Hl2 Sp Alpha Mod Released: Pilotable Strider


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, i have made a Mod where you can control via mouse input a Strider.

Is version 0.1. More features in next releases.

You can see screenshots in HL2Spain

You can find here:

Strider Mod
cool concept. i haven't fought my first strider yet, but I've seen them walking around on the level i'm currently in.
wow looks cool
downloading now

its so exciting how mods start popping around lately
I'd rather have a big mod instead of these minor ones. Also, won't somebody teach the Latin people some proper English?
Remember to read README.txt

It's no a drivable strider like a buggy. But you get into him. In next releases will add more features.

To control the strider, go into the house and USE the combine console.

As nagual says:

To navigate with the strider, point with crosshair to the ground and click ATTACK2 button (right mouse as default).


very well done
for the people wondering how to move around :
point in a direction and right click. it has to be on unoccupied ground
Good job on the mod.

It's pretty fun although there really isn't much to do. A proper SP level using this mod and designed around a Strider would be AWESOME.
wow this thing is awesome.
theres a great potential in it to make a sort of "polo" game with striders.
you have to score the tank into a goal, in a 2 or 4 players map.
Sharrd said:
I'd rather have a big mod instead of these minor ones. Also, won't somebody teach the Latin people some proper English?

The Internet doesn't have an official language. If you only want "proper English" spoken on this board, talk to the moderators. Until then try to realize how weird of a language that English is and put yourself in a Spanish-speaker's shoes.
don't be sorry. there are too many useless people in the world
TheQuartz said:
Sorry, my english is no good. :(
Don't worry about it, man. Your english is far better than my spanish. I can only string to together barely understandable sentences, and others that make absolutely no sense (i.e. "Que hora es tu nombre?" can't do accented keys, but I know where they go).
Nice job on the mod, too. Looking forward to further releases!
Sharrd said:
I'd rather have a big mod instead of these minor ones. Also, won't somebody teach the Latin people some proper English?
If you dont like his english maybe you should start learning spanish, and keep your racist comentary for yourself, you moron.
Sharrd said:
I'd rather have a big mod instead of these minor ones. Also, won't somebody teach the Latin people some proper English?
How about you learn some manners instead?

Consider this a warning, another racist comment from you and you can be speaking english elsewhere.

The Dark Elf said:
How about you learn some manners instead?

Consider this a warning, another racist comment from you and you can be speaking english elsewhere.

Awesome. Great job creator. Keep working on this. I'd love to see it as a full modification of some sort, or at least up to where JBMod is. Keep it up!
Count on TDE to hit the idiots where it hurts :D

I'm not downloading it, actually, but it seems like a good concept. I'll probably get a later version, so keep us posted!
The Dark Elf said:
How about you learn some manners instead?

Consider this a warning, another racist comment from you and you can be speaking english elsewhere.

I'm a Swede. I don't like it when Swedes are unable to speak English either. I'm just saying that it's about time the educational system in the Latin countries shapes up so that they don't waste so much time trying to learn English(same thing with Japan; they study a lot, but the system for learning is bad in itself). I understand that he might very well be at the same level of adaptation when it comes languages as, say, me. I don't think I am racistic in any way(I'm a communist; how could I be?), but I do believe that you're supposed to speak English on these forums and that English is the main language on the parts of the 'Net used worldwide.
Don't jump to conclusions just because someone else did.
Sharrd said:
I'm just saying that it's about time the educational system in the Latin countries shapes up so that they don't waste so much time trying to learn English
mwhahahaha best post ever
He's providing you with a mod he made for free, if anything, you should be making an effort to speak spanish to him.

So how about it? Spanish is spoken in more countries than your native language I believe, by your reasoning they shouldn't be teaching you anything but Spanish and English.

His english is fine, I speak Spanish and English fluently and I could understand his posts very easily. He spoke english in the thread, he didn't speak spanish did he?

Don't try to disguise your motives with lame attempts at claiming you're only telling him to follow the rules, the man posted a mod and a link in english and you gave him crap because you didn't think his english was "good enough" for you. Too bad, cram it or learn Spanish.
I added it as a side-comment. My main comment being that I think people should focus on making better mods. I didn't mention anything about how he didn't follow the rules or how I couldn't understand what he said. Like I said in the earlier post, if you had bothered to read it, I don't think that I would be better in anyway because I know better English(unless, of course, he's faking). By my reasoning, their educational system should get better; I never said anything about that you shouldn't get to learn your native language. They don't get out as much from their studying as they could is all.

This is REALLY cool. I cannot emphasize enough how good of a job you have done... and the entire remote access thing is just way too cool... if in a mod this could add some SERIOUS strategy to infiltrate/destroy a Combine Bunker to stop the Striders!!

I think how you have made the Strider move is EXCELLENT. Great idea and well implemented. I really like it and I think it is balanced just right. Can you maybe make the Crosshair Green for a movable position and Red for positions you cannot move?

I few things I noticed (some comments, some bugs, some suggestions):

-When you hold 'Z' for zoom the gun shoots MUCH faster than normal. Fast enough to push over the large dumpsters. I was able to wipe out 20 citizens in a matter of seconds.

-Is there a secondary fire like in the game? The big disintegrating gun, is it in the mod? If not, could it be added?

-Can you add an option to step on guys like in the game? If you spawn a strider and citizens the Strider will step through guys... can this be implemented some how? Maybe a 'Jab' setup... have 'A' be left front and 'D' be right front, so when not walking you can JAB the feet.

-Maybe change the POV, maybe even remove the head when inside? It shakes a lot when moving, hopefully there is a way to fix this.

-The RPG rockets are much slower. sv_cheats 1, impulse 101 and try it out.

-I was able to walk over the wall, or at least through it (was able to shoot a table over the wall also).

-Again, maybe make the crosshair make green for places you can move and red for places you cannot.

Again, GREAT JOB!! I cannot wait for more great mods!
Acert93 said:
if in a mod this could add some SERIOUS strategy to infiltrate/destroy a Combine Bunker to stop the Striders!!!

Agreed. If some mod team really is going to go through with the whole "Combine vs. Resistance" theme, they should at least consider using this(later version of it, of course).
Awesome. But, not sure if this is a bug or not, if you hold Z while you shoot....you shoot about 8 bajillion triliion rounds per second.
Bump. This and the Ant Lion mod should be front page stuff :) Great work!

Ps- to the guy who made the Strider mod, could you also add an elevation option so you can lift and lower the head? That would be neat also.
justmatt said:
The Internet doesn't have an official language. If you only want "proper English" spoken on this board, talk to the moderators. Until then try to realize how weird of a language that English is and put yourself in a Spanish-speaker's shoes.

well said

or if you only want 'proper english' you could start dragging non-english people out into the street and shoot them all in the face

I wonder how good this dickhead's german is
Du nicht so good ... deustch?

Anyways, good job, keep up the great work.
Sharrd said:
I'm a Swede. I don't like it when Swedes are unable to speak English either. I'm just saying that it's about time the educational system in the Latin countries shapes up so that they don't waste so much time trying to learn English(same thing with Japan; they study a lot, but the system for learning is bad in itself). I understand that he might very well be at the same level of adaptation when it comes languages as, say, me. I don't think I am racistic in any way(I'm a communist; how could I be?), but I do believe that you're supposed to speak English on these forums and that English is the main language on the parts of the 'Net used worldwide.
Don't jump to conclusions just because someone else did.

What the fu*k do you know about 'educational systems in Latin countries'? Obviously not much, because if you did, you would refrain from making such unintelligible comments. If 'broken English,' a phenomenon caused by the detrimental state of the educational systems in "Latin countries" (according to you), aggravates you to the point of it causing the necessity of its expression in this boards, then why don't you take the initiative to remedy this 'shortcoming' by teaching Latin peoples 'proper English'? While at it mind to learn Spanish. Properly.

If you think you are not in a position to do so, I suggest you keep silent.

BTW: I am "Latin"...