HL2 Rated "15+" by the OFLC

Evil O' Mohn said:
Bah people are so pessimistic. To think people actually believed that HL2 would be banned in Australia brings somewhat of a tear to my eye. The OFLC would never have banned HL2. No argument.

But I do agree that Australia rocks, and Americans should get over the whole free speech thing :p

i was kidding. :) yeah OFLC would of never banned it. look at the stuff that comes through. the amount of violence of HL2 compared to that is really not that a big issue. and free speech in america? i doubt it actually exists, but thats another story.... ;)
Pureball said:
should be 18+, therefore less little kids playing on the mp :E wohoo!!
If only they respected such rules in Belgium :/
When I try to play a nice game of CS on Belgian Servers, its full of 13-year old whiners either cheating or calling eachother names.