HL2: Short Stories - Human Error Released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
We have already mentioned this release in our round-up but with HLSS being one of our favourite mods, with our local residents Au Heppa & Samon being on the team we can't help but want to spread word a little further. Human Error is one of the episodes part of the HLSS series. You play as part of a Civil Protection fighting the remaining Xenians on earth, with the ability to drive APCs and control manhacks.[br]Look out for the notable other CP characters: Eloise, Noah and Larson. Only this week were we introduced to Larson (voiced by Phillip of Planetphillip) in the song "This is Larson" written by Jonathan Lewis.[br]
<object ><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OB3vx8LTAh0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OB3vx8LTAh0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed></object>​
[br]You can download Human Error from the Half-life 2: Short stories website - ensure you get the full 1.0.2 installer or 1.0 and the patch.
Best trailer ever. Would have downloaded anyway as community support, but that definitely sold it to me.
That video was awesome! I'm hoping it performs better than ep2.
Played and finished. Quite an enjoyable experience throughout. The controllable Manhack was a really cool feature, and controlled great.
I would love to play this but I couldn't find an exe or launcher application. Restarted steam and reinstalled it, used both zip and launcher and it still isn't there.
Ah can't play this without EP2. Must wait till weekend to play.
Great Mod, emotional but still holding to a core of very entertaining game-play.

Au-Heppa, great job leading the team with Samon doing a great job of poopy pants?
LMAO at the song. Played through the mod and it was very well done... loved the controllable manhack and how it was incorporated in to the gameplay rather than just be an inconvenient weapon.
I really wish you guys had made more driving, I loved the feel of an APC. It really was like being Combine CP what with all the smashing through anything not made of concrete or brick.
This was great! Obviously lots of effort put into the models of the Xen stuff, and the new turrets.
A few glitches though, like invisible items once in a while, and sometimes laggy in the outdoor parts, but otherwise a real good mod! It wets my appetite for Black Mesa and the baddies they'll bring!

Also sniper rifle was badass, too bad it was useless most of the time, no good places for it since the game is mostly indoors. Fix that in part 2! (if there is a part 2?)
Will play tonight, after very, very long time finally some mod that I'm interested in.
I quite enjoyed it. Unique experience.

The combination (har har) of Civil Protection pride and human guilt was quite a nice mix instead of just one or the other. The introduction of those Xen creatures was a nice surprise, and I liked seeing running controllers down the hallway. As mentioned before, the controllable manhack was a nice puzzle solving feature instead of a useless weapon.

There were a few issues though. One of the bigger problems was that "your" girlfriend character was not loud enough at times over the surrounding environment sound. When she would say something, I often had to move around to try and understand what she was saying, which got to be a real pain at times.
Another problem seemed to be that there were a few arbitrary areas where enemy NPC's would spawn like crazy.

Other than that, I really liked it.
Finished today. Definitely best HL2 mod I played in last five years. Better than slightly overrated Minerva, superior storytelling (classic HL style over stupid text messaging), very innovative gameplay (manhacks!) and Xen monsters (scary Xen masters and Decay like Mantas)! I also liked NPC's with a character, stupid and cowardly team leader and tough "real leader" Eloise, door kicking scene was pure comedy, well done.

Everyone download it NOW!

PS I really don't think that Combine would let people read Milan Kundera. :D
*cough* Research & Development *cough*
Just finished it.


Almost everything. Nice pacing, good dialogue (for the most part; see cons), seeing the grunts and the controllers again, the driving segments, the new weapons, your Combine squadmates, this mod was really top-notch.


Goddamned ghost Belle. Damn, she was annoying. I mean, ok, when she first shows up she's not that bad, y'know, "Oh let's dance and frolic on the hillside and take pictures to remember this forever before I have to return my Beauty and the Beast dress." Then I assumed she died in the portal storm, and I was like, "Ok, this guy's supposed to have the tragic past of losing a loved one, and he joined up with Civil Protection after the Combine occupation. Now that backstory's out of the way, let's move on."

But then she showed up again.

And she kept showing up.

And she was like, "Oh, how could you, you're commiting genocide!" Goddamn, woman, don't you understand that aliens have taken over and wrecked our shit? I'm working for them so I can eat something that isn't goddamn gruel and so they don't tear off my limbs and give me a complimentary lobotomy.

And on the roof when she was like, "Remember when we used to come here when we both had no friends?" And I'm thinking, "Ugh, now she's a sad loner emo too. Lady, maybe YOU had no friends, but I'm ANDERS, there's no way I can be this badass of a dude and not have had any friends. Did you not just see I blew the domes off those controllers? Do you not see my fleet of manhacks? I MUST have been a cool guy back in the day, because last I checked the Combine don't supply you with implants of pure AWESOME when you join Civil Protection. Also, 'c'est la vie?' Who talks like that except ironically? Are you a hipster as well? Get the hell out of here will you? My buddies and I are trying to shoot up rebel scum."

And then she showed up at the end and started yelling at me about blah blah blah and it's like, "Goddamn, I'm glad CP is here. I'm leaving to go wipe out the Xeno menace and kill some traitors to progress. I hope they take you away to Nova Prospekt. Also, weren't you supposed to return that dress? I'm pretty sure thievery is still a crime in post-Combine society."

Also, some nerd nitpicks that aren't really cons:

Hivehands looked to be a natural part of the grunts' arms instead of being weapons they can attach and detach.

Why were the controllers speaking english and vortese? Like they'd waste their time speaking languages inferior to their shrill shrieking.

Why the heck were they working with the rebels?

And how did they get off Xen?

Yeah, I know: liberties taken for the sake of a cool game experience, but I wouldn't feel right not mentioning these things. ;)
Only having played the prologue level: Why is my girlfriend Belle from Beauty and the Beast?
Samon damn it stop infecting the other HLSSs and get back to work on Paradigm in Translation.