HL2-soon-to-be-website's "birds"...

Lol, how hasn't anyone have found out it yet?
They are biozeminades!!!
*cough* The "Birds" are Bats! *cough* *cough* The farther you look into space, the farther back in time see *cough*
Sorry to be a noob but....what will the Official hl2 website URL be?(half-life2.com maybe since halflife2.com is already taken by gamespy?) Sorry if this question was already asked :)
Cant believe this thread has lasted this many pages lol!
Grabbed this from another thread close by:

Here are some things from the "Everything we know about HL2" article on IGN that I hadn't heard before:

1. Headcrab varieties:

The head-crab makes an appearance in two versions now -- one sleak and sporty and one big and heavy. (There's also a flying variety but we don't want to give anyone nightmares so we won't mention it -- except to say that we're not mentioning it.)

So the little blobs are either crows or flying headcrabs.
What about them being the MANTA RAY thingies that attacked the chopper in OP4's intro?
was on another forum and found this picture posted, kind of looks like it.
LOL flying headcrabs? I hope Valve made them scary and not, "you, Gordon Freeman, must escape City 17 alive and avoid from being eating by the...killer flying headcrabs!"
Impulse147 said:
If u look at anything on timeline science you'll find that the earth is moving much slow than it did 6,500 years ago, therefore everything seems older.


Ill get Steven hawkings on your ass if you dont quit it.
steven hawking believes in evolution therefore he would not support this theory. and i'd whoop his slow talking butt in a second, but thats physically and not mentally.
Bicka said:
Cant believe this thread has lasted this many pages lol!
Grabbed this from another thread close by:

Here are some things from the "Everything we know about HL2" article on IGN that I hadn't heard before:

1. Headcrab varieties:

The head-crab makes an appearance in two versions now -- one sleak and sporty and one big and heavy. (There's also a flying variety but we don't want to give anyone nightmares so we won't mention it -- except to say that we're not mentioning it.)

So the little blobs are either crows or flying headcrabs.

TY !!!! i totally forgot where i read that!! and i searched but nada... lol.. so there u have it folks.. that explains the FLAT body they seem to have.... to.. all you "believers" at least... heh.. :naughty: ]


Edit: w00t!
Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc!

It's just a ****ing bird! It's not some flying manta ray or headcrab. Watch the docks video. When Gordon turns to the right to follow the birds that fly in front of him you can pause it so that the birds look exactly as in that picture (though it isn't the same scene it is proof enough).

If I feel like wasting my time I'll take screenshots and make a detailed comparison... but I don't feel like wasting my time right now.