HL2 raids?

Seems a little unlikely, but hey, who knows.. no real way to tell if it's true.
Whoah. I think your right, the warrant says:

-Any IP addresses related to any of the Valve inernal or external networks
-E-mail addresses including any addresses with the "@valvesoftware.com" domain
-Valve passwords and/or user names;
The more I look at that, the more authentic it seems.. sucks if that guy is innocent. On the other hand, if he's guilty.. well then! Someone should e-mail Gabe and ask! lol, not that they'd give away that type of information..
If you profile the hacker he seemed a cautious one and didnt give away any info, watching what he did. This one seems quite opposite. The whole thing looks real but I highly doubt its the original guy.
my impression is that it's gonna be kinda like a "guilt by association" deal. sounds like he may not have had anything to do with anything, but perhaps he knows people that do. like he mentioned, he went to his friend's house and contacted his friends sayin "the wolves are circling." who the hell says the "wolves are circling?" heh ehh okay :imu: (wtf is an imu?)
At one point I said I really needed to brush my teeth and the SS agent assigned to me at the time walked with me back to the bathroom and stood behind me watching me in the mirror as I brushed my teeth.

Whoa he got busted by the SS? I thought they were extinct since '45..
WOOHOO GG FBI burn the f*******s in hell!!!!!!! Hopefully they didn't make a mistake by letting him go out. If his fgriends he stopped by are the hackers, they could erase/destroy all pertinent data.
Cunni said:
WOOHOO GG FBI burn the f*******s in hell!!!!!!! Hopefully they didn't make a mistake by letting him go out. If his fgriends he stopped by are the hackers, they could erase/destroy all pertinent data.

Yeah becuase the FBI are retards and would just let a suspect phone his freinds nad tell them to erase their hard drives.

*end sarcasm*

and just so you know the Hacker didnt delay the game (Gabe said it not me) so i dont know why you hate him
Dougy said:
Yeah becuase the FBI are retards and would just let a suspect phone his freinds nad tell them to erase their hard drives.

*end sarcasm*

and just so you know the Hacker didnt delay the game (Gabe said it not me) so i dont know why you hate him

if you could actually read*end of sarcasm* the story you'd know that they apparently let him leave the house....
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
if you could actually read*end of sarcasm* the story you'd know that they apparently let him leave the house....

hehe the funny thing is, his sarcasm was used correctly... I think you should re-read what he was responding to.

he was insinuating that the FBI arent smacktards and the guy (who was raided) obviously wasnt involved, and therefore Cunni's comment was invalid.

so you pointing out that he left the house was already redundant.
so I fail to see how he did not read, I however believe you can read... you cannot however understand.

should I place sarcasm notes too?
:D :afro:

for crissake, the people who stole the source were bragging about it about three months ago. if you haven't already, go read this site:
the fbi are *idiots* for not having followed those obvious leads to their conclusion.
johnshafft said:
somebody with acces to public data should be access the info page1 and cross refernce it


you should also see akso be an arrest record of cristopher m toshok in San fransico on 1/22 or 1/23

Why would there be a record of an arrest that didn't happen on a day that hasn't come yet (assuming your talking about this year)?

You won't be finding any of those documents in public records as (1) it is an open case and (2) there's a "SEALED BY COURT ORDER" stamp on page one of the warrant.

This is a link to a thread on PHL with some circumstantial evidence to support the story. It by no means proves it to be true, but it does indicate that it's likely to be so.
:eek: LOL anon has made it look like these guy are the thiefs but there innocent, lol
so we dont know anything more, just guessing :s
Luke-a-Tron said:
Why would there be a record of an arrest that didn't happen on a day that hasn't come yet (assuming your talking about this year)?

You won't be finding any of those documents in public records as (1) it is an open case and (2) there's a "SEALED BY COURT ORDER" stamp on page one of the warrant.

This is a link to a thread on PHL with some circumstantial evidence to support the story. It by no means proves it to be true, but it does indicate that it's likely to be so.

my point exactly this document is already signed by cristopher m toshok so how does the future happen?

thus public data proves this documents legitamacy
jimbones said:
Whoa he got busted by the SS? I thought they were extinct since '45..

I was questioned by the FBI agent in charge and a Secret Service agent at length about the Hungry Programmers.

He meant Secret Service :/
clean said:
for crissake, the people who stole the source were bragging about it about three months ago. if you haven't already, go read this site:
the fbi are *idiots* for not having followed those obvious leads to their conclusion.
Don't be ridiculous.
That site has been around for long time, but there is little way to prove whats there is true, either on the part of anon or the people he interviews/investigates

like that one disruptive clan, that had nothing to do with the stealing, yet got famous for being involved somehow (just making it well known).
