Hl2 Sp Alpha Mod Released: Pilotable Strider

I need to know where to put the file into which folder/directory.

For example: hl2/material/etc...
Combine Hybrid said:
I need to know where to put the file into which folder/directory.

For example: hl2/material/etc...

Put the stridermod folder in "half-life 2", not hl2.
PlayingMantis said:
What the fu*k do you know about 'educational systems in Latin countries'? Obviously not much, because if you did, you would refrain from making such unintelligible comments. If 'broken English,' a phenomenon caused by the detrimental state of the educational systems in "Latin countries" (according to you), aggravates you to the point of it causing the necessity of its expression in this boards, then why don't you take the initiative to remedy this 'shortcoming' by teaching Latin peoples 'proper English'? While at it mind to learn Spanish. Properly.

If you think you are not in a position to do so, I suggest you keep silent.

BTW: I am "Latin"...

Well said.
Someone help me. It doesn't even have a readme file to instruct me where to put the file into.
I tried running it in HL2 deathmatch and the console didn't work... it just sat there when i click on it :(

i wonder how hard it would be to get working in multiplayer

EDIT: Do you have a website or anything where we can track the progress of this mod?
There's no read me txt file. There's only strider mod file when I download it. Someone can tell me where to put the file?
Combine Hybrid said:
There's no read me txt file. There's only strider mod file when I download it. Someone can tell me where to put the file?

Extract it with winrar first. Then copy the newly extracted StriderMod folder to your steam etc etc "half-life 2" folder
There is a readme in the zip in the Strider folder.

Step one: You want to put it in the path below if you Installed HL2/Steam on C:\Program Files\

C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\***YOUR USERNAME***\half-life 2

Just put it in that folder.

Step two: Make a new HL2 shortcut. You need to run HL2 like this:

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console +map_background none

Step Three: Load the map. Once in the game you need to open the console (~) and type:

map quartz_strider_playground

The reason the AI does not work in HL2DM is because this is a single player mod and the AI only works in HL2, not DM.

Good luck.
Acert93 said:
Step two: Make a new HL2 shortcut. You need to run HL2 like this:

"C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console +map_background none

I don't have a folder or file call "steam.exe". Do I have to create one? And what is "-applaunch 220 -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console +map_background none"? Do I have to create that folder or what?
That was my command line (I disable the 3D intro screen, but is not needed for this mod... I just left it in just because).

If you would read the README.TXT found in the zipped Strider folder ALL the instructions are there.

This is the shortcut path from the README:

"c:\Program Files\valve\steam\steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console

Just right click on the desktop and select NEW and SHORTCUT. Btw, you do have steam.exe if you are running HL2. If you cannot get it to work through the readme and the instructions I gave I would suggest waiting for the mod to progress and have an installation package. The steps are pretty straight forward: 1) Unzip the file in your HL2 folder 2) Make a new shortcut with the proper command path from above 3) Start up the mod by double clicking your next shortcut 4) and open the map through the console.

Ps- If you bought HL2 you should have a Steam folder somwhere. I did the default install... if you did something else you will need to hunt it down.
Acert93 said:
If you would read the README.TXT found in the zipped Strider folder ALL the instructions are there.

That's the problem, when I download the file, there's only mod file but not txt file.

This is the shortcut path from the README:

"c:\Program Files\valve\steam\steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console

2) Make a new shortcut with the proper command path from above
How do I make a command path?

By the way, all files I see are .dll files inclduing steam.dll but I don't see steam.exe file....
Quartz, your english is better than a lot of people's on this forum.
there's a readme inside the StriderMod folder
you seriously don't know what a command path is?
Oh wow.

RIght click > Properties > Target

and then use the paths above for reference.

Neat mod :)
And I can't find this steam.exe file! Guess I can't play this mod.

"c:\Program Files\valve\steam\steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -game StriderMod -console
Nevermind, I created the shortcut, but whenever I try to play it, it says
"Error! gameinfo.txt doesn't exist in StriderMod."
I am a full blooded Portuguese and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my English, infact it's a heck of a lot better than my Portuguese (pretty much due to me living in New Zealand since I was 6 years old)!

Be careful when making sweeping statements that affects a race that spans across multiple countries and continents. In that single side comment you managed to include all the people hailing from countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, The Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Can you honestly claim to know the educational systems of each and every one of these countries listed above? Can you honestly claim that each and every single person from any of the above countries, including myself, needs to be better educated in the English language?
Enough with the language discussion.

combine hybrid... create a shortcut to HL2, then right click > properties > target

Aight combine, take that entire StriderMOD folder that was in the rar, and drag and drop it into the Half-Life 2 folder... then the target for game should be StriderMOD (not sure if it's case-sensitive, but for safety's sake for you)

The mod is actually alright, just puts the camera up by strider, and then when in the strider mouse1/2 do different npc_ commands, but still cool effect :)

Check out these things I took :D 3 cool screens of me about to get stabbed by strider, and then the strider aftermath of stabbing fun and I asked if it was fun and the strider totally raised his foot :D see it for yourself! demo included!

Eu também sou português! :) Olá! :P Mas eu falo mal inglês pra c*ralho lol...

I think that i did something wrong! When I load the map, it says "ai disable" and the both the metrocops and the strider won't move! If I go to the strider, I can only shoot, I can't move it! And i did that console thing, but it appears only in the start of the game, if i quit the console once, i can not put it on again, iven if I press "\" "~" or "ç" ! Please, help me!
Sharrd said:
I'd rather have a big mod instead of these minor ones. Also, won't somebody teach the Latin people some proper English?

Did your mother shake you as a baby?

Someone took the time and effort to make this and you have to go and insult them for nothing. Someone has some insecurities.
MigaS_tX said:
I think that i did something wrong! When I load the map, it says "ai disable" and the both the metrocops and the strider won't move! If I go to the strider, I can only shoot, I can't move it! And i did that console thing, but it appears only in the start of the game, if i quit the console once, i can not put it on again, iven if I press "\" "~" or "ç" ! Please, help me!

Do you have AI issues with HL2 at all? Make sure you did not disable them in the game maybe... Where did you buy HL2?
MigaS_tX said:
Eu também sou português! :) Olá! :P Mas eu falo mal inglês pra c*ralho lol...

I think that i did something wrong! When I load the map, it says "ai disable" and the both the metrocops and the strider won't move! If I go to the strider, I can only shoot, I can't move it! And i did that console thing, but it appears only in the start of the game, if i quit the console once, i can not put it on again, iven if I press "\" "~" or "ç" ! Please, help me!

go into the console and type ai_disable
Revenge said:
I am a full blooded Portuguese and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my English, infact it's a heck of a lot better than my Portuguese (pretty much due to me living in New Zealand since I was 6 years old)!

Be careful when making sweeping statements that affects a race that spans across multiple countries and continents. In that single side comment you managed to include all the people hailing from countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, The Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Can you honestly claim to know the educational systems of each and every one of these countries listed above? Can you honestly claim that each and every single person from any of the above countries, including myself, needs to be better educated in the English language?

You're right. Sorry about that, it was clumsily formulated and turned out way too generalizing than I intended it to be. And I meant to say Latin countries, so I don't claim that if my family had moved to, say, Spain when I was little, I would've learned English more easily than my fellow students(still would have been rather clumsily formulated, since I know alot of Latin countries are good at teaching English). But still, it was added as a Goddamn side-comment and people having been talking about it through the whole thread, making false accusations of things I didn't even mention or had already clarified.
I made a mistake, get over it; I won't kill you.

MiGas_tX: Sure you didn't try moving with your usual movement keys? Because as the modmaker said, you have to point-click to move.
I bought HL2 at Worten, a portuguese store of games (I dunno if it is internacional), pc's and all that stuff.

My console appears just on the beggining, I load a map, and it continues there. If I close it, I can't bring it back! If i press "~" ; "\" or "ç" it doesn't appears!

Now the major problem: if I run Antilon Troopers mod, or this one, it appears "AI disable" . The antilon troopers map doesn't work, I waited about 10 minutes and then a message appeared saying "you survived to the horror" .

In this one, neither the metrocops or the Strider move. I went to the machine in the room, I was in strider's head, but I can only shoot. It won't move. I tried to click with all the 7 buttons of my mouse ( :P ) and it won't move, but when I click with the right mouse it makes a noise.

I did all the things, I have a legitimate game, and I pointed with the mouse to an empty area. Please, help me...
does work i'll give you that, for a alpha its great..now you need some more features on the strider, and more baddys, waves of them :)
Wow! That's extreamly nice! Can't belive you got it to work like this :D Now all we need is for you to start a mod team and get strider fights working ;)!
Iced_Eagle said:
Enough with the language discussion.

combine hybrid... create a shortcut to HL2, then right click > properties > target

Aight combine, take that entire StriderMOD folder that was in the rar, and drag and drop it into the Half-Life 2 folder... then the target for game should be StriderMOD (not sure if it's case-sensitive, but for safety's sake for you)

The mod is actually alright, just puts the camera up by strider, and then when in the strider mouse1/2 do different npc_ commands, but still cool effect :)

Check out these things I took :D 3 cool screens of me about to get stabbed by strider, and then the strider aftermath of stabbing fun and I asked if it was fun and the strider totally raised his foot :D see it for yourself! demo included!


I can't open the files from rar mod file. When I download the mod, this is the only file I get.

Great work on the mod!

As for the whole English thing, I hate when people make fun of others for speaking their second language incorrectly. In some cases third or fourth.

I can't speak any other language than English well, so even if they speak say..one language decent, and one language really good, they're better than me for it. However, making fun of someone who isn't mentally disabled, and can't speak their mother tounge language correctly, and also do not speak any other language, is in my opinion, acceptable.
I found a silly trick! :P

Use Impulse 101 to get the HEV, then pilot the strider. Now, use zoom and press the fire key. Have fun!
How do I open the .rar file? It asys,

"choose the program you want to use to open this file".
go download powerarchiver...

It's like a .zip, but a .rar.
dear god.


search winrar

click it

click the happy little button that says "download"

hopefully you can figure the rest out.