HL2 pirated and released in russia!

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This is the second time this article has been posted, and about the sixth time, I think, that this subject's popped up.

It's just the beta in a box.
yeah i know but still, how could they get away with just shoving the beta on a CD?
and translated to Russian to? my god those hacker guys, want to make money fast..!
this is no god.....
It's still the beta crappy leaked version...
Yes, its nothing more than the stolen files, and because its Russia there's not a lot that can be done about it. It is however illegal for you to buy it unless your a citizen over there. So don't anyone get any bright idea's. You'd not only be spending a lot of money in the long run, but you get something that is incomplete and pretty much useless.

Save your money and buy porn :E

oh and there's another thread about this somewhere else on here. But I'll leave this one open for now unless it gets out of hand.
That's gotta be a pro job - the pirating/translating, not the game itself. For someone to not only steal the beta, but then to go in and translate all the text into russian is pretty impressive, if not dispicable. Then they make up a box and put on some unofficial artwork... there's gotta be an operation goign on over there.

And to say it's legal to do this in Russia is not entirely true. The Russian government does have the authority to shut down and arrest those selling the game like this. On what grounds, I have no idea. I don't understand the Russian legal system or their copyright laws concering stolen, foreign merchandise.
In Russia don't they shoot people for stuff like that ?

Fenric said:
Yes, its nothing more than the stolen files, and because its Russia there's not a lot that can be done about it.

well i hope President Bush dont start to fire all his Nuclear Missiles to Russia, just because the russians steal parts of the most beloved game from the USA. And they started to sell it there :P
If people told Bush that HL-2 was an actual document containing details on Alien lifeforms he'd probably believe them and launch his missiles anyway.
Russia has not been very friendly to the US in past years. Nonetheless, I don't think they would approve of the selling of stolen merchandise - especially if they are not recieving taxes or some sort of compensation.
Cleric said:
i dont know if this has been posted before or not but some shop in russia has HL2 on the shelves and is selling it :frown:

check out the article


I saw it earlier at theingirer too. The funny thing about this issue is that, most -if not all- "copyrighters" go extremilly hard on their products piracy in countries such as the US, England and Germany , when the rest of the world is pretty much left to literally do whatever they want.
Caminante said:
I saw it earlier at theingirer too. The funny thing about this issue is that, most -if not all- "copyrighters" go extremilly hard on their products piracy in countries such as the US, England and Germany , when the rest of the world is pretty much left to literally do whatever they want.

you are forgetting Norway :upstare:
Wow, Bitchslapper, 100 Gigabytes of RAM and a processor running at 2500 Gigahertz (didn't notice that before). Cool.
You can't get anything in Russia that's legal.
Even if this is true, I don't think they have computers powerful enough to run it.

I've never heard of Russians playing online games. Never hear about them in competitions.
Heck, I think they're lucky if they have a P2-450, let alone a P4 3.2 with a GF4.
Having tough copyright laws is a GOOD thing. Countries that don't care about copyrights generally have bad economies because why would anyone want to make, invent or create something when you could get ripped off and make no money for it? Or some other person or group goes and makes money off your idea or work?

There's no incentive to do anything creative in countries like that. I guess that's the core behind communism and socialism - to prevent creativity and promote conformity.
MAFIA 2(k) - one of the tasks would be translating HL2 beta..
Well in that case, damn those pirates and their stupid eye patches and parrots.
NoGodForMe said:
Even if this is true, I don't think they have computers powerful enough to run it.

I've never heard of Russians playing online games. Never hear about them in competitions.
Heck, I think they're lucky if they have a P2-450, let alone a P4 3.2 with a GF4.

I've played on a Russian counter-strike server before. The guys didn't know a large amount of English, but they certainly knew enough English swear words to curse my friend and I out.. they didn't seem to like us as Americans.. lol
In soviet russia, software dowloads you!

(stole that joke from the IGN forums, but funny nevertheless)

the beta is not even in cd`s but still russia suck they pirate everything so i guess its the beta.
Frank said:
You can't get anything in Russia that's legal.
Frank stfu.
Sorry but ive been there and it mgiht be true that there are a few illegal things but thats way underground.Most things i bought are legal here just cost a bit less.
If you want to insult my country im going to roll out 3 pages of whats wrong with yours if you really want that.Sorry but im a patriot to my country and when people insult it i get mad.
Lavrik said:
Frank stfu.
Sorry but ive been there and it mgiht be true that there are a few illegal things but thats way underground.Most things i bought are legal here just cost a bit less.
If you want to insult my country im going to roll out 3 pages of whats wrong with yours if you really want that.Sorry but im a patriot to my country and when people insult it i get mad.

You know, he is right. I live in the US and god is it screwed up. ;)
:cheers: Cheers! (I love that emoticon)
I'm Russian, and it says either says FarGus or FarGoose translated into english on the top of the HL2 pack.
OFFMason said:
I'm Russian, and it says either says FarGus or FarGoose translated into english on the top of the HL2 pack.
I've seen that Fargus logo on a lot of pirated Russian software. AFAIK they're a pretty large piracy organization.
Netherscourge said:
Having tough copyright laws is a GOOD thing. Countries that don't care about copyrights generally have bad economies because why would anyone want to make, invent or create something when you could get ripped off and make no money for it? Or some other person or group goes and makes money off your idea or work?

There's no incentive to do anything creative in countries like that. I guess that's the core behind communism and socialism - to prevent creativity and promote conformity.

Hmmm ....


Christ people, here I go, need to educate you again.

First, you go into the store, you get yourself pirated game in the CD case for $1. Some pirates cut a lot of things out, like music and movies, some don’t.

You go to another store and you can buy games for $60-$70. Most of the Russian gamers don’t have so much money (if you don’t live in Moscow, forget about getting games this way, because your wage will be around $300 per month. Depends on the job).

So if you are a game developer, you better to contact to 1C or Nival, so they can translate the game for you and sell it much lesser than $50 (no box or manual, just cd in the case). Many people buy things translated by 1C and Nival, because they are cheap and they are legal.

As for the guy who said that people in Russia don’t have advanced computer, go to hell idiot. Pirated parts, for cheap. One thing that coast a lot of money is internet. I remember paying $1 per hour for internet, so this why LAN clubs are very popular over there.

At least 5 years ago, pirates were honest enough to put full games, now it seems, they are ready to sell alpha (can I call E3 presentation of HL2 even alpha?) games. But oh well, whatever. Government doesn’t care.

Oh yeah, Russia is not communist, god damn, stop sleeping in your history classes.
By the way, do you guys want to hear funny part? Fargus, pirate company, got so big, that now there are pirates who pirate games and put Fargus logo on the CD cover, so they can sell better. Fargus is mad as hell, but can’t do shit. Bhahaha…
hmmm pirates screwing pirates? Intriguing. I think I prefer living here in Canada eh.
O - M - G

They are selling a leaked game ?!
Great , GG valve .

For god's sake it's a leaked build, it's NOT a beta!!!!!!!!!!!!
HybridM said:
For god's sake it's a leaked build, it's NOT a beta!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually it's a leaked build AND a beta :)
Some of the best teams in Quake and Counter Strike are Russians. LAN parties are a huge craze there, and hardware is not so bad there. Yes there is big piracy there, but a lot of people are in fact purchasing HL2. I know you have lots of assumptions about Russia but I assure you 99 % of them are false.
I went to LAN parties everyday there I think its much funner than the usual internet play but i did have to pay like 25 cents a hour lol.
Geez....Racism or what....mention too much on the leaked beta and the moderators are all over you....but not a site of them during out and out racism.
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