HL2 SDK set for HL2 Release


Jul 6, 2004
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Everyone is excited about the release of Half-Life 2 the game, but a lot of modders are more excited about the SDK (Software Development Kit) release.

Rumour had it, that the SDK would be released about a week prior to HL2 hitting store shelves. But HLFallout member psiphon wanted confirmation and popped a question Valve's way regarding the release date. Here's what Rick from Valve had to say:
It should be out around the same time as HL2 hits store shelves.
This is great news and I'm sure most modders can't wait.

YES!!! HL2DM here we come!

Here's to hoping it won't get delayed a year :laugh:
i aint proficcient in software developement but i just like to let people know i could be a tester if they make one
Been hearing this for a while but judging from past experience with the SDK's release it probably won’t be out until after the release.
Munro said:
Been hearing this for a while but judging from past experience with the SDK's release it probably won’t be out until after the release.

You're talking to a community that celebrated HL2's upcoming release a year ago, don't expect them to better themselves:p
Sweet stuff. 2 weeks left baby! :bounce:
This is great news. By the time I finish HL2 (which will be a day or two, and no, I won't try to run trough the game, but I will play it from beginning to end in one or two gaming sessions (not counting bathroom/food breaks)) I want to start mapping!
Have some nice ideas. =)
"It should be out around the same time" + Valve employee


Anything from december to september.
Unfortunatly, what Valve would like to happen and what will actually happen can bee two drastic scenarios.

Please take this bit with a grain of salt.
alehm said:
Unfortunatly, what Valve would like to happen and what will actually happen can bee two drastic scenarios.

Please take this bit with a grain of salt.

Dammit, you're right... Anyway, it would be nive to have the level editor after I've finished the game.
im willing to bet it wont be out until after release.
i'm sure the level editor will be out for release, it's the SDK that will probably follow within the week. I mean, this isn't CRYTEK. This is Valve.
"It should be out around the same time as HL2 hits store shelves."

Just like HL2 should have been out around Sept 30th... Yeah, don't think so.
sdk real soon

:bonce: well thats great news. i have mailed gabe on the matter [when will the sdk come out] if its not a secret i will have the answer real soon as gabe has wrote back on every email i have sent him, :E so hopefully will get a reply v soon i will post the answer if so can,t wait to reel some maps off the press :E
hmm.. i doubt it makes a difference whether the SDK is released on the 15th or 16th or whatever else date anyone comes up with just as long as the damn thing is made available.

even modders for the first month or so are gonna be playing HL2 and taking in all the eye candy :p
The level editor should ship with the game, as most of the major titles have done this in the past. The SDK is a more comprehensive software package and should include other software to help make Mods, not just levels.

I'd like them to ship that thing now. Not too soon to start making mods, I say. What we need is a mod to make CS more fun.

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