HL2 Steam offers available Thursday (and CS:S)

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Does anyone know if you be allowed to make hard backups of HL2? It would be a real bummer if my system crashed and I had to download 2.5(?)Gb again. :dozey:
ElFuhrer said:
Wait, this means the full version of CS:S is coming tomorrow morning! How the hell do they expect me to sit a school knowing CS:S is waiting, whispering, "plaaaayyyy meeee, fuuuccckk scchhoollll....."

LMAO, I feel you brother, but you know what, **** SCHOOL, im skipping tomorrow and friday to play :cheers:
May I ask how you know it's $10??

Or are you just theroretically saying if it was $10 difference would you pay? :P

I'm considering getting the GOLD package... although I'm not sure how much it will cost
metal6501 said:
how much in uk pounds is silver gold i a bit thick
google has a converter...

yeah ramm, an extra $10 for both those games seems like a darn good deal, but the fact that they are almost giving dod:S away for free makes me wonder...
I am happy because I get to play something...

I am disapointed because I thought the whole point of a direct to user platform like Steam was to reduce cost to the buyer and seller therefore Valve makes more money and the fans save money. But we are paying the same price for an item that has to be burned to a CD, have manuals and boxes printed, and paid freight to be shipped all over the world.

So Steam is a platform to make Valve money and we don't save a dime.
Doubt I can buy it tommrow.. hope I can.
Demonmerc said:
Why yes, I am...

I dunno, HL:S doesn't really appeal to me, and call of duty is better than dod.

Plus they aren't out yet...

CoD is indeed better than DoD, DoD being the old half life 1 engine DoD, but not DoD:Source :afro:
The Gold package is £50. Probably worth it, though no box and stuff, you know the important things ;)
alehm said:
I am happy because I get to play something...

I am disapointed because I thought the whole point of a direct to user platform like Steam was to reduce cost to the buyer and seller therefore Valve makes more money and the fans save money. But we are paying the same price for an item that has to be burned to a CD, have manuals and boxes printed, and paid freight to be shipped all over the world.

So Steam is a platform to make Valve money and we don't save a dime.

I just put down $10 to reserve the retail release of HL2 (didn't know about this deal when I did that) and my local EB told me the full price would be $55 for the non-collector's edition, so you are saving $5 (about the cost of boxes, manuals, and the jewel cases they better have.)

I win! Without even clicking that link posey sent..
1 million buys the game through steam tomorrow and now Valve is 50-100 million $ richer :O
CB | Para said:
(PST) = GMT-0800

So that would make it around 7:00pm?

I would think so yes - great stuff huh!?

Steams servers will go ballistic with people trying to input their CC details....think I'll wait till the rush dies down a bit to be honest!
For ****'s sake... I'll get to play for a half-hour before I have to go to a class. :P Forshizzledammit! It's the WoW stress test all over again!

Haha... cool, though. :)
alehm said:
I am disapointed because I thought the whole point of a direct to user platform like Steam was to reduce cost to the buyer and seller therefore Valve makes more money and the fans save money. But we are paying the same price for an item that has to be burned to a CD, have manuals and boxes printed, and paid freight to be shipped all over the world.

So Steam is a platform to make Valve money and we don't save a dime.

for emphasis... :monkee:
Shuzer said:

I win! Without even clicking that link posey sent..

im hoping people can look at that link so they don't have to ask anymore
The list of items in the Gold edition states "Half Life Collector's Box". I assume that it would be the HL2 box....but never know. What say all of you?
Normally I'd delete the duplicate thread, but you both posted at exactly the same time :|

Threads merged :)
PostalTape said:
The list of items in the Gold edition states "Half Life Collector's Box". I assume that it would be the HL2 box....but never know. What say all of you?

That's what I'd like to know as well :)

And thanks Chris!
Great news. Gold here I come. I wonder what "Half-Life Collector's box" means. Will they send me a CE box together with the extras or what? *hopes they can send the games on cd too*
Silver = £33.66

Hurray for the good GBP --> USD exchange rate :)
poseyjmac said:
im hoping people can look at that link so they don't have to ask anymore

You kidding? someguy made a thread just asking about the timezones :laugh:
People are getting excited because they're allowed to hand over their cash for a product they don't know when to receive and in stead get to shove off with only a tarted up version of a free third party mod?

Strange world.
rammstein said:



I'd like to add that it's 8am thursday here in Australia... How long to I have to wait god damnit!

Will be available from 4:00am on Friday morning here in Aus dude.
Great news. Gold here I come. I wonder what "Half-Life Collector's box" means. Will they send me a CE box together with the extras or what? *hopes they can send the games on cd too*

Ooh, good point! Someone needs to check with Cliffe on that; I'd order Gold as soon as it was available (despite being a 56ker) if they included a CD/DVD version of HL2 in the aforementioned box...
OH YEAH BABY! Man, that good news came just when it wasn't looking good for CS:S to come out this week!

Looks like I'm going to be real "sick" tomorrow. cough, cough...can't make it to work :devil:

Gold edition all the way to my credit card please!
I wonder if they can keep up with the demands for the extras... Seems unlikely. And I bet they will be totally destroyed by customs too ;(
My wife and i just yesterday agreed to a spending freeze. I have to break that agreement. Must have at least silver edition, maybe gold if i can sweet talk her some.
yeah..what is the "collectors box"?
the hl2 CE packaging?