HL2 solutions... Important stuff.



First thing, what ever you read, don't trust it unless its an official source.
Lots of rumors, its important that you people with itchy fingures, and impatient stupid brains understand that a lot of people make up stupid stuff, so before JUMPING at some news, or FREAKING out, why dont you just go double check with something more solid?

Steam will not force online connection for single player, want to know why? there are so many reasons, ill give a couple good ones.

It would force customers with dial-up to be online, hence forcing a customer to pay an ISP to play the damn game, where is the logic in that? Steam would have to give free internet for gaming then. They wont do that. Not only that, but some people might not have internet. Some networks are private, or without internet access, what about firewalls?

Also, if your computer is too weak, an option would be overclocking. You could overclock your machine just a little, to where you dont need massive cooling, for example, my machine, amd 1700 (1.45ghz) would be as fast to even out perform a pentium 2ghz, and it was only $75.
The athlons process more information per cycle then pentiums, thats why. Now, a small OC for me takes me from 1.5ghz, to 2.1ghz, and all I have for cooling are some fans. Load temp at 45c max. STABLE. (tested with prime95). Not too bad for 500mhz+. See, so for $75, im above and beyond recommended, with additional fans ofcourse, still all WAY cheaper than Pentium processor, which burns holes in your pockets.
So if you need juice for cheap, get an athlon, and if you want more juice, Overclock some.

From the latest benchmarks test, obviously ATI is the better card as of right now for HL2, so if you dont have an ATI 9800pro or something, then you probably wont have the best gfx. Deal with it, or fork up the cash for a new card.


Give them more faith, give them the benifit of the doubt. They have been workin on the game for freakin 5 years, they are showing demos, and doing benchmarks, you really think there is much if anything left to do? you really think it will be held back?

Other games are always late because they are pre-maturaly marketed, I think after 5 years, Sierra might know what they are capable of, if they are SUPREMLY confident about sep. 30th, its for a reason. So stop asking about that.

Everyone should read the sticky thread "Info from valve only".

Very good stuff in there. Thats about it... yeah.... ok, bye.
ok bye,
/edit why make it sticky, the game is close to release, and weve heard all this.
Nice, I say make this sticky :) And change the title, it's slightly uninteresting and cryptic. something like "HL2 IMPORTANT INFO, PLEASE READ".

Yes I know you hate caps, but it gets people attention.
thats not all hardware, read it again.

Its just telling people what they always ask about. not hardware spacific.
Originally posted by exoeight
I think after 5 years, Sierra might know what they are capable of, if they are SUPREMLY confident about sep. 30th, its for a reason.

Maybe VALVE is confident about Sept 30th, but Sierra obvioiusly isn't. Telling retailers it's going to be at least 2 months late is not what I would call 'confidence'.
Where is your PROOF that they told retailers it will be 2 months late.
Retailers make those decisions on their own will, for their own reasons. Sierra has nothing to do with that.

The game will be in stores Sep. 30th.

Stop starting more rumors, "check yo self, fo!"
Originally posted by exoeight
Where is your PROOF that they told retailers it will be 2 months late.
Retailers make those decisions on their own will, for their own reasons. Sierra has nothing to do with that.

The game will be in stores Sep. 30th.

Stop starting more rumors, "check yo self, fo!"

he's just giving an estimate, its not like he's being a troll about it...relax

Btw unless you missed it, he had a 'MAYBE' in the starting sentence.
dscowboy isnt one to start rummors ... lol

hes just pointing out that Valve are the ones saying it will be released the 30th - Sierra on the other hand, have doubts - obviously - and are telling the retailers to push the dates back.

your quote should have read like;

I think after 5 years, Valve might know what they are capable of, if they are SUPREMLY confident about sep. 30th, its for a reason.
Originally posted by exoeight
First thing, what ever you read, don't trust it unless its an official source.

Steam will not force online connection for single player, want to know why? there are so many reasons, ill give a couple good ones.

It would force customers with dial-up to be online, hence forcing a customer to pay an ISP to play the damn game, where is the logic in that? Steam would have to give free internet for gaming then. They wont do that. Not only that, but some people might not have internet. Some networks are private, or without internet access, what about firewalls?

Your right to an extent. If you buy the retail version (box) you can play SP offline. The problem is that if you try MP even one time, from that point on Steam authentication will be required for everything, including single player.

The following is from the FAQ section of the Steam official site:
Do I have to be connected to the Internet when I play Steam games?

The short answer is yes.

All Steam-enabled games require you to be connected to the Internet in order to play.

Note: some Steam-enabled single-player games (such as Half-Life 2) purchased at a retail store will allow offline play until the user decides to play online or enable other Steam functionality. From that point on, an Internet connection will be required.
Originally posted by exoeight

Not only that, but some people might not have internet.

I got a brain teaser. Lets say I didn't have the internet, but as this topic suggests I got HL2 from steam. How'd I do it?