HL2, short, so-so ending a pain to get going but....(long)


rose 1138

Well i just finished HL2, also got a mem upgrade to 768mb and game loves it, now run at 1280*1024 with 2aa, high detail textures low detail water and shadows.

All this with a 64 Mb Geforce 4 ti4200!!!

anyhoo, the point, i just finished HL2 on easy mind, and i felt it was a bit short, only 20 hours play!, ending was so-so, i felt it left things way to open, but i understand HL3 should finish the story, wait with baired breath.

However, as a mark in gaming HL2 is amazing, the graphics alone are astounding, especuially on my machine which is a little slow in the GPU dept which was a pleasant surprise, doom 3 still mutters ang grumbles if i turn things up to a similar level.

The physics really come into there own, its a game in itself, especially with the blue gravity gun :E

and it is for these reasons, the look of the game, the immersion it creates for the player and never brakes from "gordons view" Valve have taken a huge step forward for game enjoyment.

The strider rooftop mission in deserted war torn city a personal fave, can't wait to play that on hard, also the sounds are stunning, im sorry but i have to get an audigy zs2 pro with 7.1 speaker system, as the sound in the game was stunning.

It goes to show, the quality of HL2 is astonishing and i havent felt this much ennoyment from a game since Tie Fighter on xmas morn many moons ago!

Its just a shame the game was so short, and ending on a a sheer drop cliffhanger oh well, pc upgrades for hl£ will keep me occupied, or broadband and play online! decidions decisions! :smoking:
20 hours is pretty much normal these days. Game developers found out that not many people actually finish these mammoth games, so they just made them shorter. And I upgraded from a 4200 because I didn't think it'd hack it, so I could have saved some money there :)
HL2 is a mediocre product, from an equally mediocre developer. It's buggy, boring and totally not compelling. I have nothing better to do than whine about it on a message board, while instead I could go on with my life and play another game instead.
might i suggest command and conquer generals, good for whiling away hours, and quite entertaining, or Dawn of war though i do play warhammer anyway (yes im 22, yes im a geek and no i don't have a girlfriend, damn my high standards!)

If not try doom 3, its okay but more of the same, and its like 30 hours of corrideors, aaarrggh, demon bang bang corridor Continue ad infinitum

HL2 mmmm a story open expanses and different method of movement as to walking.

However i accept not everyone likes thwe same things look at me, top 3 genres, FPS, strategy, flight sim! go figure
Easy is exactly what it's advertised as: easy.
I just replayed the game on easy after beating it on hard to search for hidden stuff, and it was too easy. I only died twice. :p

Hard mode is crazy good fun though. It's much more challenging. Normal is the perfect difficulty though. Easy enough to try crazy tactics, but hard enough to not be a pushover.
Yeah, playing on easy and whining about length is kinda dumb.
Yeah, go through it again on a different setting (Normal/Hard). Then come back and give us your opinion again. ;)
Take your time. Rushing through this game is not a good idea. It's only 20hrs, it's a FPS mind you, but there is a lot of good content in there.
i wasnt so much whining about the length, i did feel easy was too easy, i only died about 5 or 6 times myselfm, and thought "thats a bit of a walkover"

I think id be mnore frustrated if it took an age on hard, and the ending was all i got, but i have seen the end now, so i will be playing on hard now to see how long it takes!

The majority of us has already played through the game; you don't have to write up something that seems like it's for reference about if you should get the game or not. And yes, you should've played on normal/hard the first time if you're used to playing FPS's(everyone should, in my opinion).
Sharrd said:
The majority of us has already played through the game; you don't have to write up something that seems like it's for reference about if you should get the game or not. And yes, you should've played on normal/hard the first time if you're used to playing FPS's(everyone should, in my opinion).

Well okay i take your point on board about the difficulty i should have played on normal first but hey!

However i dont see what your getting at about me giving my review of the game, quite a few people did so over the last week or so, i couldn't get the game as i had not been paid till the 28th november, so it took a bit longer to play, however its not fair to sit there and say 'weve all finished it god, you are so behind the times' im not having a gripe at you, but some of us don't get the game on day of release and cant finish it on the day i got it so i wanted to keep my views on the game till i had finished.

Now yes on easy the game was quick though i did have a bit of a look around, nowhere near as much as i intend to when i start medium difficult, i just wanted to get to the end of the story thats why i took easy first, i read books real quick too, i just love to complete them, then i sometimes go back and read them again and you find you miss little bits, but they are not necessary to the plot but thay are fun to find its the same with my gaming

However i respect all views given on this forum :bounce: