HL2 Preload Pushed Back Until Monday

xcession said:
Heh, touche. I'm still fixing bugs in the first product the company i work for ever released about 6 years ago :P
But I think it is safe to say that you nor I have ever worked on a project even close to the size of this. Delays happen and bitching won't solve anything (not saying you were bitching, I am talking about certain other posts in this thread). Sure, I was frustrated almost a year ago when the first delay happened but I am still here and HL2 is finally around the corner. Something as minor as this won't make any difference and as I've said before, I would prefer if they get the damn CS : S beta working before starting a series of new problems with the preload.
Makes sense. :) Doesn't really matter anyways, I can't get the preload.
svet-am said:
here's what really bothers me about all of the belly-aching about the delays. Probably 90% of the people bitching have never ever attempted to develop any software larger than a 100-level computer science project.

Still, Valve should have understood by now NOT TO GIVE OUT ANY RELEASE DATES. Sorry for shouting but I find it kinda stupid that they haven't learned their lesson yet. I'm a programmer myself (I don't work for a major company yet, I'm starting university in january) and I know what you mean but Valve's time management and deadline-meeting (whatever, you know what I mean) is getting as bad as 3d Realms :E.
Someone said:
oh no...the end of the world. heh

A few days delay, a day delay, a minute delay....there will never be a lack of people to see the negative exclusively.

what he said ^

your all ljust anxious can't blame though....
I have the hl2 preload. :)

Materials, Models, Resource, SAVE, Scripts, Sound
Thats all that's in there. Its not much. "Stuff that doesnt change"
ok for you guys/gals who dont believe. here's a link.


It shows the directories and some files in there. A small vid of Just "The Files that Dont Change". It's not much to look foward to for now. I think they're releasing these files to get our minds off the full half-life2 release date.

Except that isn't the HL2 preload, CrewXp. It's just some stuff that came with CS:Source and thousands of people already got it. You're not the only one who opened that .GCF file, you know?

The actual preload should be way bigger anyways.

On second thought, that had to be some kind of a joke, so just forget that I was taking you seriously for a moment there.
Plus the fact that it's all in the counterstrike source folder, why would Valve put it in that?
Idk, its files of hl2. Thats all I know. and I didn't get it in the gcf file. It was installed.
I predict the predicted prediction you predicted is not the predicted prediction i predicted at the start of this sentace.
Dang, preload was late again (its 11:59 on monday right now west coast)
The game will start pre-loading in about a minute, if i'm wrong may we all be horribly crushed from above.
Isn't that link just saying that there is a webpage where users can go to preload HL2, but that the preload hasn't started yet?

My german ist sehr bad, so I'm sort of guessing...
Soooo still no preload?! Soon to turn Wednesday here in Sweden (in like 3 hours but still).
Alec_85 said:
Soooo still no preload?! Soon to turn Wednesday here in Sweden (in like 3 hours but still).

No pre-load this week I think. We got the same amount of post. :cheers:
Hmm, the news from the german side disappeared.
I think, it had a bad source.

Waiting for Godot XD
if they push it back anymore i may have to start killing people, i mean my god its become madding
why is the preload such a big deal.

I'm a bit puzzled here. Everybody points to the code when they try to explain why the preload deadline wasn't met. Two things:

1. I was under the impression that whatever was going to be preloaded was not the full piece of the game, it was only supposed to be stuff they already have finished (textures, maps, models, audio, etc.). In any case, the compiled code probably won't be more than at most 10-20 mb (probably a lot less if it's compressed), so there's really no need to preload that.

2. You will know at a somewhat early stage that you won't be able to meet a deadline, and I'd really like to see Valve tell people they won't be able to meet their official deadlines earlier rather than wait till it's passed and then make a short statement on some obscure site (I don't read shacknews, I hardly ever go to hl2fallout.com) instead of at least using their own information channels.