer details...ill stay well away from the obvious things but 12000points in 3dmark03 over 6000points in 3dmark03 from the 9800XT (Which is what its cracked upto be) says enough to anyone. I could go buy a 9800XT now for £300 or wait a few weeks and go buy a double the performance 6800ultra for £300...hm.


the NV40 is a joke now that its shown its true colors, wow it scored 12000 on 3DMark, because we all love "playing" 3DMark 24/7, OH WAIT 3DMark isn't even a freakin game. not to mention the "cheats" found in the 60.xx series nvidia drivers, and comparing the 9800XT to the NV40 is irrelevant you incermountable race defying moron, considering the 9800XT is current gen hardware, and the NV40 is next-gen hardware. its like comparing apples to oranges. another "nVidiot". the only card the NV40 should be compared to it ATI's next gen cards, the R42x series. haven't you heard the saying "Pick on someone your own size". then again i probly lost you back at the "3DMark isn't a game" part. :rolleyes: :dozey:
Alig said:
So PS3.0 isnt an upgrade? its PS2.0 only consumes less power? Yeah! right!. It gives game developers more complexity, thus making 'us' see better things as far as i know. The 6800Ultra isnt all its cracked upto be? I wont even go into outer details...ill stay well away from the obvious things but 12000points in 3dmark03 over 6000points in 3dmark03 from the 9800XT (Which is what its cracked upto be) says enough to anyone. I could go buy a 9800XT now for £300 or wait a few weeks and go buy a double the performance 6800ultra for £300...hm.

You gotta love people who actually still take 3DMark seriously as a benchmark.
PS3.0 has no visible advantages over PS2.0, and like the good man said, it's more efficient and thus faster. BUT it can also do more complex stuff, but that's future stuff and when that is used, that 6800 will be forgotten.
It's the fastest card at the moment, but it's not a huge leap from the older cards. But it's good to see that Nvidia finally makes a good card again.
By the time PS3.0 is going to get used nVidia's next-next-gen card will be out. No use spending the money now when you can get a faster PS3.0 card later.
debateing over whether or not SM3.0 is usefull now is a bit pointless, in the futer it will allow for much better effects than SM2.0, I know what it is capable of and SM2.0 isn't.

right now though we can't tell how usefull it is for this generation, because it will only theoretically offer a performance boost in current or neer futer games and not allow anything new to be done. If ATi can beat NV's card anyway when it's only useing SM2.0 it really won't matter that the new NV card supports SM3.0, they might as well both only support SM2.0 but run at different speeds.

We will have to wait a couple of months to find out what SM3.0 can do that SM2.0 would have extreme difficulty doing.
The new nvidia card doesnt have radiosity lighting? it looks really great.
That's a good point for ATI. And since we can see the difference between radiosity lighting and regular lighting, but so far we havent seen ps 3.0 in action, and maybe wont see something REALLY good with it for some time, wonder if it will be a ps3.0 vs radiosity "fight"
Also the 16 pipes are a good point for nvidia cards.
I cant wait to see the 2 cards compared on websites.
This is going to be interesting.
EvilInside said:
The new nvidia card doesnt have radiosity lighting? it looks really great.
That's a good point for ATI. And since we can see the difference between radiosity lighting and regular lighting, but so far we havent seen ps 3.0 in action, and maybe wont see something REALLY good with it for some time, wonder if it will be a ps3.0 vs radiosity "fight"
Also the 16 pipes are a good point for nvidia cards.
I cant wait to see the 2 cards compared on websites.
This is going to be interesting.

I'll wait till the both come out then i will decide which one of them i buy.
EvilInside said:
The new nvidia card doesnt have radiosity lighting? it looks really great.
That's a good point for ATI. And since we can see the difference between radiosity lighting and regular lighting, but so far we havent seen ps 3.0 in action, and maybe wont see something REALLY good with it for some time, wonder if it will be a ps3.0 vs radiosity "fight"
Also the 16 pipes are a good point for nvidia cards.
I cant wait to see the 2 cards compared on websites.
This is going to be interesting.

We won't see proper real-time radiosity lighting for a few years at least - the amount of computations is huge. AFAIK, HL2 fakes it.
henrym said:
We won't see proper real-time radiosity lighting for a few years at least - the amount of computations is huge. AFAIK, HL2 fakes it.

Yup, by pre-calculating it and baking the lightinformation into the textures.